Vote, hold political office, reproduce

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Registered Member
It has always seemed a good idea to me that if citizens have any religious beliefs at all, they should not be allowed to:
1) Vote
2) Hold political office
3) Reproduce

A person who is religious cannot possibly have any ability to think critically. People who lack the ability to think critically are just dead weight the rest of us have to carry around. Why encourage them?
While I agree, tongue in cheek, that type of thing is impossible due to the fact that 95% of the planet is religious in some way. I'm a firm believer that human beings are not generally an intelligent species. Only a tiny percentage of people throughout history are truly intelligent. The majority of the masses are incredibly feeble-minded. :(
It has always seemed a good idea to me that if citizens have any religious beliefs at all, they should not be allowed to:
1) Vote
2) Hold political office
3) Reproduce

A person who is religious cannot possibly have any ability to think critically. People who lack the ability to think critically are just dead weight the rest of us have to carry around. Why encourage them? user,only 12 posts so i will go lightly (for now)

1) preemptive. (did not check board for reactions to other similar posts)
2) stereotyping..(Some,Many,Few, acceptable debate terms,All,Every,Always, avoids misdirection)
3) unhealthy focus on your own emotional state of being (making it about how you feel as opposed to seeking understanding)

to enact policy to regulate groups of ppl, is <insert negative correlation here>
A clarification

I was unclear in my original post.

I certainly don't advocate killing religious people (I'm a deeply committed pacifist). However, given their limited mental ability, they can't be trusted to remain celibate or limit themselves to masturbation, oral or anal sex. So, they should simply be sterilized free of charge under medical supervision. And, any pregnant religious women should receive a free, medically supervised abortion. They are bound to be confused by this so they should also receive free counseling using simple words and colorful pictures they can understand.

Let them live out their pitiful, twisted lives to the best of their limited ability. We owe them that at least. After all, it's not their fault they were born defective.

In a century, they will all be gone and most of our problems will solved.

I should have named the original post "A modest proposal".
"A modest proposal".

again it is prejudicial, bigoted and lumps ALL believer into the same category..
this board is NOT a place to encourage hate and bigotry..if you continue you will be advised by the moderators to modify such behavior..

if you have any valid experiences to try and justify such an attitude, then speak of such experiences and DO NOT assume ALL believers are the same..

I have known many believers that are critical thinkers..

If you don't question your own faith,how will it hold up when someone else questions it?
again it is prejudicial, bigoted and lumps ALL believer into the same category..
this board is NOT a place to encourage hate and bigotry..if you continue you will be advised by the moderators to modify such behavior..

if you have any valid experiences to try and justify such an attitude, then speak of such experiences and DO NOT assume ALL believers are the same..

I have known many believers that are critical thinkers..

If you don't question your own faith,how will it hold up when someone else questions it?

I do not feel hate towards religious people, just compassion. It is NOT their fault they are as they are. I would imagine that they would say that their god made them as they are.

There is only one human race. Race, gender, ethicity, age, etc. are purely artificial distinctions. This is one of my guiding principles. How can you call me "bigoted"?

My life is guided entirely by science, evidence and reason. My experience has been that "belief" and "faith" are ineffective strategies.

I am simply proposing a humane solution to a difficult problem. If we were to implement this, it would solve global warming, evironmental degradation, resource depletion and over population. Surely it is in the best interest of the human race to take action no matter how difficult that may be.

In a future post, I will show that, for a relatively small investment by the governments of the world, the human race could save hundreds of trillions of dollars. It makes perfect economic sense.
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If you don't question your own faith,how will it hold up when someone else questions it?

If you have no faith, as many athiests don't, then there's nothing to question.
I have known many believers that are critical thinkers..
I think the OP is saying, in jest or otherwise, that (in the view of the OP) theism is a clear demonstration of the inability to think critically in areas of such personal significance that they should not be allowed to partake of other areas of such societal significance.

So to say that one is a "believer who thinks critically" is an oxymoron (in the view of the OP).
It has always seemed a good idea to me that if citizens have any religious beliefs at all, they should not be allowed to:
1) Vote
2) Hold political office
3) Reproduce

A person who is religious cannot possibly have any ability to think critically. People who lack the ability to think critically are just dead weight the rest of us have to carry around. Why encourage them?

Shit. You've already failed on two of three of those with me. What the fuck will you do now?

Goddamn those religious people, expecting equality and all. Next thing you know, the baby eating will be off too.
I do not feel hate towards religious people, just compassion. It is NOT their fault they are as they are. I would imagine that they would say that their god made them as they are.
have you even met any of these believers you are judgeing?
how many are like as you say?
or is this opinion based on how someone else feels?

There is only one human race. Race, gender, ethicity, age, etc. are purely artificial distinctions. This is one of my guiding principles. How can you call me "bigoted"?
see..emotional liberties are in play..IE you are focusing on what you 'feel' i said as opposed to what i actually said..IOW i did not call you bigot, i called the idea/concept bigoted..

