Wake up!!!


Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
So, Im curious. Has anyone ever had an epiphany? Moment of realization? Moment of clarity? Moment of truth? A moment that you experience where you just KNEW everything was going to be okay? I never have, but I know people who have had them. Please, do tell. :)
All the time. About all sorts of things. Not all realisations that things would be good; mostly just aout thigns, neither good nor bad.

PS: Glad to see you like Nina Simone.
Sometimes, but it's usually when someone tells me something very obvious, like how to pronounce the word via, for example. For my entire life I pronounced Elite incorrectly as well. Little buggers...
Yup, and I think I posted it on this site when it happened. I was in my computer room on the couch, all lights off and Abbey Road playing straight through. About half way thorugh my whole life seemed right.
Yes, I have had those moments of truth more than once. :) Something happens and I just knew it would work out well. There've been also moments in my life I knew for certain it would not be ok. It's a feeling I get when something happens, most of the times it comes true.

I think I rely on these feelings a lot, because they turned out to be right so often. Bad and good...

But of course! I absolutely adore her:D


Ya, I feel you




Thanks for sharing:)

Take care:)
The only time I have felt like I had that sort of moment of absolute realization was a long time ago.

When I was a kid, my family would take a yearly summer trip to the mountains of new mexico. It was there - alone on a solitary rock in the middle of a mountain river in the dead of night. I was gazing at the stars and listening to the river flow around me. I realized how beautiful this universe is...and I cried.

Hey tyler - what song was playing? lemme guess..the end of 'i want you'?
Ah dude! One day in geometry i had a PURE MOMENT OF CLARITY! I'm a really poor geometry student, great at algebra and i'm pretty bright, but geometry was just something i had to work at. So i was sitting there suffering over these goddamn Proving Triangles Congruent Proofs, right, and i was so desperate, i started looking around the room thinking who i could ask, and BOOM!

It hit me like a big truck of truth! From that point on it just clicked, and I just UNDERSTOOD them proofs. I was still a sucky geometry student, but I was alright at proofs. It was odd eh?
ohoh OH! I had a moment of non-clarity too! Same class, geometry, suffering over a big triangles test (so much of geometry is triangles, gosh i hate them) and I couldnt remember, at the time, what the triangle was called with all sides EQUAL! (equilateral lol). It was like a big moment of stoner retardation, I thought i had smoked myself retarded (cause i had smoked that weekend and it was a monday, the test). So i was sitting there drawing a total blank, but then i remembered it all and finished it up in a hurry.

Damn i hate geometry.
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
So, Im curious. Has anyone ever had an epiphany? Moment of realization? Moment of clarity? Moment of truth? A moment that you experience where you just KNEW everything was going to be okay? I never have, but I know people who have had them. Please, do tell.


Like morning when I wake up...

While talking to my friends on the phone...

During meditation....


Yeah, epiphanies left n' right, it's like WW2!

Bam!: I'm all alone in the universe. No one else shares my thoughts and I'm on an island. Soooo alone...

Kapow!: The world is so beautiful, and I'll die alooooone without seeing all of it.

Zippo!: My hands are freezing.

Biff!: So are my feet.

Whiz!: Whiz is a funny word. So is alooooooone. hahaha

"Hey tyler - what song was playing? lemme guess..the end of 'i want you'?"

Close! I Want You is an awsome song (I often find it too similar to You Know My Name though in structure). There a couple points on Abbey that blow my mind when I'm in a pitch black room with nothing but hte music and my matress.

First is in You Never give Me Your Money when it changes from the 'You never give me your money......you only give me my inspiration.....and in the middle of negotiations.......I breaaaaak down' to the 'Out of college, money spent'. It's like, but no where near as good as, the transition in A Day In The Life.

Second is the beginning of She Came In Through the Bathroom Window. Just that smooooooth transition in between songs!

Finally, the throw back to You Never... in Carry That Weight!

The other Beatles moments (and musical period) that blow my mind (especially while stoned) are.......

A Day In The Life - When that high note ends and the single repeated note on the piano is played. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!

Tomorrow Never Knows - Generally around the third verse I start to see paper seagulls in a scenery that is oddly painted over. Anyone seen Waking Life? Like that. Like someone filmed the scenery and hten painted over it. And not that good a job of painting either.

I highly, HIGHLY suggest these moments and Abbey Road for EVERYONE!!!! Especially pot heads.

damn pot heads. hehe
i nearly failed geometry because of those awful awful proofs....

tomorow never knows is a great song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used to get these really intense enlightening moments when I was younger (less and less now). When these happen, my back tingles, traveling up my spine to my head, much like when you hear something scarey, but in a pleasant way, also my vision becomes ultra detailed and clear, my mind processes become completely smooth, everything seems to just combine beyond the senses. Sometimes I feel so good when this happens I begin to cry. This is the best way I can describe it. It's beyond words.

This may or may not be what Maslow (yes all I can talk about is psychology ;) ) talks about, when he refers to "peak experiences". Supposedly these are some of the signs one gets when one is moving towards self-acutalization. That may be stretching it for myself I'd think. But would explain why I got them younger because I was more into seeing the world as what it was rather than seeing it through the eyes of rationality. I have recently become a "rational fiend" and even though I may reason better and/or more, my mind (spirit?) has become cloudy. For me I need to find a balance between them.

Has anybody had experiences like I described above, or something to the effect of what Maslow was talking about when he was describing "Peak Experiences"?
xenu - I get these out of the body type experiences. They happened much more often as a kid and very rarely now...They aren't quite like your experience, I wouldn't call them an epiphany or anything like that. It usually happens in times of high stress like Im taking an important exam or my parents are having a big fight, etc. I feel like the world is growing around me and I am shrinking. All sounds start to echo and become distant. Then I actually feel like I have moved outside of my body. Its like a really far out drug trip but without the drugs hehe. I totally believe its all mental but it really confounds me. I wish it would happen again so I could describe it in detail.

tyler - i never thought of i want you and you know my name being similar haha but i kinda see the melody now that you mention it.