We are what they were...


Jedi Master
Registered Senior Member
Has anyone thought that the "Aliens" are from the future, and the reason they do genetic experiments on people and put implants in people is because they are us from the future and they look like they do because we are polluting our world and bodies and they are the product of what we are doing now to ourselves. Has anyone thought that the "Aliens" are from the future, and the reason they do genetic experiments on people and put implants in people is because they are us from the future and they look like they do because we are polluting our world and bodies and they are the product of what we are doing now to ourselves.

I believe they are from possibly thousands of years in the future and that they come back in time because they are dying out, and want to find DNA from us that matches their own so they can re-populate their world. Each group of the visitors has it's own look and craft that are unique to them just like we have technology that is different from other countries. They use implants to keep track of their families or us, just like we use implants now to keep track of our animals. Is it so far fetched I don't think so.. Time Travel is possible Einstein proved it and so is this theory just open your minds and think, put the pieces together.. it's not hard.

Or they could possibly be an evil empire of invading hordes hell bent on taking our planet over and using us as guinea pigs for their horrible genetic experiments. Some people I have talked to that have been abducted say that the "Aliens" are afraid of the Cross or a Crucifix maybe they are sent by Satan to destroy peoples lives who knows only the Big Man Upstairs really after all what does a free thinker know.
Coming back from the future, wouldn't it be easier to change events from the past instead of causing such havoc in your ancestors lives? If conditions could possibly be so bad in the future then why not just abduct the entire person, have the person disappear and never return/

Why would the cross cause any reaction? It is a religious symbol nothing more, maybe the effect was more in what the individual said. Wouldn't all potential abduction situations change if the potential victim mentioned to this would be abductor our Sovereign who is the authority? Just how would this would be ET abductor respond when IT knows full well IT had IT's butt kicked across our solar system already?

Time to use a little more logic in your ET assessments instead of emotional reaction.
Your brain is on ice your moronic broad if you fool with the past too much you will screw up the future. It's that simple.
Actually theory suggests that if you were to develop multiple universes in the future, they would all divide from points in the past.

Admittedly all the parallel universes would exist from the beginning but they would all start out looking exactly the same until a paradox occured where difference is created.
This would suggest that any being from the future coming back into the past would potentially only be seen as one universal layer within a multiworlds spectrum and therefore seem not to exist to anyone else but the intended victim.
perhaps they are not EXACTLY us... but they went through similar events.

now there's a thought worth thinking about. honestly.
If they have the technology to develop time travel, doubtless other technologies would have kept similar pace, so they'd be able to generate clean fuel (as time travel, wormholes etc require HUGE amounts of energy) so wouldn't actually be polluting anything, have massive computers (required to perform the guidance and monitoring of said wormhole) and also be able to use those computers for medical research, could probably create creatures from scratch by designing DNA (by asssembling strands using a more advanced version of the quantum tunneling electron microscope),a nd have developed space travel. So why bother with earth?

So, no, I don't think aliens are from the future. I think they are figments of people's imaginations.
perhaps, unlike yourself, they are actually caring and helpful people.

and on your comment about they should be advanced enough to NOT pollute;
maybe they werent as advanced as they are now (which is logical, things progress) and went thru some ruff times on their planet. they screwed up and almost killed the planet. afterwards, whoever was left was stuck in figuring out what to do now. Thus, they cooperated and created their new technology which is far superior and less toxic or hazardous. now they've risen to the occasion of helping another planet who is going thru similar problems.

thats just one side of the equation.

there are plenty of other reasons why they are here.
antisipatience said:
there are plenty of other reasons why they are here.

Other reasons? You haven't shown _one_ yet.

Maybe you don't comprehend the energy requirements for creating a wormhole? That enormous technical difficulty? And the array of more realistic options if you posessed any way near the technology to create one?