Was the Apple Egotisme

Empty Dragon

Registered Senior Member
Was the Apple in the story of Adam and Eve merly a representation of egotisme. That if that intital lose of confidence that ignorance brought on is what spawned egotimse. As soon as there was room to question their was room for fear, hatred..... Once Adam and Eve started to think me, me they where seperated from "god" becasue they where no longer at one. Any thoughts?
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I believe God knew what would happen when He told Adam and
Eve not to eat the fruit (which, by the way, was likely not an
apple). The fruit was placed there precisely because of the
implications it presented after they ate it.

In order to know what sin is, you have to know what it is to
deliberately disobey God. The two go hand-in-hand. Before they
knew sin, Adam and Eve only knew good. It's no coincidence that
the tree was called "the tree of knowledge of good and evil ".
They only knew what evil was after having disobeyed God. It was
not the fruit which gave them this knowledge, but the act of

Man has to know sin in order to know what life is when he steps
outside of God's will. This way we can come to realize how much
we rely on Him, and it all started with the first act of disobedience.