War of Evil Against Evil


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
God says very clearly:

John 15:17
"17 "This I command you, that you love one another."

John 13:35
"35 "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." "

So why Bush says that he is a Christian and that the war is against evil? Because he wants to appear right? Or maybe because he didn't read the Bible...?

1 Corinthians 16:14
"14 Let all that you do be done in love. "

Well... he certainly didn't read THIS, don't you think?

And what about this:
Romans 12:9
"9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. "

Romans 12:21
"21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

He clearly never read those things, did he?

To finish...
1 John 4:7-8
"7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
8 The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. "

Well... then he certainly doesn't know God.

Evil fights against evil.
Evil fights against good.
Good doesn't fight against good.
Good doesn't find aginst evil.

Very simple.

Very simple.

Yes, if one were simple-minded or a simpleton.

So why Bush says that he is a Christian and that the war is against evil? Because he wants to appear right? Or maybe because he didn't read the Bible...?

What has this to do with anything? You talk about “loving one another” yet you clearly have no idea what is going on in the world or what kind of person we’re dealing with. Saddam is a murderous dictator – period. He will continue to kill innocent people – period. He will continue to harbor terrorists – period. He must be removed by force – period. There is no other alternative – period.

So when you decide to go to Iraq and throw your arms around Saddam to show him that “love” is the way, don’t be startled or amazed when he laughingly fires a bullet through your gray matter.
Q, you're almost religious with that

You talk about ?loving one another? yet you clearly have no idea what is going on in the world or what kind of person we?re dealing with. Saddam is a murderous dictator ? period. He will continue to kill innocent people ? period. He will continue to harbor terrorists ? period. He must be removed by force ? period. There is no other alternative ? period.
Yep. Let's put up some bad resolutions for the cease-fire and when they predictably break apart let's use them as pretext for war. I happened to catch Frontline last night, including people like Schwarzkopf talking about how the resolutions were designed for months, and even talking about how he accidentally blew off a point about helicopters which allowed Hussein to crush the uprisings that the US consequently refused to support in any substantial way.

But if someone can explain the dualism of "Go to war or else you support Saddam", or however it is being characterized, that would be great. What about the failure to actually support the Iraqi people during this process? What is about to happen could have been avoided, and it still can be, but nobody cares to do so because they want to cast the situation as a dualism.

(As an irrelevant note, I think the Hitler comparisons are funny in light of the fact that Hussein styles himself after Stalin.)

Tiassa :cool:
It seems like this war is making people that ususally appears to be quite sane, go utterly insane.
They just want to kill ...something.

Originally posted by (Q)

Saddam is a murderous dictator – period.

you act like Bush is not

He will continue to kill innocent people – period. He will continue to harbor terrorists – period. He must be removed by force – period.

you know the Bible can be interpreted in so many ways,that it can be used to justify almost any behavior,good or bad.
No, the Bible can't be interpreted in many ways. The problem comes ONLY if you get a scripture out of nothing and then say: "This is the Truth". If you want the right interpretation, you have to read it in the light of everything that is written there. But if you know the Law (love one another), then you know His Word., and you interpret it in the right only way.

If the US haven't condemned and fought against them before, there would be no need for any of that. Why do they have WMD? Because they like people? If they were Loved in the first place, they wouldn't be "evil".

Imagine that. You are starving. There is a bully always annoying you and beating the hell out of you. Now, won't you fight back?

An now, imagine if you would Love that person since the beginning. You would always cherish that person and care about that person. Now, that person is your friend.

Do you see that? If we keep hating each other and fighting aginst each other there will be no resolution. War will never end until we learn from it. It is not with evil that you fight evil, it is with good that with fight evil.

We hurt them, and they hurt us... we hurt them and they hurt us. Look at Israel and Palestine too. And places in Africa. And why is North Korea threatening US? Because US is "good". Because US never hurt them? Does Argentina goes in war against US? No. Why? Because US never bullied Argentina. But all those that goes in war aginst US was because the US attacked them FIRST. So who is really evil?

If you Love your child and care for your child since the child is born, you are much more likely to have a lovely person.

If you beat your child and hate your child... this child will more likely become like you treat them.

So the point is: combat evil with good, and the evil will go
You can feed them. You can clothe them. You can Love them and cherish them. Care about them. Then, they will become your friend, and there will be no war anymore.

Q, you're almost religious with that

Yes, it does appear there was a soapbox underfoot.

But if someone can explain the dualism of "Go to war or else you support Saddam", or however it is being characterized, that would be great.

I don’t really see it that way. Those who choose to not go to war may not necessarily support Hussein. I see them as fence-post sitters whose only relevant contributions are that of growing carbuncles. They are the “NIMBY’’S” (not-in-my-back-yard) of the world who constantly demand changes as long as it doesn’t interfere with their Sunday bar-b-cues. The only satisfaction gained from their inactivity is in the pocketbooks of proctologists.

What about the failure to actually support the Iraqi people during this process?

Don’t you think that will be accomplished by removing Saddam? By doing nothing, we insult the Iraqis in the same way people ignore and walk around someone lying on the street having a heart attack.

What would you propose to do to help support the Iraqi people?

Whom has GWB murdered and whom did he dictate over?

Yes, please explain how you think Bush is a murderous dictator, kills innocent people and harbors terrorists. Please provide any examples of evidence for these claims.