Watching Someone Die & Religion


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
I had the misfortune this past week of being part of a death vigil for a person I had know for several years. Besides some of the physical aspects of the human body at the moment of death, the ending of life has a profound affect on the mental well being of a relative.

It is a very emotional time for most. What I could understand from this deathwatch was that religion is a byproduct of this one singular event. IOW religion has more to do with death than any wonder that Nature can produce. I know death is natural too but it is held in a different context.

My friend had several tubes and electrical apparatus' hooked into his body and there was hardly any mention of this science that actually prolongs a life for more days than it should have been. I suppose the best thing about it is that it provides time for family members to arrive on the scene before a final breath takes place.

It is hard to watch and not think about the futility of life. You're born, you live and you die. I don't know how anybody can sit there and hope for more than that but it is exactly what people do. Religion owes itself to death. Without death there wouldn't be much need for religion although I'm sure it would still be there.