Weight Loss Techniques


Valued Senior Member
Greetings humans. I seek knowledge of weight loss techniques you've experimented with which actually work! I am not a cow but want to lose weight so I might better my health. Give your wisdom to all those here.
I believe it has to do almostly entirely with the rate of metabolism, as controlled by the thyroid gland.

Some people take synthetic thyroid hormone to lose weight, but there are some natural substances that ALLEGEDLY work as well.

Namely coconut oil and a herb called Guggulipid.

BTW DarkZz, you're NOT fat...Ive seen the pics.
I believe it has to do almostly entirely with the rate of metabolism, as controlled by the thyroid gland.

Some people take synthetic thyroid hormone to lose weight, but there are some natural substances that ALLEGEDLY work as well.

Namely coconut oil and a herb called Guggulipid.

BTW DarkZz, you're NOT fat...Ive seen the pics.

Thanks, I seen the pics too :D how are ya?
Atkin's diet works. You can lose twenty pounds pretty quickly. Sadly, you can gain it back pretty quickly too. But that's true of any diet unless you stay on it permanently.
Greetings humans. I seek knowledge of weight loss techniques you've experimented with which actually work! I am not a cow but want to lose weight so I might better my health. Give your wisdom to all those here.

If it's not genetic or something like that...
-stop eating (twinkies, bon bons, haagen dasz, bacon, pork rinds, etc.)
-start eating (vegetables, low fat meats, wheat bread, etc.)
-instead of watching TV or frequenting internet sites/forums, get off your ass and
-<insert any physical activity here>

People tend to shy away from this advice because it is common sense and actually requires effort. It works though.
I was getting fat for some time, and I realized it was all KFC´s fault. I stopped eating fast food, and loosed weight pretty quickly.
I did Atkins for 2 days and lost 6 pounds. Later I did it for 2 more and lost 5. That was a year ago and I'm still 3 pounds lighter than when I started. Its about time to do it again!!!
Eat right and exercise, that's all you need.

Diet should consist of 5-6 small meals a day, not the huge 3 meals traditionally eaten. Figure out what the calorie requirement is to maintain your current body weight, your total daily calorie intake should be a few hundred less than that. Your diet should consist of more carbs and proteins in the beginning of the day and more fat and protein, few carbs towards the end.

Exercise: if you're gonna do cardio, do HIIT. Look it up. Lifting weights is also definitely recommended. By doing that, you'll build muscle mass so even if you have fat, you'll look leaner.

Avoid junk food, fried food (if you do your own cooking, feel free to fry stuff in PAM), your carbs should be natural not food filled with high fructose corn syrup and the like, replace sugar in your life with splenda, drink plenty of water.

That's all I can think of for now off that top of my head.
Greetings humans. I seek knowledge of weight loss techniques you've experimented with which actually work! I am not a cow but want to lose weight so I might better my health. Give your wisdom to all those here.

I did the Atkins diet and it was very effective. No sugars, no bread, no junk food, no sodas, no dairy products, no beer, no canned goods, no processed foods. Everything natural.

However, although you lose a significant amount of weight within 2 months, you will be very sensitive and allergic to a lot of foods if you plan to have just one bite of any of the foods stated above. You need to bring it slowly to your system so that your body won't get into an allergic reaction. For most of the time, you're stuck to natural foods.


Heart Palpitations
Gastric problems
Skin rashes
Hair loss
Elevated blood pressure

These symptoms will last you about 3-4days and your body will be back to normal again. Just don't introduce those foods that you have avoided during your diet. You need to bring it slowly. Don't be tempted.

I regretted doing the Atkins diet. They didn't warn me that I would get such reaction, though they did mention in the book to bring foods that is not allowed in the diet slowly into your system.

Now, after a year, I could bring in more food that I have avoided, but being afraid of the allergic reactions, I very much careful now.

However, no matter how much I eat, I don't even gain weight. It's like my body has self adjusted and my metabolic rate remains high. But, it could be that I have totally eliminated all canned goods and process food stuff from my eating habits. All those preservatives, flavor enhancers, food colorings, and etc. can really wreck havoc with your health.

