War in the Heavens?

Would you say that this could be war in the heavens?
Is this the War of The Bible?

Na!. It merely looks like a commet was disintegrating to pices when they colided making these craters so close to each other.

Disinformation Agents
Has anyone else noticed that certain topics seem to get attacked, made fun of, lied about openly, ignored, and attempts are continuously being made to disrupt or change the topic? We have noticed another “pattern” besides crater chains. BBS and forum’s boards are full of these agents that are there to keep us from learning about some things. The methods used form a pattern which can be found by reading that “persons” posts from many threads.

Yes, the war spoken of in Rev. But, there was war between themselves first with a third cast down to the earth, then the second war where all the bad were cast down from heaven. http://www.craterchains.com/ns/nspage.html explains what we know so far about the theoretically fought war from the pictures we have shown to military personal, and is now being seriously investigated by many scientists from around the world.

I wont respond in this thread, only by email.
We see a great need for the white coated, black coated, and gray suited leaders of science, religion, and
government to try and cross the chasm that has divided them. They in turn must tell their respective home land
leaders of what was learned. Most importantly is the need for the people to be told, as those people will turn on
you first, the three key hope givers, if you don't.
We invite scientists, religious representatives, governments and any other faction to give a serious thought
to what we present in these pages. Then again, some may already know and are seeking a way out. Only one.
There is talk about human sovereignty when the real issue is not human sovereignty, but are we going to accept
the sovereignty of the powers that may already be out there?
Crater the powers that be, are in it for the money, all those suppose leaders of society rathe be driving SUV's, thus the war in Irag, they are too damn busy coming with justifications for these two wars US is engaging, they don't see any profit motive in anything like this. Now tell them we have evidence of superpower methane, under them craters, and boy we would put another trillion dollars to go and check it out!!.

*chuckles* you have a point, greed, but look at what the Euphrates river has to offer according to the bible writings and it may make more sense just why the usa is there. You may find what the real reason is. I have to get back to work, obligations and all, so I leave this board with a thought. What if I am right? It’s been a fun vacation at these forums. I’ll go quietly and lick the wounds of the bite marks. Fare well in all pursuits and peace on earth to those of good will.
That is an interesting aspect about crater shapes too.



craterchains (Norval said:
Disinformation Agents
Has anyone else noticed that certain topics seem to get attacked, made fun of, lied about openly, ignored, and attempts are continuously being made to disrupt or change the topic?

Yes, I have noticed that. It's because people naturally lombast BS.
ahhhhh, is that it furried one?

,,, and I just thought it was people KNOW about their "religion", but have very little knowledge about what the bible really says. :D