Was Jesus married?

Yes, I also saw that show on tnt about how a preist found some documents and in tern it lead him to acult and death. As for the truth to that rumor, i think that it is unlikely. Well, unlikely or it just cant be proven. It is an interesting theroy though.

They have made many inaccurate statements in that site. For example, the <a href="http://www.grailchurch.org/mary_magdalene.htm">site</a> here says that Mary Magdala was at pentecost when there's no mention in acts except Mary the mother of Jesus.
Originally posted by Guyute
Yes, I also saw that show on tnt about how a preist found some documents and in tern it lead him to acult and death. As for the truth to that rumor, i think that it is unlikely. Well, unlikely or it just cant be proven. It is an interesting theroy though.


There are a lot of researcher still delving into this enigma. Still, nobody really knows what happened to Berenger Saunier. What did he find? What did he know? Tourists are attempting to dig all over the area. The RCC has gotten restraining orders to keep people from digging. I belong to the website. It keeps the members updated with all newly uncovered possibilities. Since Mariam Magdala was known to have lived and died in France, it could be about her. I tend to think that what was found was the genealogy of Jesus and MM. Whatever it was, the RCC has been trying to cover it up. When they do find or uncover the mystery, I believe that is when the RCC will fall.
Yes, very conicidental but do you honestly think that the catholic church can actually keep this a secret for this long. And why hasent any other evidence been found. It is a theroy, very creative one......yet, i am not gonna lie......it sure would rock the world if true.
Originally posted by Guyute
Yes, very conicidental but do you honestly think that the catholic church can actually keep this a secret for this long. And why hasent any other evidence been found. It is a theroy, very creative one......yet, i am not gonna lie......it sure would rock the world if true.

Well, the RCC wields a lot of power. So far it has rocked their world enough to seek court injunctions! The main players in the mystery met mysterious deaths. Finding the bones of MM wouldn't necessarily be profound since she was known to be in France with her children. Her uncle Joseph of Arimathea went up to the British Isles, but I don't know if he returned to France. It only makes sense that Jesus escaped the crucifixion (someone stood in for him--I believe Barabbas). Finding Jesus's bones would be profound. There is something more enigmatic about the Chartres Cathedral and what is buried under the floor. There is a mystery riddle that tells that "X marks the spot" over a compartment just before the main altar. Surprisingly, I've been to Chartres Cathedral, but when I was there, I didn't know about this enigma. There is not much information on the Internet about the mysteries of the cathedral or what is buried under the floor.

Secondly, the study art galleries and fine arts through the ages always shows MM with a skull that is believed to be the skull of Jesus. If the crucifixion took place as did the resurrection, MM wouldn't have that skull, would she? These paintings somehow tell the true story of Jesus and MM. Some are in the Louvre, others are all over the world in museums. Some have been removed by the RCC. The truth is probably hidden under the Vatican. It's an exciting study.
Ok, ok Dr. Quinn.....there are alot of "coincidences" going on here....but tell me truthfully, do you really think that the curch could really keep somthing that big under wraps for...well, how many years? Think logically. Anyone else have input on the matter....it would be a shame to have just two people going at it.

On the skull.....great, she was holding a skull.....that doesnt nessicerially mean that it is jesus's. It could be anyone's....that is why they beleive, but in all reality they just want to beleive that it is real. It is very similar to the Raelian religion....they take stories and shape them to soupport there cause.

I also agree with you, I can understand how it could be exciting...and that can also lead to logical blindness....tread carefully.
The wife and kids of Jesus

I did not write this. I pasted this from the Rennes-le-Chateau website. It's an interesting theory. I'm not saying that I absolutely believe it word for word, so don't ask me for evidence. If you want evidence, go research it yourself!