Maybe the main reason why I have those reactions, is that my body is telling me that it is poison. The diet may have cleansed my system thoroughly and so, I became over sensitive to such foods.

Anyway, before, my weight ranges about 185 - 200+ lbs before the diet. After 1 and half months, I weighed in around 155lbs. Now, I am hovering between 167-170lbs. for many months after stopping the diet. I'm stuck at this weight range.

If anyone plans to do this diet, you need to have multivitamins supplements and magnesium citrate to keep your body in balance. Otherwise, during this diet, you'll seriously deplete your body of important minerals and vitamins.
meal size is a huge one, protein, carb, healthy fats porportions are important. Water/ sodium intake, activity movements are important<muscle movements,range of motion,intensity, muscle groups being worked all important when losing body fat.
Greetings humans. I seek knowledge of weight loss techniques you've experimented with which actually work! I am not a cow but want to lose weight so I might better my health. Give your wisdom to all those here.

you want to lose weight? but you are not even slightly fat. why dont you just go to the gym and workout while eating a good diet.

put on some muscle dont try to "lose weight" muscle weighs more than fat, so you can still appear trim and toned but actualy be heavier than before you had muscle.

just workout and eat right man dont buy into all of this losing weight bs when your not even fat.

Consume less calories a day than the amount you burn in a day.

Doesn't matter what you eat. You can eat Burger King everyday. Or Salads for every meal.

100% of your calories can be from fat, sugar, carbs, protien whatever it doesnt matter.

Doesn't matter when you eat. 10 meals, one every hour if you want. One meal right when you wake up or one right before you go to bed. Doesn't matter.

As long as you are consuming less calories than you use in a day. You will lose weight.
I feel best between 127-137. When I start feeling sluggish from too much bad stuff, I get right back on the wagon of eating very healthy. I agree with all the eat right, exercise people but I would stay away from Atkins. It's dangerous. Low fat is the healthiest.
Load your shopping cart in the fruit/veggie aisle. Then when you get to the bad food isle (chips, cookies, etc) leave you cart at the end of the aisle. Its harder (more embarrassing) to walk back to your cart with 5 packs of cookies then just tossing it in the cart.
No eating anything lager than a playing card. Ice cream in a cone only (rather than a bowl full). A large glass of water before every meal. Put your fork down between bites.
And most importantly, no matter what your Mom said, you do not have to clean your plate!
Greetings humans. I seek knowledge of weight loss techniques you've experimented with which actually work! I am not a cow but want to lose weight so I might better my health. Give your wisdom to all those here.
there are only 2 ways to lose weight, and they are:
eat less that the calories you burn a day.

take your pick.
Consume less calories a day than the amount you burn in a day.

Doesn't matter what you eat. You can eat Burger King everyday. Or Salads for every meal.

100% of your calories can be from fat, sugar, carbs, protien whatever it doesnt matter.

Doesn't matter when you eat. 10 meals, one every hour if you want. One meal right when you wake up or one right before you go to bed. Doesn't matter.

As long as you are consuming less calories than you use in a day. You will lose weight.

Yeah, but fat people don't want to hear the truth! What they want is a magic pill so they can eat all they want of their favorite foods, sit around watching tv all day, and no become fat(-ter).

The truth is a hard pill to swallow!

Baron Max
Consume less calories a day than the amount you burn in a day.

Doesn't matter what you eat. You can eat Burger King everyday. Or Salads for every meal.

100% of your calories can be from fat, sugar, carbs, protien whatever it doesnt matter.

Doesn't matter when you eat. 10 meals, one every hour if you want. One meal right when you wake up or one right before you go to bed. Doesn't matter.

As long as you are consuming less calories than you use in a day. You will lose weight.

This is true, but to optimize fat loss you should also pay attention to what you eat. Carbs, protein and fats all play specific parts. So does frequency and density of meals.

As with most ways to treat your body, there are both healthy and unhealthy roads to weight loss.