Was Jesus Gay?

Good luck with this thread, Vinnie. It's sure to be a regular salon of thoughtful, well-reasoned discussion and disinterested debate. :D

As for me, I don't know if Jesus was gay, but I'm certain Mohammed was a real ass pirate.

And with that opening salvo, let the rational discourse begin.

Josh I think you have the makings of a thread there "was muhammed an ass pirate?"

Maybe Jesus was a little bit gay sometimes.
Every once and awhile, if I looked really close at some of the pictures of jesus,...I swear I could see assless leather chaps on him while carrying the cross.
I was never sure and too embarassed to ask, but now, maybe I'm not crazy!
Thanks whatsyourface! ;)
Vinnie -

Welcome to the new Sciforums. You'll find yourself wistful for the old style of horsepucky.

In the meantime, I should probably read the article before giving a longer response, but don't let the munchkin gallery disturb you. I'm ... I'm sure Jesus loves them, too.
There's a passage somewhere in the NT, that say's that when the Roman soldiers went to arrest him in the middle of the night; "A young naked man that Jesus had been sleeping with, got up and ran away", or words to that effect and it has always intrigued me. I mean, why is it mentioned unless there's some significance? I always took it to mean that because Jesus was without sin, he had to do something that would warrant death, so he performed the most benign (but still punishable by death)sin there was; he exchanged physical love with a man.
Yes, I clearly remember a passage somewhere in the NT where 'twas stated explicitly 'after he had finished banging Peter from behind, Jesus responded to the Pharisee with wise words,' or something to that effect.

That passage is in Mark 14:51-52 right after Jesus is arrested in Gethseman. It was argued that it ultimately came from the text of Secret Mark which canonical Mark redacted and covered up.

A snippet from section 6 of the article

There are obvious textual issues here and a discussion of the text known as Secret Mark is in order. Scholars debate whether canonical Mark came from Secret Mark or vice versa. It seems that Secret Mark is strewn in bits and pieces across Mark's text so we favor Secret Mark being an earlier composition which extant canonical Mark redacted. The evidence for this is the fuller account of this incident in Secret Mark. This naked young man is the same one as preserved in this commentary on Secret Mark by Clement of Alexandria (translated by Morton Smith):

"And they come into Bethany. And a certain woman whose brother had died was there. And, coming, she prostrated herself before Jesus and says to him, 'Son of David, have mercy on me.' But the disciples rebuked her. And Jesus, being angered, went off with her into the garden where the tomb was, and straightway a great cry was heard from the tomb. And going near, Jesus rolled away the stone from the door of the tomb. And straightaway, going in where the youth was, he stretched forth his hand and raised him, seizing his hand. But the youth, looking upon him, loved him and began to beseech him that he might be with him. And going out of the tomb, they came into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days Jesus told him what to do, and in the evening the youth comes to him, wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus taught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God. And thence, arising, he returned to the other side of the Jordan."

Did Mark write first and just insert this naked young man who comes from nowhere, goes nowhere, and serves no real purpose? Or more plausibly, was Mark redacting Secret Mark and we see bits of Secret Mark strewn across the text of Mark? The latter is obviously more plausible.

Notice that the youth wears only a linene cloth over his naked body next time he sees Jesus and that the first time he wants Jesus as his gay lover:

"But the youth, looking upon him, loved him and began to beseech him that he might be with him."

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tiassa said:
Vinnie -

Welcome to the new Sciforums. You'll find yourself wistful for the old style of horsepucky.

In the meantime, I should probably read the article before giving a longer response, but don't let the munchkin gallery disturb you. I'm ... I'm sure Jesus loves them, too.

I stopped in because I was told a bunch of skeptics actually fell for one of Winace's parodies. As I am in the business of parody writing myself, I had to come play along :D :D

I'll have to re-bookmark this page.

Ok... not exactly as I remember it but look at Mark 14:51

The disciples were all asleep, so why was the young man following him around as he prayed and wearing only a linen garment? Something obviously just draped over him, otherwise it wouldn't have fallen off when he fled. What is the significance?
gOn said:
Jesus didn't existed... so, he could not be gay... :D
M*W: Hi, gOn. Please tell my why you think Jesus didn't exist. By the way, I'm not religious either, I'm just interested in this subject. Thanks.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Hi, gOn. Please tell my why you think Jesus didn't exist. By the way, I'm not religious either, I'm just interested in this subject. Thanks.

Actually i don't Know... I'm just being provocative...
But some ppl say that some gnostic papers describe the life of some caracters similar to Jesus, and that the Gospels are adaptations of those ancient papers...
Wasn't he in love with Mary? Medicine Woman might argue that he even wandered off to the south of France and had some kids.
spidergoat said:
Wasn't he in love with Mary? Medicine Woman might argue that he even wandered off to the south of France and had some kids.
M*W: My theory is Jesus escaped the crucifiction and went off to France. However, most researchers on this subject say MM went to France without Jesus, and bore their last child in Septimania. I like the romance of it, though. In all honesty, I don't really know if Jesus was a real human being or a mythological dying demigod savior.

I believe MM, who was known historically to be a human being, who actually did some writing like the Gospel of MM and possibly Revelations. There is also a connection between MM and John, the "beloved disciple." Researchers say now that MM wrote the Gospel of Mary, possibly the Gospel of John, and Revelations and was referred to as the code name "John." Mary was truly Jesus' "beloved disciple." So, I tend to think that Jesus actually existed, but was not, I repeat NOT, the Christian Messiah of Paul.

To learn more about MM and the French connection, read everything you can find by Laurence Gardner, Lynn Pinknett, Clive Prince, Baigent & Leigh, A.N. Wilson, Elaine Pagels, Karen Armstrong, et al.
I doubt that Mary Magdalene could read & write. The only people who could do so back then are the priests, merchants & politicians/royalties.
haha wow people what a discussion, yeah Jesus could have been homosexual, it's possible, but I thought that he was in love with Mary, or was she his mom? :p ;)
(No offense intended)