Walkin' on Water


How many have been able to do that one?

How about flying?

Maybe perhaps possibly even talk to God? (put in all the escapes except "imagined")

It seems a few did in the theological works

Mark 6:49
And they having seen him walking on the sea, thought [it] to be an apparition, and cried out,

so does that mean, it's a fact? (since it is written as "witnessed")

i like evidence

i have seen lots of sand bars in florida that go out a mile and even further (i didn't walk out that far but they are all over the place on this globe)

and single storm can move them, over-night

so to me, it may appear as if someone is walking on water but for some reason, i just can't find any logic in any idea that magic was a cause without that magic being understood by each who were supposedly there.

i mean, if you knew how to fly, would you show people and everyone too?

if you gave life, like any good magical person should do; would you waive your magic wand over the whole of the world, or just blow your friends minds by simply 'walkin'on water'?
How many have been able to do that one?

How about flying?

Maybe perhaps possibly even talk to God? (put in all the escapes except "imagined")

It seems a few did in the theological works

Mark 6:49
And they having seen him walking on the sea, thought [it] to be an apparition, and cried out,

so does that mean, it's a fact? (since it is written as "witnessed")

i like evidence

i have seen lots of sand bars in florida that go out a mile and even further (i didn't walk out that far but they are all over the place on this globe)

and single storm can move them, over-night

so to me, it may appear as if someone is walking on water but for some reason, i just can't find any logic in any idea that magic was a cause without that magic being understood by each who were supposedly there.

i mean, if you knew how to fly, would you show people and everyone too?

if you gave life, like any good magical person should do; would you waive your magic wand over the whole of the world, or just blow your friends minds by simply 'walkin'on water'?
M*W: Yeah, I like the "walkin' on water" joke. It's all in the metaphor. I see "walkin' on water" as the setting sun gleaming across the water to the horizon. The 'sun' called "Jesus" and "god."
i've channelled a spirit, and observed physical manifestations of that and of interactions with spirits. i also observed shit moving around on my coffee table all by itself without a reasonable explanation. that was weird.
i talked to god before, but i don't expect anyone to believe me. I'm just strentgthening your possibility of the answer you are looking for. I'm not lying either, or joking for this mateer.
i talked to god before, but i don't expect anyone to believe me. I'm just strentgthening your possibility of the answer you are looking for. I'm not lying either, or joking for this mateer.

I have had a personal one on one chat with Christ. I was in my bed and JC was sitting in a chair across from where I was. I have had God come and grab me by the hand and take me on a flight(twice) across fields of ambrosia (not shitting you). I have also levitated...nothing like waking up with your nose to the ceiling.

Do I believe these things actually happened? Not a fucking chance. When I yacked it up with Christ it was near the end of period where I had been so sick that I couldn't sleep for nearly 2 days(food poisoning). Both times I flew around with God were once right after a serious concussion and when I passed out while Scuba diving (I don't know how I came to and saved my own ass but I did). I found myself with my nose to the ceiling (I vividly remember crashing down once I realized where I was) during one of those deep sleep trances. I used to get them in my early 20's but no more. There were never any drugs involved in any of these experiences.

Why did I not become religious is still unknown to me. I've read of similar things happening to people referred to as religious experiences and I suppose some may feel envious. But when I examined these strange lucid visions there was always something physical I could relate it to. I guess I just couldn't accept God, Christ & levitation as something that only shows up when there is something bad or unusual physically going on within your body. Although the thoughts were real, nothing really happened. My mind was playing tricks and for people who have had similar events that is all it ever is.
Jesus was your basic terrorist/military leader/messiah like many others until he disappointed everyone by dying, and thus failing to overthrow the Romans. After that a very few people came up with a supernatural explanation that led to the Jesus cult.
During the research on Q they discovered that in the early years of Christianity as the new religion was forming there were no miracle stories. But the perceptions of gods at that time was that such entities would be expected to perform miracles if they were to be acceptable as real deities. The mythmakers quickly developed all the Jesus miracles which we have in the gospels today.

Just like today, if people have fanatsy ideas then the modern day story-tellers (the film industry) create the stories that people desire. Nothing essential has changed for many millenia.