SISTERS-IN-LAW MARRIED TO THREE FIRST COUSINS??? Is this question part of the quest involving Rennes le Chateau and Rome? Mary of Magdala (a Benjamite cousin of Saint Paul of Tarsus and Saint Luke the Evangelist) married Lazarus of Bethany (Saint Maximus, the Bishop of Marsailles) and became the mother of Joseph of Septimania (the Bishop of Saras in the Grail Lore and ancestor of Meroveus of France and Charlemagne of the Holy Roman Empire of the West) while her SISTER-IN-LAW Mary of Bethany married Simon Peter Cephas (as his first cousin and second wife) and became the mother of John Mark the Evangelist (the Beloved Disciple with John 21 as the missing text from Mark 16) and migrated with her husband and son to Antioch and later to Rome as the second wife of the Roman Catholic Pope of the Christian Essene Church. Mary of Magdala later married Jesus Barabbas of Genessereth and Masada and Septimania THE ZEALOT KING OF THE JEWS (whose death sentence was paid for by his Grail Bloodline first cousin the Lord Jesus Christ of Calvary THE NAZARENE KING OF THE JEWS). Jesus Barabbas and Jesus Christ are born the same year and given the same name (Jesus, Yeshua, Savior, Salvation). They are DOUBLE COUSINS: Their fathers are brothers (Joseph of Bethlehem and Nazareth and Jacob of Genessareth); their mothers are sisters: Saint Mary Virgin Blessed (Miriam Alma Barucha) of Nazareth and Saint Esther of Gennessareth. Perhaps this DOUBLE KINSHIP is the source of the legend of the TWIN OF JESUS or the JESUS TWINS or the Parable of the two roads of life and death. Perhaps Jesus Barabbas is the OTHER JESUS mentioned in the Epistles of Saint Paul whose Benjamite cousin (Mary of Magdala) is now married to him (with three more misplaced children in the Grail Bloodline: a daughter Tamar and two sons, Jesus Justus and Joseph of Septimania). Our bigger GENEALOGICAL PUZZLE: All seven branches of the Grail Bloodline are within the Apostolic Succession: All of the ORIGINAL TWELVE APOSTLES are listed as nephews or grandnephews of Joseph of Bethlehem and Nazareth, or as his sons (James and Joses and Simon and Jude) through his alleged first wife Rachael of Rama. All seven branches (Septimania???) of the Grail Bloodline arise as the Menorah of the New Testament Community (the Glory of the New Covenant) from the Marriage of the Seven Sons of Heli Jacob ben Matthan to the Seven Daughters of Heli Joachim ben Melchi. THE SEVEN SONS: Joseph of Nazareth, Jona (John) of Bethsaida, Zebedee of Capernaum, Alphaeus of Capernaum, Cleopas of Jerusalem, Simon of Bethany, Jacob of Gennesareth. THE SEVEN BRIDES: the seven Essene Nuns, the Seven Temple Virgins of Jerusalem: Saint Mary Virgin Blessed (Miriam Alma Barucha) married to Joseph of Bethlehem and Nazareth (as his second wife); Saint Mary Jacob (Miriam Jacoba) married to Cleopas of Jerusalem (Mark 16, Luke 24); Saint Mary Salome (Miriam Saloma) married to Zebedee of Capernaum (Mark 16); Saint Joanna (Luke 24) married to Alphaeus of Capernaum; Saint Sarah married to John of Bethsaida; Saint Helena married to Simon of Bethany; Saint Esther married to Jacob of Gennesareth (mother of Jesus Barabbas THE ZEALOT KING OF THE JEWS and Simon Zelotes Canaanite THE ELEVENTH APOSTLE and grandmother of Judas Iscariot THE TWELVTH APOSTLE and alleged traitor). The sacred geometry and mathematical puzzle of the Grail Bloodline Genealogy and the mystery of the Trinity: the trinity of Joseph (Bethlehem, Nazareth, Arimathea, Septimania); the trinity of Mary (Nazareth, Bethany, Magdala); the trinity of James (ben Joseph, ben Zebedee, ben Alphaeus) the Messianic Bishop of Jerusalem, the Greater, the Less; the trinity of JESUS (Jesus Christ, Jesus Barabbas, Jesus Justus). ALAS AND AMEN, the trinity of the Lord Jesus Christ of Calvary (the Messiah ben Joseph of the Incarnation and the Cross, the Messiah ben David of the Baptism and the Transfiguration and the Resurrection, the Messiah ben Elohim, JHVH, through the living Ark of the Essene New Covenant, the Miriam Alma Barucha, the Virgin Daughter of Zion. Back to the trinity of the THREE FIRST COUSINS: Lazarus of Bethany and Marsailles and Septimania, Jesus Barabbas of Genessareth and Septimania and Masada, Simon Peter Cephas of Capernaum and Antioch and Rome. THE GRAIL BLOODLINE WITHIN THE APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION: another thesis for the reading public to help validate or repudiate.