We are perfect


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Is God perfect & incapable of imperfection? If so then why do we think we are imperfect? Especially the religious out there. I would think that because god is so damn perfect that it would be inconceivable for any of you to think that his creations are.

Just how perfect are beings with freewill supposed to act? Well the answer is simple. Just the way we always do. Did anyone ever stop to consider that we are acting perfectly, as perfectly as anyone put in our position. Atheists and religious alike all exercise freewill.

I hate to say it but if the religious accept freewill to mean a totally haphazard condition to determine events then we all can't help but get along. Either way, God's gift or just nature taking its course, freewill means we all agree to not agree on a course of action. Damn it my religious friends, I only want what you want, to live in peace.
If perfect is defined as the most simple, effecient state an object/being can be in, then there can only be one perfect. If you have two perfect circles and are bound and considered one, that is not perfection because in the two circles, you have wasted space, that is not perfection. Perfection is simple, elegant, and efficient. With many cannot be perfection but only with 1. And I believe we are all a part of the universe which make up 1 sole cohesive unit all working perfectly in sync the way it was intended so I do believe we are part of a perfect union, or a piece of the puzzle.
usp8riot said:
If perfect is defined as the most simple, effecient state an object/being can be in, then there can only be one perfect. If you have two perfect circles and are bound and considered one, that is not perfection because in the two circles, you have wasted space, that is not perfection. Perfection is simple, elegant, and efficient. With many cannot be perfection but only with 1. And I believe we are all a part of the universe which make up 1 sole cohesive unit all working perfectly in sync the way it was intended so I do believe we are part of a perfect union, or a piece of the puzzle.

Two circles or ten circles or whatever, if your god made it then its perfect. Any wasted space is a perfect waste of space. I'm just trying to agree with you religious guys for once. If your god cannot be or do anything imperfect then we are perfect. If we're sinners then we are perfect sinners. Our strengths and weaknesses are perfect. There is no imperfection anywhere in the universe if god is incapable of being imperfect.

If there is only one perfection and we are part of it as you say then we are perfect. There is not one imperfection in the many because that would make the whole imperfect. If there is imperfection then there is no god. So which is it? Is there imperfection in the universe or its inhabitants or is everything the way god wanted it?
PsychoticEpisode said:
Is God perfect & incapable of imperfection? If so then why do we think we are imperfect? Especially the religious out there. I would think that because god is so damn perfect that it would be inconceivable for any of you to think that his creations are.

Just how perfect are beings with freewill supposed to act? Well the answer is simple. Just the way we always do. Did anyone ever stop to consider that we are acting perfectly, as perfectly as anyone put in our position. Atheists and religious alike all exercise freewill.

I hate to say it but if the religious accept freewill to mean a totally haphazard condition to determine events then we all can't help but get along. Either way, God's gift or just nature taking its course, freewill means we all agree to not agree on a course of action. Damn it my religious friends, I only want what you want, to live in peace.

I think we see ourselves as "imperfect" because we are psychologically fragmented. We do not do what we say, or say what we think, or even think or perceive accurately what we do. We hide ourselves from ourselves as well as from others. So, our self image, based on what we see as cool :cool: , is constantly being undermined by our actions, words and thoughts :confused: - and we judge ourselves and feel guilt and shame because of it :eek: .

Most theists would not conceive of God or even most animals having these problems. Poor tormented us.
PE, you have the freedom of choice to use a spell checker. If you do not, you might spell some words improperly. However, it is your choice, is it not?

So if words in your post are spelling incorrectly, you cannot blame Bill Gates or God for your error, can you? (Of course you can, but it's a ridiculous stance.)

Does that make any sense to you?
PsychoticEpisode said:
Is God perfect & incapable of imperfection? If so then why do we think we are imperfect? Especially the religious out there.

Pride manifesting itself in self delusion.

I would think that because god is so damn perfect that it would be inconceivable for any of you to think that his creations are.

I agree we are not perfect.

