Weddings and funerals


Registered Senior Member
These are the only times i see large scale use of local churches, most Sundays the people attending can be no more than a handful.
Are we less religious than other cultures?
No, people that live in the present and enjoy life are more religious than some folks that go to the church and think that will excuse all of their actions and thoughts.
I personally met a lady that was racist, hated people who worked for her, and treated them like shit. She used to beat her children, even when old, I´m talking hardcore beating.
I knew her because she used to be my girlfriend´s mother. When me and my girlfriend broke up, I went to her home in order to say goodbye, we hugged and said our words. After that, she went into her house, and I heard her mother beat the living shit out of her, with screams and stuff. That was freaky.

She also used to go to church everyday and pray.
These are the only times i see large scale use of local churches, most Sundays the people attending can be no more than a handful.
Are we less religious than other cultures?

I think it largely depends on where you live.
Talking about "American" culture is about as broad and general as talking about "European" culture.
I don't know anyone that goes to Church. I heard only around 5% of people that consider themselves Christians (here in the UK) regularly attend church. I can't qualify that, it's a statistic mentioned by a Christian on the BBC Heaven And Earth show.
Possibly, it was during a show about how Christians in the UK feel discriminated against, according to a survey carried out by some Christian group or another. One panel member was shouting hellfire while another Christian was asking if the people in the survey were the 70% of people in the UK that said they are Christian in an out of date census, or the 5% of Christians that actually attend church on a regular basis.
QUOTE=mikenostic;1446783]Weren't they called cathedrals way back then?

Ummmmmmmm are you making fun of my childhood church? :bugeye:

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