Weird, or just me?


Satan is a Nerd
Registered Senior Member
Somebody at my school has a "mixed religion", she's part pagan/wiccan, part christian, part buddha worshipper whatever, and a lot of other stuff, very strange
So? She's just a little mixed up and trying to find her way in the world - just like you.
Good for her, a consideration for a diversity of ideas is healthy. Her reasons are probably less philosophical, and more having to do with relating to friends.
thats awesome, we all should take after your friend and try to incorporate as many positive beliefs in our life that we can. its important not to take any of them too seriously, but to realize that there is wisdom in them all. :)
kornrulz said:
Somebody at my school has a "mixed religion", she's part pagan/wiccan, part christian, part buddha worshipper whatever, and a lot of other stuff, very strange

Actually, Angels came to me with a plan to reconcile the World Religions. Already the Catholic Religious Orders are paving the way. Catholic Contemplative Orders have for the last several decades been opening up communications with the Buddhist and Hindu Religious Orders and Ashrams. They go on retreats to each others Holy Shrines and practice each others meditative techniques.

I myself had been dismissive of Wicca until an Angel came to me in a dream Vision and told me to desist with gratuitious insults and be more conciliatory toward Wicca, which may appear in all form and content to be an obvious Satan Worship, yet that is all upon the surface and when the underlying moralities and ethics of the Wicca Movement are examined in detail, they come out as really not so bad.
Actually, Angels came to me with a plan to reconcile the World Religions. Already the Catholic Religious Orders are paving the way. Catholic Contemplative Orders have for the last several decades been opening up communications with the Buddhist and Hindu Religious Orders and Ashrams. They go on retreats to each others Holy Shrines and practice each others meditative techniques.

I myself had been dismissive of Wicca until an Angel came to me in a dream Vision and told me to desist with gratuitious insults and be more conciliatory toward Wicca, which may appear in all form and content to be an obvious Satan Worship, yet that is all upon the surface and when the underlying moralities and ethics of the Wicca Movement are examined in detail, they come out as really not so bad.

How in any form or content does Wicca come across as being "obvious satan worship"?
when will people learn... you should shun all religions, they only get in the way.
SnakeLord said:
How in any form or content does Wicca come across as being "obvious satan worship"?

Wicca traces its roots to Witchcraft which draws its power from Satan and the Demons of Hell. However, what probably happened was that the adherents to Witchcraft, being influenced so heavily by a Ubiquitously Moral Christian Culture, lost their stomach for selling their Souls to Satan and instead slowly changed their Alligence to the Angels of God's Love and the Collective Community. They became embarrassed by the traditional Money Makers of Curses and Love Charms and began to explore the more legitmate concerns of the Spiritual Quest and ameliorating Human Suffering.

But at the Ceremonial and Ritualistic Level, it still looks much the same as it did when they were still Worshipping Satan.
Wicca traces its roots to Witchcraft which draws its power from Satan and the Demons of Hell. However, what probably happened was that the adherents to Witchcraft, being influenced so heavily by a Ubiquitously Moral Christian Culture, lost their stomach for selling their Souls to Satan and instead slowly changed their Alligence to the Angels of God's Love and the Collective Community. They became embarrassed by the traditional Money Makers of Curses and Love Charms and began to explore the more legitmate concerns of the Spiritual Quest and ameliorating Human Suffering.

Can you substantiate any of this? (namely the involvement of 'satan' or 'demons of hell' anywhere along it's history)
SnakeLord said:
Can you substantiate any of this? (namely the involvement of 'satan' or 'demons of hell' anywhere along it's history)

I've been to some Ceremonies. In one, the Master of Ceremonies actually went by the name of Lucifer. He gave me the creeps. But then the next week when I was in charge of the Salvation Army Lunch Station so that the usual Salvation Army Personnel could take the Sabbath Day off, here came Lucifer Himself to make sandwiches and help feed the Poor. So one has just to shake one's head and see that Satanic Forms have been taken over by Essentially Christian Substance. While Satan was successful in taking the Protestant Christian Churches away from Christ, it seems that Christ was equally successful in taking Satan's Church away from Satan. The Zoroastrians turned out to be correct, that the World is a Battleground between Good and Evil and both Sides have their successes and failures and we can often see the Battle going both ways.
Depending on the way you interpret them, both beliefs Buddhist & Christianity aspire to the same thing to be nice to each other (peaceful) and to keep your body healthy (mind away from sin).
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hahahahah ohhhh Leo, you don't half make me i the only one here who intuits you ar takin the piss....windin us up? now how do i translate those terms to american? 'takin a rise'...?

whateverrrrrrrrr heheheh

of course....achem...forgive me if i'm wrong. but you MUST BE aint yaaaaa????(worried expression?
I've been to some Ceremonies. In one, the Master of Ceremonies actually went by the name of Lucifer. He gave me the creeps. But then the next week when I was in charge of the Salvation Army Lunch Station so that the usual Salvation Army Personnel could take the Sabbath Day off, here came Lucifer Himself to make sandwiches and help feed the Poor.

So you think that because a man has the name Lucifer that an entire belief system must be based upon devil worship?

No offence Leo, but that is daft. I would suggest you spend some time actually studying it's history rather than 'make-believing' one on the basis of one persons name.
In the way of Rape, Pillage, Exploitation, Burning and Mayhem.

Yeah, because nobody religious has ever done any of those things *rolls eyes*

Religion by its own nature promotes irrational thinking. if your religion tells you that a certain person/thing/place was most important to your religion, and therefore more important than anything on earth, wouldn't that mean (if you took your religion seriously) you must to destroy anything necessary to protect it? including the whole world?

it is that chain of logic that flew planes into the world trade centers, blew up train stations, and countless numbers of people throughout the centuries. moreover, these people are not wrong. they have religion EXACTLY right. The problem is in religion, not the interpretation of it.

the bottom line is: morality is not divine command, it is man made and works best when people think rationally.
kornrulz said:
Somebody at my school has a "mixed religion", she's part pagan/wiccan, part christian, part buddha worshipper whatever, and a lot of other stuff, very strange

Bullshit. She doesn't actually fit into any of these faiths if she claims to be all of them simultaneously. She simply does not understand the implications of calling oneself, say, a Christian.

She's just trying to be "tolerant" and "open minded", yet unfortunately she is probably neither.
hmmmm, it COULD actually be possible, but you'd need a totally radical mind change

for example, have you heard of chaos magick, and the meta-belief? this means that they will see that ANY belief is just that, A belief. and it can be used for magick. and as soon used discarded with
this means that what they are doing is seeing through the literalization and deifying on 'one real truth'...their saying is : 'nothing is tru, everything is permitted'

whether you believe THAT is entirely up to you. i am not a chaos magickian, jus think it's interesting to know about