water, water everywhere?

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Registered Senior Member
Lets look at Water using clear scientifically accurate techniques.

Who emotes, who has feeling..all of us. But he really pushes the buttons.

Already we've seen Adolfs chart...he really isn't a sensitive chap is he?

Here is the quickfire response...and lets make this clear - NO-ONE here can come up with equal charts to dispute the facts herein..

Queen of the Gay Clubs..Judy Garland..emotes with feeling. Too much so.


In essence Edith Piaf was cut from a similar cloth...a bit more fiery but..


Onto Nick Drake...a singer songwriter of great sensitivity and feeling..although as with Ian Curtis and Kurt Cobain..not my cup of tea. I prefer something more positive.


Now you asking yourself how can I counteract this rather than just throw stones and sticks...well you cant...when it comes to brass tacks and reality ASTROLOGY ALWAYS WINS OUT
Ooops I fogot the doyen of sensitivity..the great Billie Holiday...my fave female singer.


I make that BILLY 4 SCIENTIST 0

So come on guys...put up a fight - PLEASE!! :D
You still havent even tried to explain any of it.
Also, why do you keep making new threads about the same subject ?
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