My life is guided entirely by science, evidence and reason. My experience has been that "belief" and "faith" are ineffective strategies.
if your life IS guided by those things then you should understand you CANNOT base a conclusion on a limited understanding of the subject matter..
(you can't judge the whole by one piece of data)

I am simply proposing a humane solution to a difficult problem. If we were to implement this, it would solve global warming, evironmental degradation, resource depletion and over population. Surely it is in the best interest of the human race to take action no matter how difficult that may be.
lets segregate all the stupid ppl, eh?
prob with that is we are all screwed up..
every one would be segregated together..

In a future post, I will show that, for a relatively small investment by the governments of the world, the human race could save hundreds of trillions of dollars. It makes perfect economics sense.

lol..Get the government to pay for the bullets??
A quotation

"Three generations of imbeciles are enough."
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, 1927

These are perilous times. Many hard decisions lie before us. We must think what is in the best interests of the entire human race in the long term. We must not shirk our clear duty because we find it distasteful.
It has always seemed a good idea to me that if citizens have any religious beliefs at all, they should not be allowed to:
1) Vote
2) Hold political office
3) Reproduce

A person who is religious cannot possibly have any ability to think critically. People who lack the ability to think critically are just dead weight the rest of us have to carry around. Why encourage them?

hmmm. On a degree i agree with you. But at the same time, if we, the irreligious want to preach equality of the masses, then we must accept the close minded and arrogant as well. Being an anarchist, i already dont believe in the first two to any degree. The third one is im guessing is just a joke, one i have made myself. But i do see where you are coming from. One reason a republic cannot work, is those who are representative will base their decisions on the moral majority of their religion rather then choosing the right way.
Welcome to Sciforums btw. I am an anarcho-communist and the lead vocalist of the anarcho-punk band Anarchist United (yay first demo in 4 months :D) Hope to hear about yourself.
again it is prejudicial, bigoted and lumps ALL believer into the same category..
this board is NOT a place to encourage hate and bigotry..if you continue you will be advised by the moderators to modify such behavior..

if you have any valid experiences to try and justify such an attitude, then speak of such experiences and DO NOT assume ALL believers are the same..

I have known many believers that are critical thinkers..

If you don't question your own faith,how will it hold up when someone else questions it?

chill man. Everyone has the right to post their opinion. And this forum is here to discuss intelligently those opinions.
"Three generations of imbeciles are enough."
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, 1927

These are perilous times. Many hard decisions lie before us. We must think what is in the best interests of the entire human race in the long term. We must not shirk our clear duty because we find it distasteful.

see you on America's most wanted

btw justice Oliver is old school (March 8, 1841 – March 6, 1935)

any excuse eh?
emotional liberties are in play..IE you are focusing on what you 'feel'

base a conclusion on a limited understanding of the subject matter..

lets segregate all the stupid ppl, eh?

lol..Get the government to pay for the bullets??

I absolutely reject the segregation of anyone. That is clear discrimination.

I am a deeply committed pacifist. I absolutely reject violence of any kind.

My life is guided by science, evidence and reason. My exerience has been that "emotions" and "feelings" are ineffective strategies.

I have studied dozens religious people over the past two decades. Although many were otherwise decent people, they all seemed to be mentally deficient. If they actually ARE mentally deficient, I don't see how that can be called "bigoted".

I am aware that this proposal is controversial. I have examined a great deal of evidence as critically as I can and have come to the reluctant conclusion that this program, distasteful as it is, is the most humane solution to the problems that confront us. We must think of the human race as a whole.

Our moment of truth is at hand. In the best interest of the human race, we must not shirk our clear duty.


youre losing me here man. Im a radical, but youre going a bit off the deep end. I have a deep hate for religion, and i see the destruction it brings and one of my lifes work is bringing people away from religion and trying to make it crumble. But uhh, that statements a little harsh.
I absolutely reject the segregation of anyone. That is clear discrimination.

I am a deeply committed pacifist. I absolutely reject violence of any kind.



But peacefully, of course.
I have studied dozens religious people over the past two decades. Although many were otherwise decent people, they all seemed to be mentally deficient. If they actually ARE mentally deficient,
religion is poopulated by many different types of ppl..i don't know where you get your data (as i doubt any exists) but SOME does not constitute ALL, to apply a definitive solution for ALL exposes your determine a particular group of ppl as inferior and worthy of 'cleansing' is to reinstate hitlers ideas..

I am aware that this proposal is controversial. I have examined a great deal of evidence as critically as I can and have come to the reluctant conclusion that this program, distasteful as it is, is the most humane solution to the problems that confront us. We must think of the human race as a whole.
god save the stupid ppl..

Our moment of truth is at hand. In the best interest of the human race, we must not shirk our clear duty.

you do realize how your own attitude would qualify for any repercussions you are putting forth..
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