Was jesus a droid sent from heaven?


Registered Senior Member
Why didn't God design all of mankind to be as perfect as Jesus? We are prone to sinning yet jesus was perfect as could be, incapable of sin, able to perform miracles, etc. Why didn't God design us the same way? It's an obvious design flaw to me(or maybe God considers it a feature). I know, I know- "God gave us free will...bla bla bla....that's why we choose to sin". But has it ever occured to anyone the obvious implication of this. If we sin because of our free will, that must mean that Jesus did not have free will. And of course, neither does God himself.

Was Jesus Christ a droid sent from heaven, programmed to die for our sins? I think he must have been. God's playing us for fools.

Or maybe, just maybe, we've got this free will thing all wrong. Perhaps Jesus did have free will. It must have been an updated, bug-free version of it though. So God is apparently mighty capable of co-designing free will with pure goodness, but he just chooses to leave us the way we are. Some will sin and go to hell. Some will come to know God and go to heaven, some will not. The punishment is hell, the reward is heaven.
I don't like this game.

Personally, I wish God had made me more like jesus:

God: "Hey jesus, I want you to go to earth for a few decades..I have another plan."

Jesus: "Aww man....ur not gonna give me the same free will that they use, are ya??!!"

God: "AWWW hell no, son...I wouldn't do that to ya".

Jesus: "Well, what's the deal then?"

God: "Ah I just want you to hang out, do some good, spread the word about this place, die for some sins...".

Jesus: "Cool, no big whoop....see ya in a few."
Just a note about Jesus's sinlessness. He could not by definition sin. To sin is to do evil. Jesus was a vicar of God, Jesus was God. Evil is Godlessness. How could Jesus have been without God if he was God? Therefore how could he sin?

Let me try this again - God is good. Jesus was God, therefore anything he did was good.

Is my logic faulty?

- KitNyx
Originally posted by KitNyx
Is my logic faulty?

Your logic is fine with me. Answer me this though:

Do you think Jesus was a droid, or did he just have better free will than us?

Or, if you prefer...

Is God a perfect droid, or does he have perfect free will?
There is no God.

The current body of scientific knowledge refutes virtually every claim made in the Book of Genesis. This means that Jesus Christ cannot possibly be divine. Remember, Christ’s stated mission on Earth (according to the Bible) was to save humanity from the stain of original sin. However since Adam and Eve never existed, there can be no original sin. That would render the Biblical account of Christ’s mission on Earth pointless.

There may very well have been an itinerant preacher called Jesus of Nazareth who lived 2000 years ago, and ran afoul of the Roman authorities, but he was a man and not a god. Jesus’ followers, who wrote the books of the Gospel over 100 years after his death, greatly exaggerated the stories about his life.