Was the life of Jesus a mere play?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: It's been said that Jesus was nonetheless than Caesar. Even both their names have a 'ring' to it. Let us compare for instance the roles of the actors and the characters they played. If Caesar was Jesus, then Pompeiius was John the Baptist. If Antonius was Simon Peter, then Cleopatra was Mary Magdalen. Brutus was Judas, Gaul was Galilee, Rome was Jerusalem, and Italy was Judaea. The story of Jesus was also the story of Caesar, and both stories were nothing more than literary art. Caesar really lived, but Jesus didn't. Cleopatra really lived but Mary Magdalen did not.

There is always some truth behind the legends. Caesar was a real human being, but Jesus was not. Caesar saw himself as god. Jesus was the god who didn't exist.
Provita said:
Acctually, Caesar has more of a 'ring' to it than Jesus. :p

M*W: The lives of Caesar and Jesus have many parallels. Too many to discount a relationship.
Well, do you mean the play Julius Caesar, or his actual life? Because if you mean his actual life, there is the Triumverate. But if you mean the play, then yes, good point.
Provita said:
Well, do you mean the play Julius Caesar, or his actual life? Because if you mean his actual life, there is the Triumverate. But if you mean the play, then yes, good point.

M*W: I mean the play. The triumvirate is equal to the trinity, is it not? Ceasar was betrayed by Brutus just as Jesus was betrayed by Judus. There are just too many comparisons between the play and the story of Jesus to deny Jesus was just a literary character.

I think Shakespeare may have written Julius Caesar as a parody of the Gospel.
He could have, he was a brilliant man, but i dont think many of his plays were original.
Provita said:
He could have, he was a brilliant man, but i dont think many of his plays were original.

M*W: I know less about the existence of William Shakespeare than I do about the non-existence of Jesus Christ. What is so odd are the similarities between Jesus and Caesar. Caesar wore a crown of laurels, Jesus wore a crown of thorns. They pierced Caesar's side. They pierced Jesus' side. Caesar came from Gallia, Jesus came from Galilee. Caesar crossed the Rubicon, Jesus crossed the Jordan. It was believed that Caesar was god. It was believed Jesus was also god. Caesar had his Senators, Jesus had his Apostles. The list goes on.