Wave-particle duality is a special theory


Is there truly a duality in wave-particle duality that is exclusive to the quantum world? Or can it apply to all reality itself?
Is there truly a duality in wave-particle duality that is exclusive to the quantum world? Or can it apply to all reality itself?
I think the question you are trying to ask needs to be re-worded as at the moment it is to me, totally confusing as to what you are actualy asking.
I would also suggest that you consider all the presumptions you are implying... ie: wave particle duality v quantum world????
I'm asking whether or not wave-particle duality theory applies to everything or is it specific to photons and electron and other subatomic particles.
I'm asking whether or not wave-particle duality theory applies to everything or is it specific to photons and electron and other subatomic particles.
I believe and may stand to be corrected, that the wave particle duality you talk of is essentialy associated with photons or more specifically electromagnetic radiation EMR
I believe and may stand to be corrected, that the wave particle duality you talk of is essentialy associated with photons or more specifically electromagnetic radiation EMR

Haven't the experiments been extended to include free electrons?

Think electron double slit experiment.

It likely can be assumed to apply to all charged fundamental particles, but I am unsure how one would test it with the shorter lived particles.
Every macroscopic object is made of microscopic particles such as protons and electrons. Therefore, it stands to reason that if microscopic particles have wave-particle duality, then so do the macroscopic objects they comprise.

Quantum effects don't stop applying above a certain size. Instead, what tends to happen is that you get decoherence - a kind of "smearing out" of the quantum steps and jumps into what looks a lot like a classical continuum.