Walk the Plank or DIE! Arrggh!


Who Cares
Valued Senior Member
Thanks stateofmind, you finally gave me the words to express how I feel today about Christianity today:

It says in scripture that only those who will accept Jesus as their savior and believe will be saved. And, it also talks about the dangers of those who don't believe. Well, religion to me is like a sea. I've swam in the kiddie pool, and I know what the big seas are like. I know I could swim in the sea if I wanted to or had to. I know I would like the waters. But, I'm looking for people to jump in head first and test the waters and call back to me that the waters are the way I was told they would be. And, I have some cruel man pushing on my back with a sword telling me I would either die by his sword or have faith and jump in.

I tell the man, "Please sir, tell me how you know the water is safe." His lackeys say "Don't ask so many questions, trust that this man has your best interest at heart. The water is safe, I swam in it yesterday. You will like it. The only way for you to live is to jump in" They beg and plead and give me gifts to entice me to jump in. All of which I graciously accept and ask why they give me the gifts. They say, "These are from this man before you, now jump in! It is not us, but him that give these gifts." I ask, "Why does he not answer for himself?" I get a range of excuses, all of which seem plausible. Then they go on to tell me that I was made to jump in. So I ask, "Well, if I was made to jump in, then why do I resist?" The old man with the sword gets upset and threateningly waves the sword at me. I ask, "Why won't this man just tell me himself?"

Can God exist without the lackeys telling us about God? It seems to me that anything that has ever been reported of God, that is not in scripture is by the hands and hearts of man. Today, we don't have the benefit of knowing first hand about God. If God came down and smote me where I stood I would be joyous in the fact that I knew the truth finally.

Why does God have to wait until he thrusts his sword to let himself be known?

This seems like injustice. Why do we have to have faith in God before he manifests himself in the end?

Something is seriously broken with Christianity.
This seems like injustice. Why do we have to have faith in God before he manifests himself in the end?

Because those are "the rules" of Christianity (and every other religion, though that's for a different thread). There's no concrete evidence of God's existence, so you either have to take it on faith or not be a Christian at all. This isn't exactly a recent development in the religious world.
Thanks stateofmind, you finally gave me the words to express how I feel today about Christianity today:

It says in scripture that only those who will accept Jesus as their savior and believe will be saved. And, it also talks about the dangers of those who don't believe. Well, religion to me is like a sea. I've swam in the kiddie pool, and I know what the big seas are like. I know I could swim in the sea if I wanted to or had to. I know I would like the waters. But, I'm looking for people to jump in head first and test the waters and call back to me that the waters are the way I was told they would be. And, I have some cruel man pushing on my back with a sword telling me I would either die by his sword or have faith and jump in.

I tell the man, "Please sir, tell me how you know the water is safe." His lackeys say "Don't ask so many questions, trust that this man has your best interest at heart. The water is safe, I swam in it yesterday. You will like it. The only way for you to live is to jump in" They beg and plead and give me gifts to entice me to jump in. All of which I graciously accept and ask why they give me the gifts. They say, "These are from this man before you, now jump in! It is not us, but him that give these gifts." I ask, "Why does he not answer for himself?" I get a range of excuses, all of which seem plausible. Then they go on to tell me that I was made to jump in. So I ask, "Well, if I was made to jump in, then why do I resist?" The old man with the sword gets upset and threateningly waves the sword at me. I ask, "Why won't this man just tell me himself?"
because he don't know
Can God exist without the lackeys telling us about God?

return to the garden

It seems to me that anything that has ever been reported of God, that is not in scripture is by the hands and hearts of man. Today, we don't have the benefit of knowing first hand about God. If God came down and smote me where I stood I would be joyous in the fact that I knew the truth finally.

Why does God have to wait until he thrusts his sword to let himself be known?
did all life 'you' ever known come from the garden?

is all life, still bound to the garden (air, food, etc)?

then you do experience God, unless you consider him an outside force (are away from the garden by mind)

This seems like injustice. Why do we have to have faith in God before he manifests himself in the end?
that manifestation is by you looking.

to understanding 'god' then you born unto HIM

this is easy to comprehend, just by knowledge; revealing God (existence itself)

why did it take so long?

Perhaps like life, knowledge evolved over time, within the environment that can sustain such progression; are we in an internet age?

is the global knowledge under our fingertips?

are you capable?
are you alive?

best evolve or like in nature; evolve or be extinct, eventually.

Something is seriously broken with Christianity.
because few trust themselves to understand

the bible shares a day would come when an unveiling will occur

i just suggest, be honest (an old command)

When you see questions and ideas, really look them over but be honest with yourself.

for example; did mankind create all words?
Thanks stateofmind, you finally gave me the words to express how I feel today about Christianity today:

It says in scripture that only those who will accept Jesus as their savior and believe will be saved. And, it also talks about the dangers of those who don't believe. Well, religion to me is like a sea. I've swam in the kiddie pool, and I know what the big seas are like. I know I could swim in the sea if I wanted to or had to. I know I would like the waters. But, I'm looking for people to jump in head first and test the waters and call back to me that the waters are the way I was told they would be. And, I have some cruel man pushing on my back with a sword telling me I would either die by his sword or have faith and jump in.

I tell the man, "Please sir, tell me how you know the water is safe." His lackeys say "Don't ask so many questions, trust that this man has your best interest at heart. The water is safe, I swam in it yesterday. You will like it. The only way for you to live is to jump in" They beg and plead and give me gifts to entice me to jump in. All of which I graciously accept and ask why they give me the gifts. They say, "These are from this man before you, now jump in! It is not us, but him that give these gifts." I ask, "Why does he not answer for himself?" I get a range of excuses, all of which seem plausible. Then they go on to tell me that I was made to jump in. So I ask, "Well, if I was made to jump in, then why do I resist?" The old man with the sword gets upset and threateningly waves the sword at me. I ask, "Why won't this man just tell me himself?"

Can God exist without the lackeys telling us about God? It seems to me that anything that has ever been reported of God, that is not in scripture is by the hands and hearts of man. Today, we don't have the benefit of knowing first hand about God. If God came down and smote me where I stood I would be joyous in the fact that I knew the truth finally.

Why does God have to wait until he thrusts his sword to let himself be known?

This seems like injustice. Why do we have to have faith in God before he manifests himself in the end?

Something is seriously broken with Christianity.

What you have written is very, very well stated.

It really has to do with the Church needing to sign up as many people as possible to give 10%+ of their yearly income to them so they can have enough money to build their own wood and steel earthly buildings as monuments to God so He will be impressed with them more than all of those other Christians, (their brothers and sisters in Christ) who do not have as much money as them. They seem to think they can buy God's favor in this and many other ways.

Perhaps going beyond what you have written, quite a few churches will (with a smile) dam to hell anyone who does not belong to their individual church or anyone who does not completely agree with every single "enlightened" doctrine that they teach, even if the person really does believe in Jesus and God.

IMO, God cannot be as stupid and as petty as they think He is.
