Welcome these two :)


Gimp dog....KADARK!
Yeah, Pitbulls do kill kids.

Fuck even a doberman will let go.
An unstable pitbull is lethal.

Lethal? Maybe for pussy, girly-men like you who garden and sit with their legs crossed. Men like myself enjoy the company of a solid, formidable, protective, territorial pitbull. Is my pitbull lethal? No, because it wasn't trained to be. So yeah, go do something gay like gardening, or ... or watching cricket, or fawning over kitty pictures. But please, man, do me a favor and stop talking with me. Fuck, you're making John99 look conversable right about now.

Kadark the Champion
So your pitbull is a pussy? hehe

No, it just doesn't attack people in a lethal manner at random. Does that make it a pussy? Hell no! However, if three goons came into my house and were looking for trouble, then my pitbull would become possessed by his bloodwrath and he'd be fuckin' more niggas than Napster.

"Fuckin' more niggas than Napster" ... that is so unbelievably clever.

Fuck I love Ice Cube.

Kadark the Brutal
Just a curious point Kadark, although you wish not to commune with me, why do you use the Americanised spelling of favour?
You know without enough vowels.
Yeah, Pitbulls do kill kids.

Fuck even a doberman will let go.
An unstable pitbull is lethal.

Thats true. Dobermans and especially German Shepherds have different temperaments. Pit Bulls are like sociopaths of the canine family. Like i said they were invented by humans anyway from cross breeding and now we are stuck with a mentally retarded dog with huge muscles.

But if Kadarks dog can live to old age then i guess it will be ok. I am not telling him to destroy the animal.
What was that noise? Sounded like some nasal woman being raped by the gang bang squad. Hmm ... that noise bore a striking resemblance to this ultra-faggot "Spud Empress" I once talked to.

Kadark the Bloody
Whats wrong Kadark?

Nothing's wrong with me, sweetheart. In fact, after prolonged exposure to Spud Empress, I can't help but feel a little attracted to you. You're not really a guy, are you? Your username is probably an honest typo ... I bet you really meant to say "Joanne99", right?

Are you 18 yet?

Kadark the Proud
Kadark the unravelling impressario with no ability whatsoever at flamewars....pathetic.
Absolutely in the sandpit( how poignant!)
Kadark the unravelling impressario with no ability whatsoever at flamewars....pathetic.
Absolutely in the sandpit( how poignant!)

Hmm ... so why did you PM me insults instead of handling your business like a true champion, homie? Ah, I can see you've dusted the cobwebs off the classic, How to Save Face After Being Anally-Ravaged in an Internet Flamewar, written by our very own lucifers_angel. She tried this same bullshit on me a few months ago, and it was the biggest mistake of her life (and trust me, that's saying something!). I'm just curious, though: if such methods failed disastrously in the past, then why try using them again? Isn't there a prestigious quote about history that everybody has heard before? Something to do with learning history, or being doomed to repeat it.

Anyway, your efforts in this "flamewar" (is it really a "flamewar", or a completely lopsided ass-raping?) have been unrecognizable, at best. If you resign from this massacre and agree to eat a dick, then I may (may) let you off the hook.

Kadark the Mamba
Heh, looking forward to it. And cut Kadark some slack, I took his original post about pussies for pussies as a light joke. I didn't think the serious "pitt bulls need to put down" thing was apropos.
You're going to kick me out of your thread even after I suggested two wonderful names for your cats? This is betrayal on level with Judas. You know what, Enmos? You don't have to name your cats Bebop and Rocksteady, but that's your own loss entirely. I really thought you were a good guy.

Kadark the Killer
Hmm ... so why did you PM me insults instead of handling your business like a true champion, homie? Ah, I can see you've dusted the cobwebs off the classic, How to Save Face After Being Anally-Ravaged in an Internet Flamewar, written by our very own lucifers_angel. She tried this same bullshit on me a few months ago, and it was the biggest mistake of her life (and trust me, that's saying something!). I'm just curious, though: if such methods failed disastrously in the past, then why try using them again? Isn't there a prestigious quote about history that everybody has heard before? Something to do with learning history, or being doomed to repeat it.

Anyway, your efforts in this "flamewar" (is it really a "flamewar", or a completely lopsided ass-raping?) have been unrecognizable, at best. If you resign from this massacre and agree to eat a dick, then I may (may) let you off the hook.

Kadark the Mamba

Kadark the Transparent.
You're going to kick me out of your thread even after I suggested two wonderful names for your cats? This is betrayal on level with Judas. You know what, Enmos? You don't have to name your cats Bebop and Rocksteady, but that's your own loss entirely. I really thought you were a good guy.

Kadark the Killer

Hmm.. I thought you were looking for trouble when you posted that comment about cats being for women and girly men.
If you were only joking I take back what I said.
Just stop fucking up this thread any further, ok ?