Was Jesus an illegitimate child ??!!!

Lord Insane

Matthew chapter 1 gives us the genealogy of Jesus - from Abraham to Joseph - but Matthew continues his story, saying that Joseph was NOT the father at all (so this genealogy was not valid at all) !!!!

Matt 1:18 His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but BEFORE
they came together, she was found to be with child !!!!

Oh what a bommer , the poor guy finds out, that his girlfriend was knocked up allready , before he had the chance to have sex with her - it must have been an awfull first wedding night for poor Joseph - no sex with his new wife and she is pregnant with another dude - and in the ancient jewish society, having a child out of wedlock was an abomination !!!!

so Matt 1:19 Joseph was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to
puplic disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly .......

What a gentleman .....

Matt 1:25 He had no union with her untill she gave birth to a child ...

Well, one thing is clear - Joseph was NOT the father of Jesus - but who was ???
Was it " the Holy Spirit " ??
Or was there a cover up to save faces ???

It is interesting that old christian sources and old jewish sources agree on , that the father of Jesus was a roman soldier called Julius Panthera ...

Look at this link :


I find it funny that "the Holy Virgin Mary" had 5 sons and 2 daughters (including Jesus) - should we really call her "Virgin Mary" after having 7 children and a case of possible adultery ?????

What are your thoughts on this topic ??
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This topic is just another whirlpool. Doesn't matter who his father was. Will his words be any more or less tainted if his father was proven? You keep spinning around in the same curiosities that are irrelevant and they keep sucking you down but you don't see the end, the center of the whirlpool until it's too late which makes it that much harder to swim out. It is just another diversion people take to try to discredit the Bible because it can't be 100% affirmed just like most other 2000 year old history. I could care less if Jesus was a real man or not, but in my case I do believe he was real. He can't be 100% proven these days and if you were a Christian, you would wind up having to believe in God whether you see him or not, so what's it matter? If you are looking for 100% proof of God, Jesus, etc, than why not start a new religion of your own and call it science. You will be on an infinite course of learning never discovering the end in an infinite universe with infinite knowledge and you will never reach the goal or proving everything that ever was supposed existed, exists, and will exist, and the laws behind it and what makes it tick, ie, how it all comes together by finding the smallest particle in the universe and how it relates to everything else and the end of the universe. You, my friend, will surely have no luck in that religion and neither will your followers.
usp8riot said:
Will his words be any more or less tainted It is just another diversion people take to try to discredit the Bible because it can't be 100% affirmed just like most other 2000 year old history. I could care less if Jesus was a real man or not, but in my case I do believe he was real. He can't be 100% proven.
so should, we not give equal credence to Scheherazade and Easop, people like that, for their words of wisdom/and morality, or is it only the words of a jesus,that should be revered.
Lord Insane said:
Matthew chapter 1 gives us the genealogy of Jesus - from Abraham to Joseph - but Matthew continues his story, saying that Joseph was NOT the father at all (so this genealogy was not valid at all) !!!!

Matt 1:18 His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but BEFORE they came together, she was found to be with child !!!!

Oh what a bommer , the poor guy finds out, that his girlfriend was knocked up allready , before he had the chance to have sex with her - it must have been an awfull first wedding night for poor Joseph - no sex with his new wife and she is pregnant with another dude - and in the ancient jewish society, having a child out of wedlock was an abomination !!!!

so Matt 1:19 Joseph was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to puplic disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly ....... What a gentleman .....

Matt 1:25 He had no union with her untill she gave birth to a child ...

Well, one thing is clear - Joseph was NOT the father of Jesus - but who was ??? Was it " the Holy Spirit " ?? Or was there a cover up to save faces ???

It is interesting that old christian sources and old jewish sources agree on , that the father of Jesus was a roman soldier called Julius Panthera ...

Look at this link :


I find it funny that "the Holy Virgin Mary" had 5 sons and 2 daughters (including Jesus) - should we really call her "Virgin Mary" after having 7 children and a case of possible adultery ?????

What are your thoughts on this topic ??

M*W: There has got to be something to the Panthera Paternity. As a wordsmith, I'm wondering about the understanding of "Panthera." Is it a play on words for "Pan" (many) The (gods) Ra (sun god)? Or does it simply reflect "panther?" I'm not so sure. What do you think??
so should, we not give equal credence to Scheherazade and Easop, people like that, for their words of wisdom/and morality, or is it only the words of a jesus,that should be revered.

Yes, any words should be revered if it's for the good of all.
Yes, Jesus was a bastard. That's why he focused so much on a heavenly father figure. No big deal.