Just how perfect are beings with freewill supposed to act?

The problem was not free will, the problem was coming to the knowledge of Good and Evil.

Its like a cow that is perfect for eating grass but comes to the knowledge that eating meat is tasty. Soon you have Mad cows running around hunting. Something that it was never intended by God to happen. So a perfect system becomes unbalanced.

Well the answer is simple. Just the way we always do. Did anyone ever stop to consider that we are acting perfectly, as perfectly as anyone put in our position. Atheists and religious alike all exercise freewill.

That is only true if you are willing to accept imperfection as perfection. Many people seek to be perfect and when they find they cannot, they call imperfection perfection because admitting they are imperfect takes meekness. The proud do not know how to be meek.

I hate to say it but if the religious accept freewill to mean a totally haphazard condition to determine events then we all can't help but get along.

As i said. It’s the knowledge of Good and Evil that has caused the imbalance and the suffering. Not free will.

Either way, God's gift or just nature taking its course, freewill means we all agree to not agree on a course of action. Damn it my religious friends, I only want what you want, to live in peace.

Can you not see that when people who have knowledge of Good and Evil disagree on an issue important to them, they will use their knowledge of Good and Evil to defeat the opposing view. Man cannot agree to disagree because we are trapped on this earth with each other. It might work if we all had our own individual planets to live on, But when we live within a community disagreement leads to contention. So the hope you have of living in peace is unobtainable in this world where people have the tool of evil and the free will to use it to enforce what they agree with upon others.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
PsychoticEpisode said:
Just how perfect are beings with freewill supposed to act?

Who said that we have free will? I myself do not consider humans perfect, not by any definition. In fact, if we were perfect, there would be no meaning to us. What would we do? Just "live"? Right know, we have envolved, we have to use our minds to understand the universe, we have to invent in order to survive. Being perfect would be boring!
I hate to repeat myself but, who are we to ask what Gods motives are/were?
Niels Bohr: "Quit telling God what to do!"
As humans, I don't think we're perfect but like I said, as one sole unit, as part of the universe of all that is, we make up a perfect union just as intended to be by the creator. We are perfect in that we are created just as intended by the creator. In 1 universe there can only be 1 perfect and it stems from a perfect God, and all He creates is perfect. Just like dual infinities, if you have 2, they both cancel each other out, in 1 universe, there can only be 1 infinity.
But by no means do we act perfectly good, if that's what you mean but we act just as we were intended. To do good sometimes and bad sometimes, etc. Of course no one is morally perfect.
usp8riot said:
As humans, I don't think we're perfect but like I said, as one sole unit, as part of the universe of all that is, we make up a perfect union just as intended to be by the creator. We are perfect in that we are created just as intended by the creator. In 1 universe there can only be 1 perfect and it stems from a perfect God, and all He creates is perfect. Just like dual infinities, if you have 2, they both cancel each other out, in 1 universe, there can only be 1 infinity.
But by no means do we act perfectly good, if that's what you mean but we act just as we were intended. To do good sometimes and bad sometimes, etc. Of course no one is morally perfect.

Sounds good to me. Subjective or objective reasoning aside, this is how we were intended, if you believe in god and all his perfections. We cannot be imperfect for that would mean god is capable of imperfection. I can see this as very hard to accept for the religious but so are a lot of things scientific or cosmologic. Despite our ruthlessness, our destructiveness, our hatefulness, etc., we are behaving as we should. I don't think there is any doubt.

Now if we go and munch on an apple off the tree of knowledge there is no sin. Why did god warn us not to?...because he knew it could happen and the fact that it did makes no difference. There is no such thing as sin when god puts events in motion. Yes there are diabolical acts committed by our species but they are not sins if god exists because it would be He that is ultimately responsible since we are doing as programmed. We are also programmed to prevent the diabolical, therefore laws exist.

If you want god to exist you can't have it both ways. He either made us like this on purpose or he made a mistake. Its not a sin to think either way.