Want to die laughing?

No way! Pokemon is evil too?!? What about D&D and Harry Potterm let me read a little further...
No way! The devil produces those products also! Why does god hate everything that is fun and interesting?

Really though, it is stupid dogmatic readings of the bible like this site that make religion ugly and makes me hate people who believe in god and own a computer.


Surely no one will believe it?

Though Flores might believe it if we converted the text to a Koran quoted Muslim text.
"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force
for atheism ever conceived." -Isaac Asimov
Originally posted by Zero
Though Flores might believe it if we converted the text to a Koran quoted Muslim text.

Thanks for the unwarrnated unsolicited interest, but my kids love -- Pokemon,
- Barney, Teletubbies (Been accused by christians as gay)
- Monsters Inc, Seven little monsters, Cookie monsters in Sesame Street.
- All fictitious novels and movies.
- Space cartoons.
- Loyd in space, and all alien related stuff.
- Japanease cartoons, ect....
Every time Pikachu wins a battle, baby Jesus cries.

Originally posted by EvilPoet
"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force
for atheism ever conceived." -Isaac Asimov
I don't think the quoted passages were what DJ found so funny, but rather, the commentary and "analysis" that surrounded them.
This was a great post – thanks!

I really got a kick out of this one! :)

In the practice of witchcraft, spirits are summoned and called to stay in a circle until needed to fight off bad spirits. In these practices they develop relationships with the so-called "good spirits" to fight the bad ones. This is totally against scripture as the only spirit we are to call on is the Holy Spirit to combat evil spirits with His Holy Angels.
What I found funny about this quote was that while I was still thinking along the lines of the Pokemon game and suddenly this idea popped into my head" “The Christian-mon Game”! Like the author was giving gaming advice. the only spirit we are to call on is the Holy Spirit to combat evil spirits with His Holy Angels How great! Summon the power of the Holy Spirit Card! Ohh NoooOooo! She’s got a Bloody Crucified Jesus Card – lQQk OUT!! How fun would it be to toss a hanging Judas!! The Evil Pedophile-Pope or Inquisitor Card!! "You must sacrifiece your son . . . to me! bwahhh bwahh hahha ha!" What a creapy card-game Christian-mon would be! Adults only!
Some schools in the nation have even banned Pokemon from their schools when trading resulted in kids trading lunches, stealing back packs, and threatening bodily harm for deals gone bad .. .. .. . Since it is a role playing game, some of the characters are not good and this opens the door for children to receive evil influences and even demonic invasion .. … .. When it was first released in Japan in 1997, it was reported that over 600 children went into epileptic seizures while watching the Pokemon cartoons. ² The epileptic seizures were said to be caused by the incessant flashing lights in the cartoon overloading the optical nerves and inciting seizure; however, seizures can also be caused by demonic attack
I can’t help it – it’s just so funny!
I really loved that part where they said it was the demons causing seizures, too.

/me dies laughing :D
Jesus Loves Pokemon

All of you guys please do not make fun of that Beautiful Site ...

The site answers all the questions which ails the human mind...

Pokemon though a devil incarnate is loved by Jesus ...he loves everyone .....


Man that Site is Hillarious ....you should read about UFOs ..it says witchcraft creates UFOs.....wow that explains it all ...

you know even Porn is not allowed by Bible ...I wonder why ???
what about Pokemon Porn ...now that 2 Negatives make a positive:bugeye:
.... that is something to think about ....LMAO
As much as it is funny i can't help but feel extreme sorrow.

I did especially like the last lines:

"... all they care about is profit. Click here to buy our book...."

Wait, your kids like "Japanese cartoons etc..."??? Do they like Kenshin?

*starts thinking Flores' kids are OK*

I alway though that peopel like that only existed on taking the piss sites. I never knew that there were really fundie xians like that. Incredible. The world really is doomed. Funny though.
Anyone have a link to that (maybe Mormon?) site that gives tips to young men on how to avoid the temptation to 'touch yourself'.

It is hilarious but I can't remember where it is.
There should be a Xian trading card game/television show that tries to compete with Pokemon
Maybe call it Pokeygods, or Godymons.

"Oh no, my arch nemesis Satan-man has used his faithful Pokeygod, Devilsaur to defeat me. The only thing that can save me now is my Godymon, Jesus-chu. GO Jesus-chu, GO!"

The merchandising would make millions alone. You can have your Jesus-chu doll sold separately from your crucifixion play set and/or manger play set. You can make certain color crosses fit into Jesus-chu's hands that give him more better special powers- Powers like turning water to wine, resurrection, and for a limited time only, Walk On Water powers!

I amuse myself to no end!

Nice franchise

Originally posted by Zero Mass
The merchandising would make millions alone. You can have your Jesus-chu doll sold separately from your crucifixion play set and/or manger play set. You can make certain color crosses fit into Jesus-chu's hands that give him more better special powers- Powers like turning water to wine, resurrection, and for a limited time only, Walk On Water powers!


Dude You are funny:D

We can have different Color Jesus Chus also ...we don't want to have any discriminations now do we ...and since we have to sell this in different regions of the world..

Also we can introduce the Witch Burning kit and forced conversion kit used in Middle Ages to be used under Adult supervision.

lets start a quick IPO before someone takes over this idea

Nice work Dude!!

GO Jesus-chu, GO!"

Witch Burning kit and forced conversion kit used in Middle Ages

LMFAO - Too Funny!!
Med Woman

No I haven't..I was busy Bush Bashing in World Politics ...

I do come here now and then to amuse myself...I feel this thread would bring some creativity in our friends.

I will surely go read what Jenyar has on his mind..
