Wednesday Night Sermon 05-01-02


Registered Senior Member
wednesday night "sermon" 05-01-02

hello fellows. i see we have a few christians among us tonight. good. let's begin...

well, i'm a-...*coughs*...theist, looking for the truth. here's how i see the whole thing: when we are born, we are inside the house (metaphorical state of mind, where we wish to be something more, or "those four walls of your mind"), and we can't see the truth. life is confusing and maybe scary too.
as we grow up, we slowly move outside, and we can see the sky. the whole world under it becomes less scary and our minds are not blocking the truth anymore. somehow everything seems to make sense, except daytime tv.

"well, then, what is the truth?" i hear you asking.

We are living the truth. every moment of your life is truth.
so 'looking the truth' is same as living your life. veeery simple.

"the truth is OUT there" as the saying goes. all you need to do is go out. there.

i think religious people are still inside the house, and when they look
up, they see only a god damn ceiling. some of them have told me: "you are wrong. i have seen the light. i know there's a god".
and my answer is: "that light comes from your ceiling lamp. and you don't know there's a god, you BELIEVE there's a god".

the bible offers solutions for the problems it has created.

if we can walk, why do we need crutches?

life is interesting enough. we don't need people yelling on the street that there's a salvation. i might be knee-deep in troubles, but i can still see where i am and where i'm going just fine.
(those god damn christians... ;) )

and if you let me (and i know you will), i'll quote myself:

"my life is so interesting that when i'm done with it, i think i'll write a book about it." ;)

okay, that's it. good night. oh, one more thing: if you came here with a book, you can drop it in the can over there. yes, the one which says "trash". thank you. let's keep the planet clean, okay?

:D (fineprint: this post may cause headache and/or smiling, maybe little pleasure as well. if that happens, please don't come before you leave) :D