warbots here and now

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smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
check this extreme coolness out

Army to deploy robots that shoot
Published: December 1, 2004, 12:23 PM PST
By Michael Kanellos
Staff Writer, CNET News.com
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Next year, the U.S. Army will give robots machine guns, although humans will firmly be in control of them.

The Army next March will begin to deploy Talon robots from Waltham, Mass.-based Foster-Miller. The robots will be mounted with M240 or M249 machine guns, said a Foster-Miller spokesman. The units also can be mounted with a rocket launcher. Defense agencies have been testing an armed version of the Talon since 2003.

read more here and here

ah, now I really feel like living in sci-fi :D
robots with live weapons

p.s. ok ok so they're nt autonomous, but still...
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imagine.. an iraq fighter waits for his target... waits.. and then unseen emerges a robot with a rocket launcher from behind :cool: :m:

or better yet, 3 robots from different dirrections
target acquired . commencing lock-on . weapon locked and ready . fire
Well, why not make the battlefield fully virtual? That would reduce material and human costs...

Anyway, I think that it is a good idea to employ robots.

....now look at that, IRobot really exists.
Dreamwalker said:
Well, why not make the battlefield fully virtual? That would reduce material and human costs...
great idea thought of not only by you
would be perfect :cool:
No, it would be horrible: a waste of perfectly good machinery without any result. All humans fight like the Japanese in WWII; unless there are sufficient human casualties, there is no conclusive result.
looks like battlebots on steroids...

but what if somebody hacked the signal? some dude with a laptop and antenna (and a joystick if he were particularly sick) could get his hands on some serious firepower in a combat situation

then again, God, WHY didn't they make battlebots with rockets and m16s.... WHY!!!!
Ah, the hacking aspect brings whole new depth in the gameplay! (warpla.. warfare that is). You could pl.. be a hacker/droner!!
All your base are belong to us! <- they simply must write that on those bots
wait a sec, you could build one of these things in your garage if you could find out where to get automatic weapons and/or build rocket pods. a rocket pod shouldn't be that though if you know how to handle explosives and such, no need for guidance stuff, let them be dumb-fire. oh my god i MUST build one *taps fingers, grins maniaclly...*
..and let it loose on your pathetic neighbours one morning /evil grin
I reckon the leaders of countries should battle it out head on, man to man, bare knuckles. That would be SO amusing. Tony Blair & Geroge Bush against Saddam Hussein!
Then we could sell tickets to watch it, we can film it and make merchandise so we'd be MAKING money instead of wasting it on war......that'd be hilarious.

Oh yeah the robots look cool too:D
This thread is future HORROR. The technology has to be used in a good way, not to be used in warfare. If we only use them in battle zones like the dessert and fight our wars on a game level without people getting hurt, but rather not here on earth! Don't forget the Kyoto agreement! The earth/nature has to be stable. Human rights first.

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The technology has to be used in a good way, not to be used in warfare.
alas, it has been for milenias that the best technology is used exactly in warfare.
but rather not here on earth!
why? it's more ok for people to die rather than a bot get shot?
Don't forget the Kyoto agreement!
what does it have to do with warbots? it's not like they run on coals.
t'is fuel cells, electricity. Besides, one SUV going shopping probably spends 10x as much energy as 10 of these warbots during whole day of action.
The earth/nature has to be stable.
what does this have to do with warbots?
Human rights first.
therefore we send bots in and they take the damage, not humans (well, allied humans at least)
Big differences between cultures can kill innocent people when these warrobots can be part of warfare in an unequal war where robots can be controlled savely by soldiers to kill human 'anemies' wich aren't fighting with warrobots on their sides. The law of the strongest is applied when we humans chose for this type of robot use.

so what? that's why it's called 'war' :rolleyes:
the best one with the best strategy and/or technology wins
Big differences between cultures can kill innocent people when these warrobots can be part of warfare
/Yawn. Isn't that what's been going on for thousands of years? Ah yes, there are also territorial concerns. War bots will make no difference.

unequal war
Most wars have been unequal in some way. And?

robots can be controlled savely by soldiers to kill human 'anemies' wich aren't fighting with warrobots on their sides.

Don't worry, other countries will soon develop their own bots.

The law of the strongest is applied when we humans chose for this type of robot use.

The law of the strongest is applied everywhere around you. Good morning.
Dreamwalker said:
Well, why not make the battlefield fully virtual? That would reduce material and human costs...
Um, we call that deplomacy.

It works until someone gets pissed enough to bomb anyway. Let's see, I lost the 'virtual war', but have a bunch of real bombs... yet you want my land. Uh huh....
One more step towards the dorks final dominance over the jocks. In twenty or thirty years from now, armies will be mostly comprised of killer mechs, smaller hovering vehicles and aeroplanes controlled from behind the scenes by legions of geeks who have been training their thumbs all their lives for this.
Fantastic, isn't it?!
Besides it'll save professional (geek) pilots' lives.

//remembers Mech Warrior and Starsiege series :) :m:
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