Wanting Sciforums input!!!


Frankly, I don't give a dam!
Valued Senior Member
ok, so as most the Free Thoughts people know, I went to Mayhem fest 7/17 in ABQ NM, and I was talking about some "bible thumping" protesters... Well, the news got wind of http://www.youtube.com/comment_servlet?all_comments=1&v=6lVn3S_i9us and everything is going crazy now.... most people think the cop was good, the guys where bad.. and others think the opposite!

as a person who was there, I take the cops side and he should NOT get punished! in some of their veidos I even see myself... and in one video, you can see him talking to someone calling them a whore and blahblah.. and its me he's talking to.. haha! *I feel famous!* but I wanna get all of you in on this, either on their youtube, or here.. it doesnt matter... but I wanna know your opinions!
Opinion about what exactly?

just what you think... about one thing, all things.. my brain isn't really working ATM.... but I wanna hear what people think about situations like this, what they think about this.. blahblah
I think if you are going to be a protester, you should know the law before you show up.
I think if you are going to be a protester, you should know the law before you show up.

yeah, and i think it is protesting, and inciting. those people weren't there to love anyone, or to get along, or to have a good time. they were there to point a finger and incite a fight.

i don't think that cop should have gotten into it with them about religion though, particularly if he's an atheist. it would be one thing if i was a cop and went there to arrest them, and while i was doing it gave them a tongue lashing about christ, but for an atheist cop to engage in some debate with them...he just made himself look stupid. you don't survey the crowd to see who wants to get rid of them, if they're doing something wrong, get rid of them, and if they're not, don't get rid of them.
He was trying to intimidate them into leaving because he was probably making extra money from the venue for providing security. He could probably have explained the law better.
WWJD? appreciate some good music, make some new friends, have a good time.
have you all seen the other videos of the protest yet?
has anyone read some of the comments?
Yeah, wasn't Jesus friends with whores and other low-lifes? You can't save people if you are just an outsider.

that's right, because we all know that whores and low lifes attend rock concerts, so jesus was probably a rocker.

and i'm sure the most fucked up dude in the place would find jesus, talk his ear off all night, and feel loved in return.
that's right, because we all know that whores and low lifes attend rock concerts, so jesus was probably a rocker.

he had to have been!! hahhaaa!!! someone on there said the best thing these dudes could do was go to jail and start preaching to the guys in there.. would get threw better! haha
I'm torn on this.

On one hand, it's private property and the owners don't want them there. On the other hand, it's not uncommon for the law to ignore property owners' rights when it comes to "public access" property.