We must Change Society Through Education


Wannabe Philosopher
Registered Senior Member
Please be open minded about this, and just use your imagination.

Imagine a society where education was perfect. There were ways to educate society in the most efficient way possible. Schools were built around different learning styles instead of just one way to teach all. Kids were taught how to learn and how to teach. Censorship was obsolete. Both sides were shown to every lesson. Pros and cons to everything, including education on drugs. A society where everyone was able to learn, nobody lost to the school system. The governments sole responsibility was to educate society. Therapuetic sessions were apart of teaching kids to be open. Open mindedness was number one value taught to our children.

This is how to cure society, not with forcing laws, or fighting. But only through education can we ever stand a chance of living in a perfect society. Education is what we must change. Education is what psychologists should focus on. We must learn more about ourselves and who we are. Then we can really live. This should be our goal for the future. To find out how we can educate everyone efficiently.
A smarter population with a smaller and less active government would be a better sysem, you say? What a revolutionary Idea :p
Wow terandle, you totally missed the point of that quote, and in fact got its meaning backwards. It was advocating education because analysis is now becoming more important than simple data collection.

As to the original assertion, it's totally correct, but governmental changes need to be introduced to reflect the rise in educational levels. Direct democracy is going to be needed.
education will result in the only viable option coming to fruition - violent revolution


you have been warned!!

We must use the desire of knowledge to enthuse the young.
Education must be based on understanding not age.
And then, and only then, we will have distroyed the bullies.
education reform

This is an interesting and controversial topic. Through my public education experience, it was very obvious that my schools and teachers emphasized the importance of 'left brain' abilities such as the maths and sciences while putting little importance into creative arts. My understanding is that this is the case throughout most of the United States, while I am not sure what is emphasized in other countries. We all(well most of us) have academic strengths and weaknesses, so why should all students be 'forced' to take high math and science courses? Should American society revamp its' current education policies, and if so what effect will it have?