Welcome these two :)

I loved how in that video the black cat sneaked up under the white one into the igloo, that was so sleek.
Some new pictures:




This thread passed me by, but
All I have to do is read 800+ posts and then go to some other site to get the pictures and I'm up to date.

This thread passed me by, but
All I have to do is read 800+ posts and then go to some other site to get the pictures and I'm up to date.


You can just go to the other site if you want to see the pictures. No need to read through 800+ pages :p
Nice Pics.
Re your Fly Agarics.
There is a wood near me where these are so common, they are like bluebells.

One of my cats (Klaas) got run over by a car yesterday. And, frankly, I don't feel much like posting.
The x-rays show that his pelvis is fractured and that his sacrum was partially torn off his spine. Also, one of his hind legs is dislocated and it can't be set without surgery because the socket is damaged.
You can imagine in how much pain he was. I just can't get the screams out of my head.
I have to take him to a specialist in Amsterdam tomorrow who is going to operate him. The vet here says that he has good chances of complete recovery, although I'm not really buying the 'complete' part.
Anyway, I'm hoping he will be alright, at least.
