Weight prejudice(?)


Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
Well, Im sorry to bitch and complain and sorry if I seem a bit shallow for posting this but....

Why is when a fat person dresses nice, puts some makeup on and does their hair - they are flooded with compliments?
Whereas if a skinny person does this, they are given dirty looks?

Also, why is okay to tease skinny kids and not okay to tease fat kids? I was tormented for years about my weight (which wasnt a big deal to anyone but me) but if I called someone fat - I would get suspended?


Groove on
There is no answer to this.

Like that girl on Law And Order. There's always been compliments towards her, how great she is and such.

Then Ally gets constantly made fun of for her weight.

My guess is, eventually we'll be sensitized to this. Just give it time

Damn, I gotta do something but when I have more time I have something to add to this topic.
Hey, I never thought about Ally/Law and Order. But yes, that is what Im talking about. Like when I tell people I was ridiculed the whole 12 years of school, for being underweight - people will role their eyes and say "Well thats not a bad thing, being teased for being too skinny." I just dont get it, it hurts no matter what your being teased about.

The compliments issue - I think thats more of a jealousy issue than a weight one. O well.....

Take care
This is an interesting question, I don't think I've ever seen anyone at least in real life make fun of anyone for being skinny. I think that the joke is, at least with Ally Mcbeal and maybe others, is that the jokERs are implying that they just don't eat or are bulimic or something (take the SNL skit line-where they had her body as a puppet because she was so skinny-"I just don't have time to EAT).

But I think that if anyone calls you skinny just buck up and say "You're damn straight fatass now aren't you late for the third lunch of the day at mkeedee's?'

I don't really think it's okay to tease anyone about their weight or their looks, humans define themselves on what other people think about them (for the most part, we're very social creatures). Jokes about how terrible we look will really stick, as will compliments on how good we look (i.e just today someone (female) suggested that I take off my shirt NO JOKE :D:D:D). Just don't comment on how someone looks unless you honestly think they look good. It really matters.
I believe you meant 'remeMber,' psycho potaTOE. Wow that is a real freshmany name. Nothing like mine of course.
Okay, let me ask everyone this:
Would you have more symathy for an overweight person or an underweight person?
Neither, my answer is circumstancial....

which brings me to my post.....

What is wrong with loosing respect for an overweight individual? When I know someone who is overweight because of lack of exercise and poor eating habits (NOT an uncontrollable medical condition), I loose some respect for them. I can still respect them and be friends with them, I just loose some respect because of this. Is that wrong? That's not to say I wouldn't offer my help if they want it. I just loose some respect.

I see no reason to have pride in being overweight. Yet many organizations seem to deem it a great thing. Why?
I never really knew that what you were talking about goes on, more compliments to an overweight person. All I know is what went on with me. I was overweight and harrassed unmercilessly until I changed my body through a sh*t load of hard work. I still get some bad comments but very few, and now if anyone comments on my weight or physical fitness - I beat them. I can't help it, even though this summer I stopped being angry or violent, that's the one button if pushed too many times will make me snap. Don't be nicer to overweight people, however, don't be cruel. Its not always that they don't get off the sofa, and besides those remarks are painful: very painful.
teasing of ANY kind hurts

Yes i know this for a fact (and it wasn't about my weight)
Here's some things that i've learned over the years through many very challenging experiences:

All that essentially matters is what you think of yourself. It's always your choice of whether or not to allow what other people think of you to affect what you think about yourself.

When we allow our happiness and sense of joy to be dependent on other people, we are setting ourselves up for eventual disappointment and frustration, to the degree that we've allowed this to happen... In other words, the more dependent you allow your love to be, the more you're setting yourself up for a fall. Currently however, i would say that the majority of people -- whether they realize it or not -- see dependency relationships as being healthy and desirable, because that's what they were indirectly taught by their family when growing up. They see a dependency relationship as being indicative of a loving relationship, because they have yet to experience otherwise.

A person's ego is fear-oriented by its very nature. It's the ego that cares what other people think of you, and yet you are so much more than just your ego. It's just that most people needlessly identify all of their sense of self with their ego, because that's what they were indirectly taught to do when growing up by those around them.

We are conditioned by our society to regulate our behavior based on imagining how others will react in response to our choices.

Here's a parable that has to do with all of this:


The student approached the master and queried, "Master? When I was young, I desired for my family and loved ones to be proud of me. Were you ever the same way?"

"Yes," the master answered.

"Why did you desire this?" the student asked.

"So that they would feel they had more reason to love and accept me," said the master. "And the reason I desired this was so that I in turn would feel I had sufficient reason to love and accept myself. That was what was at the root of it. But then one day, I woke up and realized, 'What if I bypass all of that and learn to unconditionally love and accept myself, without requiring anyone else's love, acceptance or approval in order to feel good about myself? Then my happiness will no longer be dependent on outer circumstances, but will be as constant as my own heartbeat resounding strongly within my chest.' Thus began my quest for self-realization."

"And you never desired them to be proud of you after that?" asked the student.

"My ego did, but I no longer completely identified myself with my ego as I had. And I no longer cared what others thought in the same way. I respected it, and honored it, but no longer gave it so much weight or paid so much attention to it," the master replied, smiling. "And never had I felt so free, as when I finally released myself in this way..."
I was one of those who could eat my own body weight without gaining an ounce but after 36 years gravity is making it's presence felt, and all of those southern fried chickens are coming home to roost :eek:
I tend to compliment people on what they achieve rather than on the way they look. I also agree with cactus and others that it takes a shit load of hard work to stay slim.

BUt those HUGE m f's who are so big that they take up a whole couch and a wall needs to come down so they can get out of the house?

No amount of make up in the world honey:rolleyes: I just have problems with the comprehension of that scenario. There must a be a time when you look down and see nothing but flesh and a little floor away on the horizon that you go, hang on a mo maybe just the one dozen donuts today.

I know the reasons are usually psychological I just have a problem respecting these people like Tyler Maybe it's a reminder of the occasional loss of control in my own life and the pain it brings
Who knows?
When i was under 20, I'm skinny with no muscle or fat. I proud with my lightweight body wich can climb tree fast, and I was love to make fun of overweight people.

When I was about 20, I have a great body shape and great muscles too. I prod with my muscles and my speed in sports and martial art. I was love to make fun of both skinies and fatass. :D

Now, I'm fat. I proud with my weight and my strength. Sometimes, I love to make fun of skinies. :D:D

Yes, I'm arrogant and evil fatass. But that way, I always enjoy my live no matter how I look. :cool: :D :D

Inspired? ;)
Xev ...

"I've been mulling over this one: How do fat cells become muscle cells?
Or is the process completly different?"

They don't. Completely different.

See <a href=http://starnet.esc20.net/anatomy/tissues.htm> <font color=red> Anatomy - Tissues </font></a> for a description of the various body tissues.

Take care. :rolleyes:
Xev ...

It's not that sort of relationship.

Each type of cell meets the body's needs at the time.

Think Sumo wrestler vs boxer.

Take care ;)
All that essentially matters is what you think of yourself. It's always your choice

Right on, Brutha!!!:cool:
I love watching sumo wrestling whenever it's on TV. Doze iz zum biiiiiiiig boyz!
Sumo Wrestlers Always got their buts kicked in the first couple UFCs but usualy broke the hand of the striker that would do it....... BIG BUBBAs