

Registered Senior Member
Hey Woody...i tried more than once to respond yo your questions in the 'hell' thread, howver, owing to the very limited memory of my system, some thread i have difficulty with when they get too long, and som i cant access at all. so i thought i would start this...trying to remmebr what you asked

you started that it is a good law not to kill....so then WHy do you condone killing?

war is organiszed murder whereas defense of person and loved ones when spontaneous is passionate. hoplefully avoided, but that is not same as organized war. which is MANPULATEd by the powers that be! they creat 'divide and rule' as a means for the people to fight each other. this is a power move to keep the people diverted away from the main oppressive controlling system. so should we do war on THAT.
NO. war's therer middle name. they thrive on it. but we CAN see through that game and speak out, and protest. but warfare. what ever ahas it solved?

you ask about Iraq and the evil Sadam did. so..dopes that jsutify going and killing thousands and thousands of innocent people, and poisoning the environment for over 3 million years?

you as an INIVIDUAL must feel what's right. explore about it and see what is begind this love of war by the patriarchy

itisn't only a modern thing neither. patriarchal pagans had myths where they believed they could carry on fighting in their heaven..!
I see anyone who glorifies war as the ultimate hypocrite. War is murder. I don't give a shit what started the war. War is murder. Ya just cannot go kill people like that. Ya just can't!
If someone came up to you and tried to kill you or a family member or even a friend and you kill them in self defense you would be justified in doing it. War works on this same principle but in just a much larger scale. No one glorifies war but when it means your very survival then it is not just morally justified but it is a countries right and obligation to protect its citizens.
Brutus1964 said:
If someone came up to you and tried to kill you or a family member or even a friend and you kill them in self defense you would be justified in doing it.

d_-i HATE and LOATHe American gun culture.
This is a culture--built on meritocratic principles--which 'justifies' housholders being armed and being able to kill if anyone's on their property.
No questions are asked how 'we' got in this state, etc. it's just 'shoot to kill'. here, it is gonna get like that the way things are going. and all it deos is create an awful VIOLENt place to be.

War works on this same principle but in just a much larger scale.

d__no it doesn't. you are being very innocent in your understanding of war. wars are CREATED by the powers that be. the people on a whole do not WANT war, for obvious reasons--losing loved ones, being killed..all the horrors of war. So--State comes into its own and CREATES the propaganda so as to try and curtail this general dissent against war. 'Enimies' are created, and the whole circus of propaganda is in your face

No one glorifies war but when it means your very survival then it is not just morally justified but it is a countries right and obligation to protect its citizens.

Like i said. war is propaganda and organized murder. and the only people it suits are those in power pullin the strings and the people who can't see through all the propaganda

something i have noticed. a pattern. the mechansitic scientist people and the fundamentalist religionist people all seem to LOVe war, or at least justify it!