Weight lifting twitch


Monkey see, monkey denigrate
Valued Senior Member
I was pumping iron earlier (I know. Disembowel me.), and every time I lifted, a muscle at the edge of my mouth twitched. ??

I've noticed that before when I'm lifting something that's too heavy for me.

Why would lifting something heavy cause facial muscle twitching????
Just use lighter weights and see what happens. If all you want to do is tone your body then more reps with light weights is the way to go anyway.;)
Still, you could just use lighter weights to see what happens with your problem. It may be just that you are using to much weight for your own good and your body is telling you something.
Anyway, it sounds like you are straining your neck at the same time. If you are lifting with your arms, you should not be straining your neck and face at the same time. If you are lifting something "Too heavy" you really should have someone spotting you, I hope?
You take it easy. Are you training for a contest? You are going to hurt yourself and then not be able to work out for weeks. Then you'll really be pissed.

Frankly, you can get bigger muscles by more reps too. Unless you have the perfect body type for body building, going for broke with the heaviest weight possible, will not pay off as much as a fairly "tough" weight done a good 8-10 times with 3-4sets.
No no no I'm not. Just training cos I like to. (well because I was hyperactive at the time :D)

Frankly, you can get bigger muscles by more reps too. Unless you have the perfect body type for body building, going for broke with the heaviest weight possible, will not pay off as much as a fairly "tough" weight done a good 8-10 times.

I didn't know that. I thought you were supposed to lift a weight that's so heavy, you can't go over 5 reps..
I didn't know that. I thought you were supposed to lift a weight that's so heavy, you can't go over 5 reps..

Oh hell no, put the Muscle and fitness mag in the GARBAGE now!

That's going to screw you up. Maybe after a few years of training and WITH A PARTNER, you can try advanced shit like failure training and experimenting like that.

Find a weight you can barely do 10 times. Then do it 8 times with 3-4sets. 3 at least. If that doesn't mess you up for a good 24 hours, add a different exercises , not more weight. More exercises, means more movement and more muscles used and thus more volume. BIGGER.
What are you trying to achieve in the long run?. I will type you a small work-out plan for free, won't take 10 mins.


Oh, thanks man. I didn't see this post.

Basically I'd just like to be insanely strong and look all ripped and harsh...though I could do with having better aerobic capacity too...

@nietschefan: It works. Destroyed me for about 24 hours, like you said, but I got way stronger quite fast. Yay.

Try this, dude: Get two 15 or 20 (or less, if its too hard) pound weights, hold out your arms so that your figure appears as a capital " T ."

Hold that as long as you can, as you do, pitch your arms slowly forward and backward. This is very little weight, but it will kick your ass and make very tone muscles if held for a long while. This is one of those things that you damn well better stretch before doing.

You will see results quickly.
Actually the best way to build muscle is to lift around 85% to 90% of your max, do 6-8 reps (try to push yourself to muscle failure if possible), 2-3 sets per exercise. Give yourself around 2 minutes inbetween sets to recover. Ive been weightlifting for years and have trained around all kinds of atheletes and bodybuilders too. Ive copied this kind of routine from bodybuilders and it works like its supposed to.

I think the twitch might be from what someone suggested above, that youre straining your neck or at least some part of your body that is tweaking a nerve. Ive had weird little things like that come and go. Usually at some point it will just stop happening. If it doesnt and it becomes really annoying and concerns you.. see a doc about it.