Waiter, this food tastes too fat!


'Waiter, this food tastes too fat!'


Researchers found a new receptor on the tongue that can taste fat. This probably to prepare the intestinal system so it can digest fats better. This could explain why some people crave more for fat than others.

The researchers in question didn't mention if maybe the citizens of the US had unusual levels of fat receptors on their tongue creating an irresistable craving for Burgers and French fries.

When consulting some members from the pseudoscience forum by means of PM and telepathy I was notified of thetheory that maybe Aliens started abducting american citizens already since the 1950s to change their genetic code. This is known as the 'Secret Great Human Genetic Engineering Project' (SGHGEP for insiders- pronounced as shcuuugep). The Aliens changed the human DNA of their unfortunate guinea pigs (or guinea humans as they like to call them). The change results in an increase of fat receptors on the tongue in order to increase the craving for fat. After millions of abductions we can see real statistical changes in the proportion of fat people in america. When asked why? the usual answer was that aliens are trying to fatten us up for some kind of festive holiday held every 334,6 earth years.
spuriousmonkey said:
'Waiter, this food tastes too fat!'


Researchers found a new receptor on the tongue that can taste fat. This probably to prepare the intestinal system so it can digest fats better.

Apart from the rest of your post, I concur with the observation.
But maybe I am biased; my mother always overdid on the salad dressing and the fat in soups, and I've developed an aversion to fatty foods which I think should have less fat.

Many foods taste awful to me; I can't eat dressed salads, I have troubles with certain soups, lasagnas, baklavas, most kinds of salami, etc. -- and indeed, what they have in common is that they have a lot of fat.

On the other hand, I like spicy food; so for example chips, even though fatty, is tasty to me.
Every great chef in the world will talk you that ........FAT IS FLAVOR. It's just like any other flavor ...some like it, some don't.

Also, before you make such statements about Americans, as if we're the only nation with a fat problem, you should check it out more carefully. Many nations of the world have the same/similar obesity problem, and some that we might even think of as "poor" nations. There was a National Geographic article about obesity ...check it out, you'll be moderately surprised.

Ooh, that reminds me .....I have to go to the kitchen soon to make another peach cobbler! Anyone interested? ...LOL!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Many nations of the world have the same/similar obesity problem, and some that we might even think of as "poor" nations.

Well, who said I didn't consider the US to be a poor nation? Sure the US is rich, but a too large percentage is dirt poor. Maybe that is also a cause for US obesity?