weird shit


Registered Senior Member
ok me and a friend were smoking weed and we also did some dxm which is a dissociative then later we went to the YMCA and went in the jacuzzi there were other people in there. I went in and relaxed i started hearing the faint sound of music it was going really slow then it started speeding up to a regular pace it sounded like one of those wind up music boxes that plays a lulaby i have a feeling that that music was from my friends memory from early childhood then when more people entered and he got distracted i heard a bunch of jumbled noise swallowing the music and eventually ending.
This really happened i dont know if it was the drugs or what but it was insane
luciddreamer8605 said:
prolly got laced shit ... ive done and seen alot of crazy stuff when on drugs

Probably not. First of all, it's impossible to get laced DXM because you buy it in the drugstore. In addition, laced weed almost never happens.

The fact is, you were on drugs, and it was probably the drugs that caused you to think what you did.
well depends where you buy your stuff ... you may not get laced stuff but i do all the time .... im refering to windex and other chemicals applied onto the weed itself during the drying phase ... but he was just seeing himself come down from the actual high and then the dxm kicking in that would be why the sound sped up and slowed down
It was a drug induced halucination... There is no way you can actualy know that it was your friends memory or that you yourself had never heard that lulaby.
sounds like drugs mess up the normal functioning of the brain. surprise!

That said, in meditation (while sober), it is possible to hear different sounds which the brain give off. High-pitched wails, lower-tonal vibrations; music and visual stimuli, possibly bleeding from the memory portions of the brain into the audio and visual cortexs.
The brain is an amazing thing.
Maybe you dont know what your talking about. your were stoned. I hear crazy shit when I'm stoned all the time. you want to hear some really crazy shit, hang toilet paper from the ceilings, turn on a black light and eat about 4 grams of mushrooms. That'll make you hear all sorts of memories. :m: :m:
not insane, my mind plays back songs - like a mental mp3 player - i use this when i drive long distances or for meditation, you mind can do anything as long as you dont freak out,. dont freak out .