Was Caesar Jesus?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: According to a new book that has recently hit the shelves called 'Jesus was Caesar', claims that the real identity of Jesus Christ has been discovered to be that of none other than the Emperor Julius Caesar! There are some surprising parallels in each of their stories. Here are a few:

- Both Caesar & Jesus start their rising careers in neighboring states in the north: Gallia and Galilee.
- Both cross a fateful river: the Rubicon & Jordan. Once across the rivers, they both come across a patron/rival: Pompeius & John the Baptist, & their first followers: Antonius & Curio on the one hand & Peter & Andrew on the other.
- Both are continually on the move, finally arriving at the capital, Rome & Jerusalem, where they at first triumph, yet subsequently undergo their passion.
- Both have good relationships with women and have a special relationship with one particular woman, Caesar with Cleopatra & Jesus with Magdalene.
- Both have encounters at night, Caesar with Nicomedes of Bithynia, Jesus with Nicodemus of Bethany.
- Both have an affinity to ordinary people & both run afoul of the highest authorities: Caesar with the Senate, Jesus with the Sanhedrin.
- Both are contentious characters, but show praiseworthy clemency as well: the clementia Caesaris & Jesus' Love-thy-enemy.
- Both have a traitor: Brutus & Judas. And an assassin who at first gets away: the other Brutus & Barabbas & one who washes his hands of it: Lepidus & Pilate.
- Both are accused of making themselves kings: King of the Romans & King of the Jews. Both are dressed in red royal robes & wear a crown on their heads: a laurel wreath & a crown of thorns.
- Both get killed: Caesar is stabbed with daggers, Jesus is crucified, but with a stab wound in his side.
- Jesus as well as Caesar hang on a cross. For a reconstruction of the crucifixion of Caesar, see:


- Both die on the same respective dates of the year: Caesar on the Ides (15th) of March, Jesus on the 15th of Nisan.
- Both are deified posthumously: as Divus Iulius & Jesus Christ.
- Caesar & Jesus also use the same words, e.g.: Caesar's famous Latin 'Veni, vidi, vici'-I came, I saw, I conquered-is in the Gospel transmitted into: 'I came, washed and saw', whereby Greek enipsa, 'I washed', replaces enikisa, 'I conquered'.

A little too coincidental? I think so.

Any comments?
Before I continue reading, I must make a correction.

...Emperor Julius Caesar!
Julius Caesar was never an emperor. Augustus Caesar (real name: Gaius Octavius [grand nephew, and protege, of Julius Caesar]) was emperor, and Julius Caesar was Consul before being killed.

also, most of that could be said about me =/. the things they have in common, thousands of people at that time would also have in common. the commonalities are too common to be taken as evidence.
cato said:
Before I continue reading, I must make a correction.
Julius Caesar was never an emperor.

Actually not right, Cato , in year 45 BC (after the battle of Munda), Caesar received the following titles :
consul,dictator for life, overseer of the moral, imperator and father of the fatherland, he furthermore received power as a peopletribune meaning he was sacrosanct - posthume he was furthermore pronounced divine ........

Also coins with his portrait and the inscriptions : CAESAR IMP. and CAESAR IMPERA
was minted in Rome !!!!
Paraclete, he was never officially made any of those (for long anyway), and he never ruled as empiror. he was killed first.

edit: I suppose that if you consider dictator the same as emperor, then you could be correct. (although, I think consul was more powerful, traditionally anyway. he sort of redefined the government =])
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Hi Cato ,
You are right , he did not reign as emperor for very long - he was given the title
IMPERATOR = Emperor, from the roman senate in 45 BC , and on march 15.th , 44 BC , he was killed ......
HOWEVER !!!!!!! He was the first guy to receive the title IMPERATOR from the roman senate - the VERY first official roman EMPEROR !!!!!!!!!!!!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: According to a new book that has recently hit the shelves called 'Jesus was Caesar', claims that the real identity of Jesus Christ has been discovered to be that of none other than the Emperor Julius Caesar! There are some surprising parallels in each of their stories. Here are a few:

