Was Eve (HWWH) the serpent (wisdom)?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Interestingly, the name 'Eve' is Hebrew for 'HWWH.' Sounds pretty close to 'YHWH.' And the serpent of Eden is also known as 'HWWH.' Are they one and the same? Do they indicate 'wisdom?' Somehow the serpent appears to be the wise one, the all-knowing, the feminine spirit. Eve is 'HWWH'. The Serpent is also 'HWWH.' They stand for 'Yahweh' or 'YHWH.'

Discussion, please.
eve has nothing to do with the serpent, linguistically.

the word used for the serpent is "nachash".
it can mean "serpent", "shining spirit", or "bright mind", among other things.
"serpent" is just a convenient translation to link the concept to "satan" (a christian concept in it's current modern acceptable form)
Female spirits are associated with wisdom?

That tends to be a masculine trait. Apollo, Odin, Thoth...
Female spirits are associated with wisdom?

That tends to be a masculine trait. Apollo, Odin, Thoth...

In ancient egyptian mtythology, the Goddess Aset (later known as Isis by the greeks) was known as the goddess of widom.
A goddess also associated with magic. She was the one who obtained the knowledge of Ra s' first name or essentially the name of the great Neter thru the use of trickery and magic.
M*W: Interestingly, the name 'Eve' is Hebrew for 'HWWH.' Sounds pretty close to 'YHWH.' And the serpent of Eden is also known as 'HWWH.' Are they one and the same? Do they indicate 'wisdom?' Somehow the serpent appears to be the wise one, the all-knowing, the feminine spirit. Eve is 'HWWH'. The Serpent is also 'HWWH.' They stand for 'Yahweh' or 'YHWH.'

Discussion, please.

Sounds interesting MW,but was not the serpent in the OT always associated with being a male being,as in lucifer?
Female spirits are associated with wisdom?

That tends to be a masculine trait. Apollo, Odin, Thoth...

M*W: Ha! Don't make me laugh! Wisdom is symbolized by the Serpent in the GoE. That wisdom was imparted on Eve.

"The serpent makes an appearance in a great number of creation myths featuringthe first humans and is often portrayed as a wise benevolent spirit, not a beguiling messenger of temptation and evil. Moreover, the serpent has an intrinsic association with the first woman in these myths, a fact confirmed in the knowledge that the name Eve is synonymous with both the word for 'life' and 'snake'. For instance, in Hebrew hawwah, i.e. Eve, means 'she who makes live'. It is also related to the word hevia, signifying a female serpent. Furtherore, in Arabic 'serpent' is hayya, which in itself cognate with hayat, meaning 'life'; the Arabic for Eve being hawwa. In other accounts from Jewish lore, Eve is actually seen as the ancestral mother of the Nephilim, who were themselves described in Hebrew myth as awwim, meaning 'devastators' or 'serpents'."

From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of A Fallen Race, by Andrew Collins, 1996.

The Cult of the Serpent--An Interdisciplinary Survey of Its Manifestations and Origins, by Balaji Mundkur, State University of New York Press, 1983.

Hebrew Myths--The Book of Genesis, by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai, 1964.

The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, by M.G. Easton, Bracken Books, London, 1989.
Sounds interesting MW,but was not the serpent in the OT always associated with being a male being,as in lucifer?

M*W: That is probably the common belief or what christians would have us to believe. What the symbolism means to me and general feminist concept is that the serpent represents feminine wisdom and spirituality.

The christians erroneously interpreted the serpent as being evil as well as lucifer, but if one goes back far enough to study matriarchal societies, it's pretty clear that the serpent doesn't represent evil but represents health, wisdom and healing.

Lucifer was nothing more than a star, the planet Venus or the Morningstar, maybe even construed as the sun, or as an adversary to the sun (Moon?) The christian version of Lucifer would have him be the Antichrist, the leader of the tribulation, and representing all things evil.
Lucifer was nothing more than a star, the planet Venus or the Morningstar, maybe even construed as the sun, or as an adversary to the sun (Moon?)

The planet Venus is just a symbol of Lucifer, the lightbringer. It appears in the morning and "brings" the light, the sun. But on the night, venus brings darkness. The rod which turns into a snake is the same symbolism.
M*W: Ha! Don't make me laugh! Wisdom is symbolized by the Serpent in the GoE. That wisdom was imparted on Eve.
study some judaism to find out exactly how wrong you are.
if you are going to make wild assertations without any backing knowledge from the religion itself, how do you expect to be taken seriously?
study some judaism to find out exactly how wrong you are. if you are going to make wild assertations without any backing knowledge from the religion itself, how do you expect to be taken seriously?

M*W: I think the problem here is that when I speak of astro-theological themes, I'm going back long before Israel and the Jews. No offense has been intended toward you or your faith.

I don't speak/read/write Hebrew, nor have I claimed to. When I state such as I did about 'Eve,' I will always provide references for back-up. I don't pull this stuff out of a hat, you know.
M*W: Interestingly, the name 'Eve' is Hebrew for 'HWWH.' Sounds pretty close to 'YHWH.' And the serpent of Eden is also known as 'HWWH.' Are they one and the same? Do they indicate 'wisdom?' Somehow the serpent appears to be the wise one, the all-knowing, the feminine spirit. Eve is 'HWWH'. The Serpent is also 'HWWH.' They stand for 'Yahweh' or 'YHWH.'

Discussion, please.

Chavvah khav-vaw' causatively from 2331; life-giver; Chavvah (or Eve), the first woman:--Eve.

nachash naw-khawsh' from 5172; a snake (from its hiss):--serpent.

Eua yoo'-ah of Hebrew origin (2332); Eua (or Eva, i.e. Chavvah), the first woman:--Eve.
ophis of'-is probably from 3700 (through the idea of sharpness of vision); a snake, figuratively, (as a type of sly cunning) an artful malicious person, especially Satan:--serpent.

If they indicate wisdom, what wisdom would you like to get?

A. 1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
B. 1 Corinthians 1:24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.