Vote For Atheism. Now!

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Apparently there was an atheism subforum here before, and guess what, it was empty. Nothing to talk about, no controversy.

I see your crusade against atheists is continuing though... I will sleep well tonight :D
We did have an atheism sub-forum, as well as a Christianity sub-forum and we disbanded them. The atheism forum remained essentially empty.

The lesson here is that without theism atheism has little or nothing to say.

The religion sub-forum is NOT just for pro-religion but a vehicle for debate by all sides. If the two sides are segregated then each sub-forum is likely to become banal and stale.

I strongly do not recommend an atheism sub-forum.
Cris said:
We did have an atheism sub-forum, as well as a Christianity sub-forum and we disbanded them. The atheism forum remained essentially empty.

The lesson here is that without theism atheism has little or nothing to say.

The religion sub-forum is NOT just for pro-religion but a vehicle for debate by all sides. If the two sides are segregated then each sub-forum is likely to become banal and stale.

I strongly do not recommend an atheism sub-forum.
And I recommend that moderators refrain from posting identical responses in multiple threads.

PS Is it possible to 'strongly' not recommend something?

Only kidding.
It's an interesting concept. It remains however that without pubes you don't have pubic lice. Without an idiot telling us a floaty space fairy exists, we wouldn't be here disputing it. Remember, us pubic lice are non existant without you pricks. :D
If you guys want to help the cause of breaking the galling chains of religion, take a look at the Freedom From Religion Foundation. I think the website if
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