Was God using a human to reproduce appropriate reproductive conduct?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Was God using a human to reproduce appropriate reproductive conduct?

All other known entities, except for God, use one of their own species to reproduce.
One would think that an almighty God could find his own woman and reproduce purely instead of fathering a half breed hybrid and act as a deadbeat dad and take off without doing his duty as a father.

Archeological evidence show that he had a wife, Asherah, and one must wonder what she thought of God was using inappropriate reproductive methods and coveting another man’s woman, Mary, and breaking his own commandment.



Any other time that a human would do as God did, we would brand his child a bastard and have a few choice labels for the father who abandoned him as well. Christians would brand him a sinner yet we praise God for the same sin. Showing that Christians have a double standard of morality and are what some would call hypocrites.


In Jesus’s case, we somehow respect Jesus the chimera half breed even though he was a product of inappropriate reproduction. Some would also call it bestiality if they see God as one species and mankind as another.

We see God coveting, we see him using another man’s wife, and we see God abandoning the child he later will use as a ransom and condemn to death for sins that would include his own.

If God cannot reproduce anything other than a chimera half breed then that shows that he cannot be omnipotent or all powerful as Christians believe him to be.

Was God using humans to reproduce appropriate reproductive conduct?

Was God using a human to reproduce appropriate reproductive conduct?

All other known entities, except for God, use one of their own species to reproduce.
One would think that an almighty God could find his own woman and reproduce purely instead of fathering a half breed hybrid and act as a deadbeat dad and take off without doing his duty as a father.

Archeological evidence show that he had a wife, Asherah, and one must wonder what she thought of God was using inappropriate reproductive methods and coveting another man’s woman, Mary, and breaking his own commandment.



Any other time that a human would do as God did, we would brand his child a bastard and have a few choice labels for the father who abandoned him as well. Christians would brand him a sinner yet we praise God for the same sin. Showing that Christians have a double standard of morality and are what some would call hypocrites.


In Jesus’s case, we somehow respect Jesus the chimera half breed even though he was a product of inappropriate reproduction. Some would also call it bestiality if they see God as one species and mankind as another.

We see God coveting, we see him using another man’s wife, and we see God abandoning the child he later will use as a ransom and condemn to death for sins that would include his own.

If God cannot reproduce anything other than a chimera half breed then that shows that he cannot be omnipotent or all powerful as Christians believe him to be.

Was God using humans to reproduce appropriate reproductive conduct?


Which God is in question?
Which God is in question?

This would be the Christian God.
@OP The Bible's filled with double standard's and contradictions. Though the way you phrased it made me laugh not because I don't take what you said seriously, but because I don't take Christianity seriously.
Another way to look at God becoming man is with an analogy. A professor talking to a bunch of freshman can't deal with them like they are graduate students. This would be so far over their heads and both would get frustrated. He needs to dumb down so he does not lose his audience .and he does not get upset at dummies. God learns and simplifies the law to love God and love your neighbor.

Another way to look at it is, have you ever heard of the saying, walking a mile in someone elses shoes. If you are too disconnected, your can't fully relate to someone of different circumstances. On the other hand, If you put yourself under the same set of constraints your can understand better how to empathize.

I think Mary Antoinette was told the poor have no bread, so she said have them eat cake. She was not being mean, but was so disconnected to the poor, she thought no bread was because their royal baker was making cakes. God needed to experience what it was like to be be human. He sees that the humans have it much harder than expected. He lightens their load.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Another way to look at God becoming man is with an analogy. A professor talking to a bunch of freshman can't deal with them like they are graduate students. This would be so far over their heads and both would get frustrated. He needs to dumb down so he does not lose his audience .and he does not get upset at dummies. God learns and simplifies the law to love God and love your neighbor.

Another way to look at it is, have you ever heard of the saying, walking a mile in someone elses shoes. If you are too disconnected, your can't fully relate to someone of different circumstances. On the other hand, If you put yourself under the same set of constraints your can understand better how to empathize.

I think Mary Antoinette was told the poor have no bread, so she said have them eat cake. She was not being mean, but was so disconnected to the poor, she thought no bread was because their royal baker was making cakes. God needed to experience what it was like to be be human. He sees that the humans have it much harder than expected. He lightens their load.

I agree your statements are reasonable
This would be the Christian God.
@OP The Bible's filled with double standard's and contradictions. Though the way you phrased it made me laugh not because I don't take what you said seriously, but because I don't take Christianity seriously.

None should unless they like genocidal Gods who like and demand the punish the innocent instead of the guilty.
