Wacky song's that YOU'VE written

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
Here goes:

It was

the flootent andthe dootent
the dootent andtheflootent
the dootent andtheflootent doo

*bum bum bum

If it wasn't for the dootent
then it wouldn't be a flootent
if it wasn't for the dootentDOO

*bum bum bum

It waasss the flootent and the dootent
the dootent and the flootent

I'll post a .wav of me singing it later if my mic works on the pc so you can get a better idea of how great this song is. I hope others are just as great and possibly more realistic!
in la vida locka melody

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
arising through the time.
No chance of survival,
against my own power.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
you're mortal and I live forever.
My slaves for whole your lifetime,
and longer if I wish to.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
and no ones gona help you.
You're trapped here forever,
don't try to run away now.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
living through the chaos.
Watching mortal plane with laughter,
I joy when you have sorrow.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
and I'm in charge of you.
Whole world is in my hands,
can squeeze it whenever I want.

i was yust listening to that song and latter forgot the words. I thought of these new ones while in shower
now I do not remember the exact melody either, but remember tht these words matched it quite good.
sorry, don' t have a microphone. yeah i' know it is cheap, but I have had no use of it(so I don' t have any).

and if I even had- I have forgotten the melody.

Really wacky song Pollux V.
Post a wav,wav,wav,wav,wav,wav,wav,wav,wav!

I get home at around 2:45 EST. I'll try to do it ASAP