Was Jesus Married...

I think a fragment of fourth century papyrus is scant evidence to prove so; nonetheless, I think it would be awesome if it were established. Such news would turn the Christian world on its head.
It has been argued that Jesus being married would make him "more human" i.e. he would have a deeper understanding of the human experience. But Christians seem to think that portraying him as a 33-year-old virgin is a good thing.
It has been argued that Jesus being married would make him "more human" i.e. he would have a deeper understanding of the human experience. But Christians seem to think that portraying him as a 33-year-old virgin is a good thing.
I doubt that very many healthy, respected, successful 33-year-old Palestinian men were virgins, regardless of their marital status.
I doubt that very many healthy, respected, successful 33-year-old Palestinian men were virgins, regardless of their marital status.
I have my doubts too but it seems to be the "purity" factor that's signficant. If Jesus touched women, he'd be supposedly unworthy of our respect. It's backwards thinking but what else is new?
There have always been celibate communities, both religious and non- and in many cultural traditions, the shaman or wizard is solitary. The priest eschews mundane entanglements in the human community and focuses all his energy on service to the god (or to geometry or alchemy). It's about dedication, as well as purity.
It would also be important for Jesus in particular, because he is "the lamb of god" - the sacrificial creature must always be unblemished and virgin.
I think a fragment of fourth century papyrus is scant evidence to prove so; nonetheless, I think it would be awesome if it were established. Such news would turn the Christian world on its head.

If that be so then there is scant evidence that gospels of about 200-300 CE too are authentic and not heavily edited to purge out references to J's marriage.
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There isn't much in there about Simon's or Thomas's or Matthew's marriage. What happens in Galilee stays in Galilee. No reason the head honcho shouldn't also have left a woman and squalling babes behind when he Got The Call. But it won't play well in Oklahoma.
I do not see that it makes any significant difference either way. Jesus being "more human" would not make him any less divine, and I have never heard any mention of there being any special significance of purity beyond being "without sin". If he was married then it is only more likely that he was without sin, as a man his age would most likely have had sex, regardless of whether it was confined to marriage.

Marriage allows for both the only purity explicitly mentioned in the Bible as well as confirmation of his humanity. Both supposedly essential to the story.

The only significance would be the possibility of a "bloodline of Christ", but does this source make any mention of children?
Is there any proof of Jesus existence in the first place, I have not seen any contemporary writings from that era which talks about a person bringing dead back to life and walking on water. I think all this news about Jesus is just noise which presupposes the existence. So I guess it was ancient religious trolling.
Is there any proof of Jesus existence in the first place, I have not seen any contemporary writings from that era which talks about a person bringing dead back to life and walking on water. I think all this news about Jesus is just noise which presupposes the existence. So I guess it was ancient religious trolling.
There is some evidence that Jesus (multiple) existed. Nothing substantial. There is evidence that Pontius Pilate existed as well. Speaking of those two, you might look up Jesus Barabbas (Another of several Jesus') and his life. Barabbas, literally translated from Hebrew means, "Son of God." Christ means "Son of Man," translated from Greek. Interesting story about when these two were brought together in front of Pilate...
There is some evidence that Jesus (multiple) existed. Nothing substantial. There is evidence that Pontius Pilate existed as well. Speaking of those two, you might look up Jesus Barabbas (Another of several Jesus') and his life. Barabbas, literally translated from Hebrew means, "Son of God." Christ means "Son of Man," translated from Greek. Interesting story about when these two were brought together in front of Pilate...

Not quite. Christ means "The annointed one", as does 'messiah', ie, to rub, annoint .. probably where the word massage comes from.

Thus in Greek and Hebrew, he was 'the annointed one', ie, the guy rubbed with holy oils, etc - which I think, in those days, was 'de rigueur' for being a big wig holy type ..

Edit - spelling, format
Not quite. Christ means "The annointed one", as does 'messiah', ie, to rub, annoint .. probably where the word massage comes from.

Thus in Greek and Hebrew, he was 'the annointed one', ie, the guy rubbed with holy oils, etc - which I think, in those does, was de rigueur for being a big wig holy type ..
Thanks for correcting that - along with providing a more in depth description. The good thing about forums- when I give bad information, I can usually bet someone will fix it.;)
Also, on the OP subject, there are a couple of books which I read 20 years or more ago. 'The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail' and another by the same aurthors (a couple of Frenchmen IIRC) called 'The Messeinic Legacy' or similar.

Both were fascinating, and amongst a great number of other things, asserted he was indeed married, survived the crucifixtion (it was a pact with the Romans) and lived to a ripe old age of 80 or 90, and has descendents (in France ?) to this day. Now THAT would get Christiandom going !

Edited ..

- Spelling
- Neverfly, you're welcome