Weather changes according to my mood?!


Registered Senior Member
I have noticed a very, very weird thing. It is that whenever I feel terribly sad, or go through some kind of tragedy which affects me personally there is a sudden change in weather. There is usually heavy rainfall and the weather is windy. This has occured 5 times. In the hot summer of India. As I type this, at this very moment, it is raining outside along with a heavy sandstorm here in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India. And today is indeed a very sad day for me, I was expelled from my school for misbehaviour. (More on this later, what I did was simply correct a mistake my Science teacher made on the drawing board)

This has happened so many times. And the change in weather is always rainfall accompanied with heavy winds. One time my grandfather passed away. I really loved him a lot and felt really sad. And it happend. It rained heavily, even though just hours back the weather was hot and humid.

I do not wish to say this is something paranormal, but I'd rather say it's simply mere co-incidence. What do you think?
syedsameer said:
I have noticed a very, very weird thing. It is that whenever I feel terribly sad, or go through some kind of tragedy which affects me personally there is a sudden change in weather. There is usually heavy rainfall and the weather is windy. This has occured 5 times. In the hot summer of India. As I type this, at this very moment, it is raining outside along with a heavy sandstorm here in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India. And today is indeed a very sad day for me, I was expelled from my school for misbehaviour. (More on this later, what I did was simply correct a mistake my Science teacher made on the drawing board)

This has happened so many times. And the change in weather is always rainfall accompanied with heavy winds. One time my grandfather passed away. I really loved him a lot and felt really sad. And it happend. It rained heavily, even though just hours back the weather was hot and humid.

I do not wish to say this is something paranormal, but I'd rather say it's simply mere co-incidence. What do you think?
hmmmm, tis is what came to me reading what you say:

for a start, wen you feel low and weathwr ssems to change to 'suit' how you feel--rain, wind, what about some kid wo is at same moment really happy. why you not him/them....that was first thought i had;

then i thoughtof how our rationalistic cultural mindset, which is mechanistic and has no respect for indigenous, lifestyles and wisdom, albeit in a patronizing way, has no inderstanding of biological inerelationship with Nature. so...for example tey cannot and will not understand how say a RainDancer, etc can affect te weather---because they assume we are coincidental products/biochemical machines of a blind evolutionary process and furthe, tat consciousness is a merer product of brains. so any talk of RainDancer would be met wit derision by thatmindset

I also have heard how the founder of Chaos Magick, Osman Spare apparently could drawsymbolic glyphs on paper and create weather changes, just by gazing at the symbol......

so maaaaaybe you could be doin someting Unconsciously to affect weather...?
duendy said:
I also have heard how the founder of Chaos Magick, Osman Spare apparently could drawsymbolic glyphs on paper and create weather changes, just by gazing at the symbol......
so maaaaaybe you could be doin someting Unconsciously to affect weather...?
jesus christ duendy you cannot possibly beleive what you just wrote can you?
A long time ago, I used to think my mood could affect the weather, too.

Then I realised that I just noticed when the weather seemed to coincide with my mood, and forgot the times when I was feeling down and the weather was great, or feeling great when the weather was lousy. We tend to notice the "hits" and ignore the "misses".

It's like that thing where you know who's calling you before you answer the phone. You remember all the times when you guess was right, because that seems freaky. But you also forget all the times you thought "That will be dad" and it wasn't.
It is possible that the barometric pressure of a storm cloud and the humidity within the air could effect a persons mood, of course those things you don't see so you might assume it the other way around.

electrical storms do generate reactions within many animals, for instance flocks of birds can react before light or sound occurs.