was Jesus gay?

Originally posted by Q25
something I read on www.geocities.com/inquisitive79/
(click on Jesus,)
got me wondering,he never was married or loved a woman,or had children.:bugeye:

So, if that is the definition of gay, all religious monks are gay (Buddhist, Catholic, Orthodox? I always thought they were just festive? Has someone told that Supreme Court Justice, " Sother, you know your gay, why don't you come out of the closet?"
Originally posted by Seeker01
He is God, God can not had sex with human.

Astounding grammer, um, I don't see why Jesus couldn't have sex with a human. God had sex with that slut Mary.

hmmm... #1) Jesus was not gay. That's so bogus.

and Seeker01, whats up with this??::

He is God, God can not had sex with human.

God can do anything, right? He could grow a sword and find some hot little sheath to slip it into.


I don't see why Jesus couldn't have sex with a human. God had sex with that slut Mary.

wow, how immature is that? Number one, have you ever heard of a VIRGIN birth anywhere in christian belief. And calling Mary a slut? WHAT?! ok, im done.

Peace. :m: :bugeye:
Originally posted by socialistprophet
wow, how immature is that? Number one, have you ever heard of a VIRGIN birth anywhere in christian belief.

Yeah, I have heard of “Immaculate Conception”, and it's a load of crap. Nice story though.

Originally posted by socialistprophet
And calling Mary a slut? WHAT?! ok, im done.

It's called a joke, looking back though I think I should have written ****.
And what does it matter what I said about her? She was just some lady in a story that has little direct bearing on my life whatsoever.


Moderator edit: Excessive profanity adds nothing useful to the discussion.
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Originally posted by Zero Mass
Yeah, I have heard of “Immaculate Conception”, and it's a load of crap. Nice story though.

It's called a joke, looking back though I think I should have written ****.

And what does it matter what I said about her? She was just some lady in a story that has little direct bearing on my life whatsoever.

Wow!!!, you are sooo extreme, way out there. There has to be some hate there, why else comment on something that has so little meaning according to you? Just because you want to get a rise from Catholics & Christians?

Hey, we all get to find out the truth sooner or later, either way, why the anger or hate that is way out of proportion?
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can any sane atheist hate anyone whom he honestly(?) believe does not exist..?
was Jesus gay?
Don't be silly! :D
He is God, God can not had sex with human.
He was not God (according to the religions which support(ed) him). He was the Son. the Father and the Holy Ghost are in heaven. He was sent to save us, as all three things are needed for existence; rather like the colours of the rainbow are all made up out of three primary colours, and every single colour can be found somewhere in the spaces where they meet.


We (the living) are within the 'tertiary' space. Other 'realms' (though I don't think this is quite the word) such as plants, spirits and the universe all exist in different places along the colour continuem. (This is the foundation of my theory anyway).
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Charles Fleming:

Good points. I have a question though. Do you consider in your faith Jesus to be the actual physical son of god or the spiritual son of god as his chosen prophet kindda of.
about jesus..

if this man truly had the best genetics from a creator... he would be 'walking w/the light' and free from fear. his nervous system would be wired COMPLETELY different than anyone elses. If anyone realized truly he was wave/particle duality, i think this man did.

who knows what a chemical makeup such as his..allowed him to do or be?

i think his purpose of loving mankind exhausted him. a person who is tired and exhausted..or sick for that manner..has energy taken away from his sexuality.

i'm not belonging to any christian religion..but i do feel this man was a part of history.

what the real and true story is..who knows.. but he's not the first person to pay a heavy price for trying to show people truth..this world gets angry at those types..

as for someone calling his Mother ..well..you know who you are. That kind of angry talk comes from an angry mind..and an angry mind is NOT the most inteligent mind.. i rest my case.

as for the question.. it's kind of silly isn't it? i think the real question s/b why are so many catholic priests gay... i personally feel it is against the nature of man to be celebrate..you can not expect to follow in the footsteps of someone you will NEVER be truly like in chemistry makeup
Re: about jesus..

Originally posted by alice
as for the question.. it's kind of silly isn't it? i think the real question s/b why are so many catholic priests gay... i personally feel it is against the nature of man to be celebrate..you can not expect to follow in the footsteps of someone you will NEVER be truly like in chemistry makeup
You may have a very important answer here, we can not be exactly like Jesus, only follow in His footsteps as best as frail weak people can, hopefully pointed in the right direction
)Not sure Heflores! I haven't even read any of the parts of the Bible that include Jesus yet! I do tend to favour the 'chosen' option Heflores, though I don't believe God chose him, rather that he chose God and followed him so closely, that he can be called the Son of God.
...NEVER be truly like [Jesus] in chemistry makeup
You think jesus was some particle perfection?? I never try to deny Religious thinking (I think is can be quite healthy) but this is a bit extreme, in my opinion though i suppose it makes as much sense as the major religions and it could possibly be true!. The three things exist because we do not have to have Jesus' body: all three are needed. On the Yin-Yang thread there was a post about Triad's (not the Chinese outlaws! :rolleyes: ) but it is strange how many 'threes' have been identified by humanity. The father, Son and the Holy Spirit, Freud's: Id, ego and super-ego, Body, mind and soul (an eastern observation I think) and there are more that I can't think of. Body mind and soul covers nearly all of it I think. We do not need Jesus's body because the mind and the soul are also needed to find God, it's just that jesus was sent to show us the way (or so some say).
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Charles Fleming

If you believe in your creator and acknowledge that god is perfection and above all, then you can't be 100% sure that your humanly derived theory of the threes is correct. What if it's 4, 5, 6, or even just one. What if it's more dumbfounded than anyone are thinking. Are you going to deny the truth then after it's revealed to you although it will be so late. My prespective is one of minimalistic approach. I only believe and worship the one god my creator. I don't put emphasis on humans and other things because I might be wrong or commiting sin. I think the approach of piling up ideas to make a model to sell to others is wrong. I think god wants us to be more simple than that and not to attribute things to him that might not be true even though our intentions are not bad..