Wacky theories Inc.



Stop me if you've heard this one... What if aliens are treating earth like a sitcom for their own amusement. Creating wacky creatures like the platypus and armadillo and sticking them on the planet, all the while chuckling "They think they've got evolution sussed, this'll fuck em". Maybe the loch ness monster isn't a left over from the dinosaurs, maybe its a new one they've cloned, same with bigfoot and all the other wierd mythological creatures. They're sittin up there suckin on a few brewskies, laughin it up... "How bout this, lets make a fucken huge underwater mammal that only eats tiny plankton, and make another smaller one, that has to live in water, breath thru a hole in the top of its head, make it almost as smart as humans but dont give it any hands..." C'mon, do ya think chickens would have chosen to evolve so that they lay a fucken huge egg every day, you've heard em squawk, that shit hurts...

Aliens, they're just laughin it up...
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Also,have you ever heard of those little ol' ladies lifting cars off of people?
It's a lie.Here's what's really going on!
His identity is no longer a secret.
Eventually (if we live long enough) we will be the ones seeding planets with unusual strains of life just to see what happens. We will likely start with sterile planets and just use our own life forms though. Seed world #1 with everything except vertabrates. Seed world #2 without land invertibrates. Seed world #3 with kelp, plankton, braincoral, seaslugs, and cealocanths.

I don't think anyone did that with us. Why? Because things like the platypus have fossil records that streach back a hundred million years and everything shares similar dna.
That doesn't mean they didn't just drop a bunch of simple life. Maybe they are more patient:)
Just coz something shares similar DNA doesn't necessarily mean it hasn't been "tweaked" a little.
Can't really disprove that but neither can you prove that I am not an alien or a psycokinetic walrus in a government testing lab.
Nor do I intend to try...

...and I still think armadillos are funny. :D
have you ever read the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy?

Maybe there's fossil records... but someone could have put them there. Yes, it would have taken a while.. but you never know.
i think aliens just come by earth to watch our TV and listen to our radio and soak up the media.... its what we do best :D