- Both Caesar & Jesus start their rising careers in neighboring states in the north: Gallia and Galilee.
- Both cross a fateful river: the Rubicon & Jordan. Once across the rivers, they both come across a patron/rival: Pompeius & John the Baptist, & their first followers: Antonius & Curio on the one hand & Peter & Andrew on the other.
- Both are continually on the move, finally arriving at the capital, Rome & Jerusalem, where they at first triumph, yet subsequently undergo their passion.
- Both have good relationships with women and have a special relationship with one particular woman, Caesar with Cleopatra & Jesus with Magdalene.
- Both have encounters at night, Caesar with Nicomedes of Bithynia, Jesus with Nicodemus of Bethany.
- Both have an affinity to ordinary people & both run afoul of the highest authorities: Caesar with the Senate, Jesus with the Sanhedrin.
- Both are contentious characters, but show praiseworthy clemency as well: the clementia Caesaris & Jesus' Love-thy-enemy.
- Both have a traitor: Brutus & Judas. And an assassin who at first gets away: the other Brutus & Barabbas & one who washes his hands of it: Lepidus & Pilate.
- Both are accused of making themselves kings: King of the Romans & King of the Jews. Both are dressed in red royal robes & wear a crown on their heads: a laurel wreath & a crown of thorns.
- Both get killed: Caesar is stabbed with daggers, Jesus is crucified, but with a stab wound in his side.
- Jesus as well as Caesar hang on a cross. For a reconstruction of the crucifixion of Caesar, see:


- Both die on the same respective dates of the year: Caesar on the Ides (15th) of March, Jesus on the 15th of Nisan.
- Both are deified posthumously: as Divus Iulius & Jesus Christ.
- Caesar & Jesus also use the same words, e.g.: Caesar's famous Latin 'Veni, vidi, vici'-I came, I saw, I conquered-is in the Gospel transmitted into: 'I came, washed and saw', whereby Greek enipsa, 'I washed', replaces enikisa, 'I conquered'.

A little too coincidental? I think so.

Any comments?

What a way to sell it to the Roman people !
Toss in a bit of Mithras to win over the army... gotta have the legions in one's camp, after all.
Either that, or the Church just plaigiarized that later.

Especially interesting are the references to the possible twisting of Greek word, expressions & turns of phrases which result in their reinterpretation later on - whether by design or mistranslation. I've wondered ever since discovering how the Bible was transalted thru historical epochs how much of the original meaning or intent was lost thru the various interpretations at these points in time.

Have you ever seen this site ?
Jesus Never Existed
I could swear I've posted it here before.
It's a bit ummm... fervent in tone, but it contains references to the same book you mention, plus a boatload of other material.
A couple of interesting articles in "this months features" section detailing how JC's spiel & parts of the Gospels had already been written by Roman & Jewish philosophers of the day.
A little too coincidental? I think so.

Reminds me of this:

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost a son while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both were shot behind the head.

Here is an interesting one...
Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners.

Both successors were named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are made of fifteen letters.

Mr. Booth shot Lincoln in a Theatre called "Ford".
Lee Harvey Oswald, shot Kennedy in a car called "Ford" Lincoln.

Booth ran from a theater and was caught in a warehouse.
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

And last but not least,
A month before Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe, Maryland.
A month before Kennedy was shot he was with Marilyn Monroe.
I wouldn't say Abe Lincoln was particularly concerned with Civil Rights. The Emanc. Proclamation didn't even have any oomph behind it and Lincoln himself was quoted distancing himself from 'Negroes'.
Killjoy said:
What a way to sell it to the Roman people !
Toss in a bit of Mithras to win over the army... gotta have the legions in one's camp, after all.
Either that, or the Church just plaigiarized that later.

Especially interesting are the references to the possible twisting of Greek word, expressions & turns of phrases which result in their reinterpretation later on - whether by design or mistranslation. I've wondered ever since discovering how the Bible was transalted thru historical epochs how much of the original meaning or intent was lost thru the various interpretations at these points in time.

Have you ever seen this site ?
Jesus Never Existed
I could swear I've posted it here before.
It's a bit ummm... fervent in tone, but it contains references to the same book you mention, plus a boatload of other material.
A couple of interesting articles in "this months features" section detailing how JC's spiel & parts of the Gospels had already been written by Roman & Jewish philosophers of the day.

M*W: Thanks for the link. It was hard to get out of it! Lots and lots of intriguing information.
cato said:
Before I continue reading, I must make a correction.

Julius Caesar was never an emperor. Augustus Caesar (real name: Gaius Octavius [grand nephew, and protege, of Julius Caesar]) was emperor, and Julius Caesar was Consul before being killed.

also, most of that could be said about me =/. the things they have in common, thousands of people at that time would also have in common. the commonalities are too common to be taken as evidence.

Lol Classic EMPEROR CAESAR - lol is that the alternative history. :eek: