was Jesus an Idiot


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Registered Senior Member
[plagiarised material deleted]

and theres more Here's a few points where the character of jesus sets himself up for a large dose of foot in mouth disease.

"But anyone who says 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.
(Jesus speaking) Matthew 5:22

later condemning himself to hell, rubbing it in several times in the process.

And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man(Jesus speaking) Matthew 7:26

You fools! (Jesus speaking) Luke 11:40

But God said to him, 'You fool!' (Jesus quoting god) Luke 12:20

How foolish you are (Jesus) Luke 24:25

You blind fools! (Jesus) Matthew 23:17

You blind fools! (Jesus) Matthew 23:19

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Are you truly that stupid?

a person lacking in judgment or prudence

Considering you stupidly took Matt. 5:22 out of context, you will do well to know that whoever calls his brother a fool in mere anger is held responsible.
audible said:
I started wondering why Jesus, is depicted as being so very stupid. ...

So much for his omniscience, as he did not know that the tree did not have figs, even though it was not the right season for it to have figs! Jesus didn't even know things that his contemporaries could easily know! And then, like a spoiled brat, he takes his aggression out on the tree!
Compare with ...
While reading some posts in another thread, I started wondering why Jesus, as depicted in the canonical texts, is depicted as being so very stupid. ...

So much for his omniscience, as he did not know that the tree did not have figs, even though it was not the right season for it to have figs! Jesus didn't even know things that his contemporaries could easily know! And then, like a spoiled brat, he takes his aggression out on the tree!

- see iidb
Either you are the same person as "Pyrrho" or you're grossly dishonest. You're not "Pyrrho".
ConsequentAtheist what would you expect from a lying deceiver?

As for the fool issue:

Jesus said

Matthew 5:22
But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, "Raca!' shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, "You fool!' shall be in danger of hell fire.

The whole Message of the gospels was that Jesus was not just a man amongst men. He was "God With Us" He therefore was not under the same constraints He delivered to His followers. He could call others fools because he knew all their thoughts. Whilst His followers did not have and do not have that same ability.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
The whole Message of the gospels was that Jesus was not just a man amongst men. He was "God With Us"

Yeah. Funny that.
Only the gospels that supported the supernatural nature of christ ever seemed to make it into the bible.
Shame really, Jesus the "man amongst men" would probably have been more inspiring but I guess it might not have squared with the superstitious fakery peddled by the organised church. All the better to separate the credulous from their cash I guess.

There's no business like show business so they say.
Dee Cee
adstar said:
He could call others fools because he knew all their thoughts.
if he knew the thoughts, then how come he did'nt know, that figs were'nt in season.
everybody else did.
southstar said:
Are you truly that stupid?
but it seems you are(he/shes an atheist, therefore does not believe the bible, as truth.)

ConsequentAtheist :
if he/she plagiarised it so what, you plagiarise the bible all the time.
it's the fact that he's drawn attention to the idiotic content of the bible on this forum I like.
and I am sure pyrrho's intentions, were the same, as hes/she must be an atheist too.
so would not mind the plagiarism.
DeeCee said:
Only the gospels that supported the supernatural nature of christ ever seemed to make it into the bible.

actually, why is that?

werent there like 12 disciples at the last supper. did they all write gospels? if so, where are they? or havent they been able to be authenticated, so therefore deemed unreliable?
the preacher said:
ConsequentAtheist :
if he/she plagiarised it so what, you plagiarise the bible all the time.
That is a lie, and a laughably stupid one at that. Please feel free to show where I plagiarize the Bible.
oh shut uo you lying hating jew, i cant believe your still waiting for your Messiah. you jews make me really angry you know
cutegirl said:
oh shut uo you lying hating jew, i cant believe your still waiting for your Messiah. you jews make me really angry you know

Clearly, you're agitated. However, proper spelling would do wonders for the credibility of your (admittedly useless) point.

To the thread itself:

I don't take these as examples of stupidity per se, more so delusional symptoms of a psychological disorder.

1. Matthew 21:18 - This shows a contempt and resentment towards nature for not acceding to the need for immediate gratification of the human, individual will. He thus destroys the offending object. Crazy.

2. The "fools" hypocrisy - This is one set of rules for an individual, another set entirely for the rest. Jesus has polarized the world he inhabits into an absolute realm of those who will be punished with eternal damnation upon uttering a certain phrase, versus himself, who apparently has been invested with some fictitious "right" to transgress his own commandment via the fact of his supposed "godhood" and divinely-gained insight into the will of all humans. Lunacy.

It must be a frightful world, that which Jesus lived in. Passive-aggressively-justified delusions of divinity forced upon a natural world and species that cannot realistically cram itself into such a mold and still retain a degree of sanity.
cutegirl said:
oh shut uo you lying hating jew, i cant believe your still waiting for your Messiah. you jews make me really angry you know

You really need to sit down with a nice bowl of chicken soup and contemplate what a truly ugly persona you've developed to compensate for your ignorance and insecurity. Shalom.
I am sorry ConsequentAtheist, it was a generalisation, I did not mean you personally.
what I mean was that we all plagiarise the bible or someone elses writings, at times.
yes I could have put it better.
audible said:
This is the moron who millions worship as God! Can anything be more delightfully absurd?
Jesus didn't write those things. Jesus didn't write anything. In these circumstances, you don't have to wonder how the bible is filled with absurdities. It doesn't make Jesus any less of a great teacher, you just have to read it more carefully.
@ thepreacher

I apologize for your ignorance.

His statement is as if Plato had said "do not read when you are tired" and then stupidly enough, any time he sees Plato reading he calls Plato an idiot.

This has nothing to do with theology but sheer stupidity.
werent there like 12 disciples at the last supper. did they all write gospels? if so, where are they? or havent they been able to be authenticated, so therefore deemed unreliable?

Lots of people wrote about Jesus in the early years following his death. I think the gospels of Thomas and Mary Magdalane are two of the better known books that failed to have enough pezazz to be considered for inclusion.
If your interested you could do worse than start with the Gnostic society site for some alternative contemporary views on the ministry of JC and the construction of 'orthodoxy'.

As for Jesus being a fool...
Is this the same Jesus who got nailed to a tree on a matter of principle?
'Nuff said.
Dee Cee