Wake up!

Dark Quasar

Registered Member
While observing my mind's conditions sometimes, i noticed that the most interesting of them - in the early morning, just after i wake up, and the dreams themselves. Here is one, unexplained for me, phenomenon: i open my eyes, stand up, looking to my window... and... my god! Everything is speeded up! Cars are unnaturaly fast taking corners, people are walking as in a fast forward mode. I'm moving my hand. I'm moving my hand very fast! Everything is hasted up to 1.5-2 times! Then, in five minutes, everything is normalized. One of 10-15 times i wake up and stand up quickly, and not lying in my bed "five more minutes", i can see this strange picture. How could that be? No one i asked can say. Maybe my brain is gets colder in the night and becomes to work slower? Don't know. Does enyone here felt the same?

The other thing: things that looks usual in our dreams, looks pretty stupid when we are staying awake. Are you wondering when you see your home in the middle of Antarctica, while you still in your dream? And when you wake up? Hm...

Another strangeness: my brother, usually calm and peaceful once upon a time threw his shoe into alarm clock (he missed), because he hasn't been able reach it with his hand, to stop it ringing. He didn't remember this, until he was trying to find his shoe. And he hasn't been able to say why did he do this.

And the last: why can't we remember the most part of our dreams? Sometimes in the morning, when i still remember my dream, i studiously memorize the scenes, the pictures. But after three hours i can't remember more than one turbid frame.

Other condition of perception? Very interesting to hear your opinions.
See ya!
Kenny Rogers had something on this. "I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in".

I once had a dream in which I was on this bicycle talking to a little kid. The little tyke coughed as if he was sick, then said, "We'll get there someday." To which I replied, "You betcha we will." I waved goodbye, pedaled off, turned the corner and my shoelace got caught in the sprocket and chain. I woke up laughing.

My brother hypnotizes his wife as she drifts off to sleep. He just talks to her almost constantly as she's trying to go to sleep. The thing with her (I've witnessed this) is that she talks back. We asked her one time to tell us what animals we remind her of. She said my brother was a dog, because he was always jumping on her and very affectionate. She said I was a monkey because I liked to use my hands to tell stories and I was pretty elaborate in my stories, but also because I liked to laugh a lot.

I remember one time I was meditating (while in Japan) and I got the deepest I've ever reached and had this cool Tron-like dream where I was racing around on this excellent futuristic motorcycle against others.

When I was younger and attended a swimming class, my brother and I had to wake up at an ungodly hour to go to that class. So, I dreamt one time that I woke up, went to the swimming class in record time, and finished it. Then I woke up for <i>real</i>. I'm sure nearly everyone's had that kind of dream.

I've had maybe two to three flying dreams, which are completely cool. And I've seen myself die at least once vividly.

I even dreamt of meeting Jesus Christ. Along with three others, I was told I could ask Christ one question and he would answer truthfully. So I asked, "Are there other intelligences, or what we would call UFO's in the universe?" And Christ said, "Are there or were there?" And I said, "Um, are there?" Christ replied, "Yes." I woke up feeling great.

But, you're right, Dark Quasar, for the most part, I can't remember a thing about my dreams. Sometimes I think it would be pretty cool to share dreams with others, just to get that third-person perspective and laugh like a loon about what transpires.


Very interesting. These kinds of stories are always very fascinating.
I agree that flying dreams are great (bad they're too rare). Also i wanna add one note: flying dreams and love dreams (not erotic... and not even pornographic) are leaving strange feeling inside. It fills you with joy when you just think about them. Regrettably, they are also rare. I wonder what can i do to get them? (maybe sleeping upside down? Hm... I just wish to know.)

All of the dreams are very individual and don't ever repeat their notes, that we feel in our deep-insides after wake up. Somewhy i think so.... .... And blah blah blah blah.....
ludic dreaming and dream erasure

ah, its good to be out of school. one of my projects this summer is to master the art of lucid dreaming. this is the state of being concious that one is dreaming. sometimes, this enables people to control their dreams, effectively creating a wonderful workspace where anything is possible (thats my goal anyway.) search around on the web and you will find that there are many ways to enhance one's skill in lucid dreaming.

also, as for why we forget dreams, the answer is fairly simple. we would be crazy if we didnt and couldnt distinguish between dreams and reality. the dream world would constantly interfere with the real world. for example, you dream you do your homework. then, in school you dont actually have it.

Is this the ancient toltecs art of dreaming?
I think i should try too.
Where can i find the methods, Fsbriggs?

Toltec Warrior Dreaming, if I'm not mistaken DQ, is a lot like Vision Questing and usually indiginous drug dependant. Considering that, if I'm correct, the penalties in Russia for psychodelic drugs (both natural and otherwise) are pretty stiff, I wouldn't recommend exploring this area.

But then, I may be quite off base. What is your take on the Toltec art of dreaming?

You're wrong. I'm not going to use drugs, i just want to learn how to control myself in my dreams. You know, i don't even drink or smoke. Art of Dreaming, that i'm talking about is drug independent (but i know that toltecs were very involved with drugs). I won't be falling in details, but usually art of lucid dreams is based on catching and focusing on moments, when you are almost Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz to help remembering, that you are dreaming and so on.
For me, it's not a vision quest. This is some kind of a... way to... yes, redouble my life, i think!
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Toltec Warrior Dreaming

For those of us who have no clue on this subject how about a little background info.

If you want to know more about toltec warrior dreaming, Wet, i would recommend Carlos Castaneda's book "Art of Dreaming".
If you wish to learn more about lucid dreams less mystical way - ask for "lucid dreaming" on yahoo.com, for example.