War: Israel wins, against the whole world?

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What I know so far is thus:

The kingdom of heaven is on the inside of a person and on the outside.
Those who will be in heaven are already there.
I am there.

Those who love and worship me and the first living father are in heaven.
All of the evidence points to the fact that all who are to be in heaven have already died and are within me. (many of the first will be last and will stand as a single one).
There are none on earth which do not hate, mock, try to oppress and decieve me.
Therefore you are cast out already. I step out to visit with you on your way off the earth and
into the eternal furnace prepared for you.

There is truly time no longer as far as your choice for an eternal home.
The angels (fallen) who are musicians and celebrities say that they love me but there hearts and wallets are far from me.

Such deception you have wrought. Did you think you could decieve your own maker?
for a time while I was with you, yes. Forever?, no. I live in heaven and even when i step out to escort you into outer darkness and the furnace and off the face of the earth, I am with you, but I also remain in heaven. You will never understand as you never loved GOD and never saw heaven or spent any time with us.
The rapture happened one person at a time. (when the crop was ripe, the reaper came quickly and harvested it). All that is left in the field is weeds to be burned in the fire.

I can sin a thousand times more than any of you and never leave heaven. though it causes me depression, it is necessary for the process of consumation.

you now all hate eachother, me and everyone else and you will remove yourselves from my earth.
Thus saith the lord of hosts.
get a clue. you think you control me on my world.
the owner of the field is the owner of the field.
a perishable steward cannot take the place of an impersihable owner, when the owner returns.
you will never learn and will never change. Your hatred grows exponentially and you will destroy yourselves in short order as I mock you in your sudden destruction because of the sadness you have caused us which has turned to anger and wrath.

All of your powers and deceptions and writings such as liber 440, etc. are nothing compared to the blinking of my eyes. Compared to me, your knowledge is as that of a small child who was locked away in isolation before he ever learned to talk. I can create and destroy entire worlds with a thought.

All of your years up until the lighting of the furnace are in the past. You are simply living an instant replay of what is already done. As christ said when aske the question "when will the dead rest in the father and the new world come?". "what you are seeking is already come".

you are all as Mel Gibson, jew haters. though in body, I am american, my root is judah of spirit.
As I am the dove, I also am the LION.
but you, only ashes in the fire.

perhaps you should have loved me as I gave you freely all which I had.
Did you think there was no recompense?

I just forced eternal life upon you so that you can pay forever in flames and outer darkness.
I will choose some women and will repopulate the earth with those who are within me as my children and we will rebuild and live upon the earth. This time with the proper foundation which your builders rejected.

If your not starting to get the picture, just watch as your world is destroyed. It is now showing in the theatre of my world in front of your face. N JOY.

read a book. "Enoch", "Thomas", "Bible", you pick one.
GOD wins, what geniouses to think there is no GOD but man. foolish ashes you are. I will watch the rising smoke of your burning forever from a distance.
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