Web Domain Names And Columbia

The companies will probably try to sell the names and turn a quick buck, which to me is totally sick.
Support Columbia

Wow, you are right about the names being for sale to begin with. I never really thought the situation through when I posted the "totally sick" comment. I think it is distaseful, but probably a sign of the times more than anything. There are probably domain names in existence for just about every possible thing that has a possibility of occuring.

I really have mixed feelings about the "Support Columbia" store. It would be better if the proceeds were to go to the surviving families in some way. It looks like someone is trying to turn the quick buck by converting an existing online store into a "speciality" store. But again this too is most likely a sign of the times as were the Chinese made American flags that were being sold after 911.

I am an older guy "62". This type of enterprise would have gotten someone lynched in the early years of NASA. I came to this forum with a lot preconceived ideas and I am only now realizing that not only have times changed and it isn't 1962 anymore, but society has changed so much. Most of all it is sad to see things that, once were inconceivable, are now just business as usual.

All this reminds me of how the current news media, especially television, has a previously taped biography of most celebrity, and high profile people to be shown upon that persons death.
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Yeah I have mixed feelings about this kind of thing too. Thanks for posting yours. I doubt those domain names will make a profit.
Originally posted by zanket
Is it totally sick that the names were for sale to begin with?

Zanket, technicaly ALL domain names which haven't yet been bought are for sale. You could buy "Zanket.com" right now if you wanted (umm provided no one else has gotten ahold of it yet. So it's not really sick that they were for sale to begin with.
Yeah I knew that. I used to own reignofterror.com, but no metal band wanted to make me a profit so I gave it away.