Was Eve correct in rejecting God?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Was Eve correct in rejecting God?

This clip is a near perfect analogy to what Eden would have been like with mankind not having the knowledge of good and evil.


Eve eating from the tree of knowledge would be like her mentality going from what you see those young adults thinking, to that of the thinking of the time traveler. From pure innocence bliss to that of having a moral sense and the lose of innocent bliss.

In the myth of Eden, Eve was first to eat of the tree of knowledge. She, as God states, became as Gods, knowing good and evil. She then applied this new knowledge and wisdom and chose to reject God as mankind’s best example and master. She chose instead to draw Adam to her new reality. That of having the moral sense of God along with human nature. Analogous to Jesus later.

Eve, like some today, would have seen God as less fit to rule mankind than mankind equipped with the knowledge of good and evil. This can be shown by some of the epithets that are given to God.

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

What would you choose?
Would you accept God, or would you reject him?
Is mankind better led by a human God or by an invisible God who would deny mankind a moral sense?
Would you step up to the highest form of humanity, or stay in a blissfully ignorant in Eden?
Is God nature + human nature better than God nature alone? Jesus thought so.


Yale University series.


Was Eve correct in rejecting God?
I dislike this story, but I don't think she was rejecting God. She was disobeying God in a specific instance.

In the myth of Eden, Eve was first to eat of the tree of knowledge. She, as God states, became as Gods, knowing good and evil.
Became as God in that sense and that sense alone. At least, that's what I was told and that seems to fit with the story.

She then applied this new knowledge and wisdom and chose to reject God as mankind’s best example and master.
That seems to be reading things in. Also, God is not mankind's example. Eating the fruit would be using God as the example, since this would lead to being more like God. Master, sure. Though again, she broke a rule. To say she is rejecting everything about God as master is not clear in the story and even in-house this was not the way it was explained to me. She was like a naughty kid breaking a rule.

She chose instead to draw Adam to her new reality. That of having the moral sense of God along with human nature. Analogous to Jesus later.

Eve, like some today, would have seen God as less fit to rule mankind than mankind equipped with the knowledge of good and evil. This can be shown by some of the epithets that are given to God.
This seems like adding in interpretations, perhaps based on what you think of the OT God. And most of Dawkins below, I would think, is in reaction to what happens later in the OT. These are not things that Eve would know much about.

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
I dislike this story, but I don't think she was rejecting God. She was disobeying God in a specific instance.

Rejecting may not be the best word.
She decided to take a better path might be more appropriate.
When you choose one over another, the other often feels like he has been rejected.

Became as God in that sense and that sense alone. At least, that's what I was told and that seems to fit with the story.


That seems to be reading things in. Also, God is not mankind's example.

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

This says we are to emulate him. Take him as our example.

Eating the fruit would be using God as the example, since this would lead to being more like God.

Exactly what Eve did.

Master, sure. Though again, she broke a rule.

Yes. A rule that said, stay as dumb as all the other animals without a moral sense.

Would you follow such a rule?
I would not.

To say she is rejecting everything about God as master is not clear in the story and even in-house this was not the way it was explained to me. She was like a naughty kid breaking a rule.

See above. Further, the originators of Genesis, the Jews, saw Eden as man's elevation and not his fall.


Who's interpretation do you think should take precedence. The authors or the usurpers of their scriptures?

This seems like adding in interpretations, perhaps based on what you think of the OT God. And most of Dawkins below, I would think, is in reaction to what happens later in the OT. These are not things that Eve would know much about.

True but if it was good for Jesus then I infer that it was good for Eve.
It also explains why after she was elevated, she chose to elevate Adam as well and ignore God's debilitating and rather stupid command.

Greatest I am,

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

You're aware that ''perfect'' in the OT means ''complete, whole, entire, etc..
And not ''flawless''. It most likely means the same thing in the NT as well.

Eve didn't reject God? She told Adam of the tree, and he ate of it. Then he shared with her.
Eve faced her fears . That I admire more than anything . You all would not exist if that meme went away . It is big when you attempt to "Do" anything . If your fear stops you well your done and there is no doing .

What will a Mother do to insure her child's survival ?

The other thing is " The Mission "

Whats the mission ? To end brutality perhaps? Now go read the bible again . Shit is it Me , Is it you ? This time realize the guys and gals that wrote there wisdom down are talking to the future people of the earth . They are time travelers and have traveled down to tell you what they think . Instead of ridiculing em for being pompous and saying they are linked to god , think about what they are trying to tell you .

I don't always agree with them but I can relate to how they feel about it all . That is one reason I " Listen to people and try to understand where there coming from . Old fuckers from the past included . Maybe they learned something I can use ?
Presumably you mean lust for knowledge.

OTOH it does explain much.
You've decided to keep yourself sin-free by being knowledge-free.
That fits.

I didn't say the having of knowledge was sinful. Lusting over it is. It is God's knowledge, he thought it first, and still you show him no respect.
Proverbs 16:22 Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it, but the instruction of fools is folly.
Fortunately, offhand, I can't think of anyone in that sad position.
But I'll work on it if you like.
Ah, come on. You must know some engineers whose apartments you wouldn't let your dog play in - for fear of contagion - who don't have the slightest idea how to talk to the opposite sex and who self sabotage in a variety of creative ways...
ask them to design a device that will actually punish an ipod for choosing the wrong tune
and man they can whip out both the machine design and the programming in no time flat.
And they a veritable encyclopedias of sports, star trek episodes and the latin names of all mould species - this connects to their first attribute above.
Proverbs 16:22 Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it, but the instruction of fools is folly.

So. Whos the fool? He says yes faith, or he who rejects it? I guess only time will tell.

p.s. if God is proven real I am not a follower. Here me, Father?