War in Heaven (No Atheists)


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
Does anybody know the full story or a site that has the full story about Lucifer's fall from heaven before creation?
No Atheists (Unless they can provide the information).
the question is: if god is all powerful, then why would he create Satan?

sorry, after theists invaded my atheist only thread, I made it a point to crash all the theist threads and poke holes in their religion.
once upon a time.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................that was a good fairy tale
I always love the "no atheists" demands of religous nutters when they pretend to be serious about their mythology.
Atheists don't know jack all - they think they are the absolute holders of all truths. So I don't blame you for not wanting Atheists in this thread. I'm glad Atheism is in decline.
Muslim said:
Atheists don't know jack all - they think they are the absolute holders of all truths. So I don't blame you for not wanting Atheists in this thread. I'm glad Atheism is in decline.

Just HOW glad are you?
cato said:
the question is: if god is all powerful, then why would he create Satan?

sorry, after theists invaded my atheist only thread, I made it a point to crash all the theist threads and poke holes in their religion.
This is discrimination.
Therefore, a white broke into your house, you will break into all white's houses even honest ones.
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Muslim said:
Atheists don't know jack all - they think they are the absolute holders of all truths. So I don't blame you for not wanting Atheists in this thread. I'm glad Atheism is in decline.
Atheists are the most fanatical of all religions. They cannot help themselves. They are the most dogmatic, imposing, wackos of all religions.
geeser said:
I'll keep of these sites! : )

It's good to know there are those in this forum that are able to provide the theological information I requested.

The goal of atheists is to remove religion in every aspect of society. It is their dogmatic religious movement of removing religion per say. They work as hard as they can on Sciforums to eliminate any productive theological discussion because of their ignorant arrogant belief that theology should not be discussed in a science forum. As you can see from the rampant trolling on this forum, it is inevitable.

I invite all people from all religions to the science forum to freely discuss their religious beliefs and ideas about science. If their intentions are to impose their religious beliefs on others fanatically (such as what athesits always do), they do not belong here. I received a pm from a fanatic telling me I would do better to post theological discussion somewhere that is not in a science forum. What a total joke of an donkey. How about ignorant single minded pompuses go elsewhere instead?

Don't get me wrong, I have met a few true atheists that really have no interest in imposing atheism on others. They simply believe that God and religion do not exist. But they allow others to have their beleifs. Of course this is a rare exception because most atheists are complete zealots.
There are christians that are also fanatics, but then there are christians that accept the beliefs of others. True christians accept the beleifs of others, and do not arrogantly run around single mindedly imposing their beliefs on others.
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cool skill said:
Does anybody know the full story or a site that has the full story about Lucifer's fall from heaven before creation?
No Atheists (Unless they can provide the information).

satan did not fall from heaven before creation. He was still able to travel to earth and back to heaven in the times of Job. The fall of satan happened after.

Read the Book of Job and you will see. And give up on listening to the traditions of men.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
OK ty. I'll double check Job. However, as far as I remember, satan's fall from heaven took place before creation.
Muslim said:
Atheists don't know jack all - they think they are the absolute holders of all truths. So I don't blame you for not wanting Atheists in this thread. I'm glad Atheism is in decline.
Coming from a nutter? Religous fools hold no reasoning ability what so ever other wise they would figure out that GOD does not exist! :rolleyes:
cool skill said:
Atheists are the most fanatical of all religions. They cannot help themselves. They are the most dogmatic, imposing, wackos of all religions.
Umm sorry to tell you that belongs to islam or christianity. We dont try to force our beliefs unless someone trys to "convert" us.
spiritual_spy said:
Umm sorry to tell you that belongs to islam or christianity. We dont try to force our beliefs unless someone trys to "convert" us.
Atheists impose their beliefs more than any other religion regardless of anybody trying to convert them.