Was The 1969 US Moon Landing Staged?


We're under no illusions.
Registered Senior Member
Just curious what your thoughts are on the Moon landings in 69 being fake.Is
it possible? Some say not only possible but true.How was it the US could land on the moon just to turn around and never do it again.What say you?

See CNN.com then to TECH tab for full story


Forty years after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the moon, a small cult of conspiracy theorists maintains the historic event -- and the five subsequent Apollo moon landings -- were staged. These people believe NASA fabricated the landings to trump their Soviet rivals and fulfill President Kennedy's goal of ferrying humans safely to and from the moon by the end of the 1960s.

"I do know the moon landings were faked," said crusading filmmaker Bart Sibrel, whose aggressive interview tactics once provoked Aldrin to punch him in the face. "I'd bet my life on it."
Just curious what your thoughts are on the Moon landings in 69 being fake.Is it possible?
It was possible to do them, but not possible that that they were done.
They really did land on the Moon.
Look here.
Also check the woo woo threads in Pseudoscience.

"I do know the moon landings were faked," said crusading filmmaker Bart Sibrel, whose aggressive interview tactics once provoked Aldrin to punch him in the face. "I'd bet my life on it."
Then that guy is so stupid he deserves to be taken outside and shot.
From the article mentioned in the OP (link),
"Will the LRO's incredibly high-resolution images of the lunar surface, including, eventually, the Apollo landing sites, finally quell the lunacy of the Moon Hoax believers? Obviously it won't," writes astronomer Phil Plait in his blog on Discover magazine's Web site. "These true believers don't live in an evidence-based world."​

The first photos from LRO of the Apollo sites are here. This one, for example:

One of the devices left on the moon by the astronauts is a mirror designed to reflect signals back to earth to make it possible to use lasers to accurately measure the distance.

There are lots of 1 time or limited explorations in space or on the earth. I think only 1 person has rowed to Antarctica. After the moon landings NASA sent out the Voyagers that were incredibly successful. I think if we continued to send people to the moon there would have all sorts of other explorations that would not have been done.
From the article mentioned in the OP (link),
"Will the LRO's incredibly high-resolution images of the lunar surface, including, eventually, the Apollo landing sites, finally quell the lunacy of the Moon Hoax believers? Obviously it won't," writes astronomer Phil Plait in his blog on Discover magazine's Web site. "These true believers don't live in an evidence-based world."​

The first photos from LRO of the Apollo sites are here. This one, for example:


Quoted for truth.

Why falsify moonlandings when it would only take a photograph to prove it never happened?
I'm considered a "woo woo" here and I think it's pretty stupid to think they faked them. Or even just apollo 11.
Quoted for truth.

Why falsify moonlandings when it would only take a photograph to prove it never happened?
Good question. I posted a photograph for you.

I don't quite know what you meant by the above, and maybe I wasn't quite clear in my first post. I'll be loud and clear now:

People who believe the moon landings were a hoax are deranged, may well have a sick craving for attention, and differ little from flat earthers, truthers, members of the Westboro Baptist Church, and other lunatic fringe groups.
Good question. I posted a photograph for you.

I don't quite know what you meant by the above, and maybe I wasn't quite clear in my first post. I'll be loud and clear now:

People who believe the moon landings were a hoax are deranged, may well have a sick craving for attention, and differ little from flat earthers, truthers, members of the Westboro Baptist Church, and other lunatic fringe groups.

I'm in complete agreement with you. You misunderstood my post.
Most of the most ardent moon landing conspiracists weren't born at the time, either. Funny about that.
Most of the most ardent moon landing conspiracists weren't born at the time, either. Funny about that.

Also most conspiracists tend to move in two directions when they hit a certain age, they either grow up or fall further down a rabbit hole.
Good question. I posted a photograph for you.

I don't quite know what you meant by the above, and maybe I wasn't quite clear in my first post. I'll be loud and clear now:

People who believe the moon landings were a hoax are deranged, may well have a sick craving for attention, and differ little from flat earthers, truthers, members of the Westboro Baptist Church, and other lunatic fringe groups.

Dont forget the people that believe the world was created in 7 days.
I'm not sure if I believe that they were faked, but there's definitely motive; the US was in a competition with the Soviets, anyway, so it's possible they faked it just to win.
I'm not sure if I believe that they were faked, but there's definitely motive; the US was in a competition with the Soviets, anyway, so it's possible they faked it just to win.

A plan that would be short-lived until someone gets a camera close to the landing sites as was demonstrated in this thread.
The problem with conspiracy theories of that size is that so many people would have to be in on the plot that it could never be kept secret.
I'm not sure if I believe that they were faked, but there's definitely motive; the US was in a competition with the Soviets, anyway, so it's possible they faked it just to win.

You don't think the Soviets were keeping a close eye on it and would have said something if it even looked remotely likely that it was faked?
But I have a moon rock that was given to me! So they had to have gone there in order to bring me that rock...so there! :p