Vivid dreams because of ......


Registered Member
Hello all. I'm quite new to these forums, and I only joined because I did a search in Google after I had some truly amazing dreams, and one which i think was lucid ( if i understand the term correctly). These are only within the last couple of days, and the reason I believe this is happening is ......

Nicotine patches.

Seriously. I stopped smoking the other day, and started on the nicotine patches, and both nights in a row I have had loads of seriously vivid dreams (in only 2 nights). The one which I believe was lucid was this :-

I am at work (video rental store) and someone wants to buy some sweets. They give me the money, and then change their mind about buying them and have to rush out the store because someone is going to be at their house. They didn't ask for their money back(even though I hadn't run it through the till) and i forgot to give it back. I realised a few moments later, and went out the store to give them their money (which was £1.50). I crossed a couple of streets and gave them it back (after a dispute about whether they had it back in the first place) and then went to go back into the store. When I turned i went to cross the 5 or 6 streets to get back to the store, but every time i crossed a road, I wasn't getting any closer. After trying 4 or 5 times I said to myself "this is a dream, I can just make myself be at the entrance", and then I was at the entrance. I thought this was pretty cool (in my dream) and the dream carried on. A few very weird things happened later and then I woke up.

Sorry this was so long winded, but I wanted to tell people that might listen

Was this lucid?
Has anyone else been on nicotine patches and had similar vivid dreams?

The Sox

Didn't really think of that.

But it wouldn't be nicotine withdrawal, because I'm still getting that through the patches. More likely it could be a withdrawal from a chemical in the ciggies (or roll-ups which I've been smoking mostly recently).

The Sox
See, this sort of thing really boggles my mind. First off, even in its purest form I have no Idea why there is anything paranormal about lucid dreams. You are under the influence of, or are withdrawing from, a psychoactive drug, and you are thinking that maybe your funny dreams are caused by the supernatural? Am I just not getting something?
SpyMoose said:
See, this sort of thing really boggles my mind. First off, even in its purest form I have no Idea why there is anything paranormal about lucid dreams. You are under the influence of, or are withdrawing from, a psychoactive drug, and you are thinking that maybe your funny dreams are caused by the supernatural? Am I just not getting something?

No. I don't think that its caused by the supernatural, and i never said it was. I think its from the nicotine patches. I dont think that dreaming is at all paranormal, but because its something that happens when you aren't conscious, no-one can adequately explain why we dream what we do.

Thats just weird.

The Sox
oh ok. I just think that lucid dreaming is a topic that is a little light for the parapsychology board. Also, when you are asleep you are consious, just differently conscious. For instance, hearing your own name spoken while you are asleep is more likely to wake you than just any noise.
Kinetic Spirit said:
Ok may I ask what differantly conscious means?

It means that sleep is an altered state of consciousness, like when you are on drugs, or have been hypnotized. When you are asleep your are not unconscious.
Don't sweat it Soxisgod. Its very common for nicotine patches to cause very vivid dreams. If they disturb you take the patch off at bed time. Personally, I'm lovin em!!! Have you yet had the dream and after being awakened for whatever reason, falling back asleep and continuing the very same dream? Before I started using the nic patches I could rarely remember any dreams now they are all live and in technicolor. Hope this helps

Sweet dreams to you
Brammy :D

soxisgod said:
Hello all. I'm quite new to these forums, and I only joined because I did a search in Google after I had some truly amazing dreams, and one which i think was lucid ( if i understand the term correctly). These are only within the last couple of days, and the reason I believe this is happening is ......

Nicotine patches.

Seriously. I stopped smoking the other day, and started on the nicotine patches, and both nights in a row I have had loads of seriously vivid dreams (in only 2 nights). The one which I believe was lucid was this :-

I am at work (video rental store) and someone wants to buy some sweets. They give me the money, and then change their mind about buying them and have to rush out the store because someone is going to be at their house. They didn't ask for their money back(even though I hadn't run it through the till) and i forgot to give it back. I realised a few moments later, and went out the store to give them their money (which was £1.50). I crossed a couple of streets and gave them it back (after a dispute about whether they had it back in the first place) and then went to go back into the store. When I turned i went to cross the 5 or 6 streets to get back to the store, but every time i crossed a road, I wasn't getting any closer. After trying 4 or 5 times I said to myself "this is a dream, I can just make myself be at the entrance", and then I was at the entrance. I thought this was pretty cool (in my dream) and the dream carried on. A few very weird things happened later and then I woke up.

Sorry this was so long winded, but I wanted to tell people that might listen

Was this lucid?
Has anyone else been on nicotine patches and had similar vivid dreams?

The Sox
damm you all, i gotta start smoking so i can quit and have patches, :p i really wanna have lucid dreams
i have only been on patches for the past two nights and have experienced a similar encounter. My dreams were so frightening that they felt more like an halicination then a dream. I was so frightened that I actually got up and got my mum to come and sleep with me (I am 25, sad I know). Unlike you I am really not enjoying this. Today i went and spoke with my pharmasists and he sad that this sort of thing does happen to a lot of people that are on nicotine replacement therapy. I have also heard of people that have had similar dreams that are not on patches.

I hope that they go away soon, good luck and sleep well
ok, maybe theyre the bad kind of vivid. you can have nicotine gum and heaps of ways other then patches, they might stop you having halucinations, talk to a pharmasist, they'll give you heaps of alternatives
I'm sorry that you are finding your dreams so frightening, and I have an explanation of why dreams are so vivid while you are on the patches.

First off, I really enjoy these dreams, and I realise that I was a bit expectant of everybody that had them, to enjoy them, when this is obviously not the case.

If you really don't like the dreams you are having, switch to nicotine gum. Simple.

I found out why we get such strong dreams from my clinic.

The reason we get messed up, vivid dreams, is because when we wear a nicotine patch, it is giving you a source of nicotine for 24 hours of the day, wheras if you smoke ciggies, you aren't getting any nicotine for the duration of the sleep. Nicotine stimulates the brain, so when you are sleeping, you're brain is being stimulated, when normally it wouldn't be, causing such vivid dreams.

Hope this explains a few things, and gives you awesome dreams if you want them.

My one last night involved being at the Godfathers mansion because Bobby Robson had died (i know) and people chasing after me, but not really catching me. Loads of girls were coming up to me, and we ran and hid and all sorts. It was cool as. It was one of those adrenaline filled dreams, but in this case, I knew they wouldn't catch me, so wheras it could have been a proper nightmare, it was actually really, really good.

The Sox

Sleep Tight
If I remember right, didn't they recall one of these nicotine patches, for this very reason, that they were producing vivid dreams.

The hallucination mentioned, could have happened if you was in sleep paralysis.
the dreams associated with the nicotine patches are surely associated with the fact that you don't smoke throughout the night- but when wearing a patch you are getting a higher dose throughout the night unless you take the patch off in the evening. it has been shown that smokers develop a marked increase in neuro receptors for nicotine. this leads to stimulated brain activity and more fun or lucid dreams.

after reading the other posts I couldn't believe that this was not mentioned by anyone else, the nocturnal dose factor.

I was surfing trying to figure out the reason for my bad dreams on the patch and I'm glad I bumped into this message. Just thought I'd share my experience with the patch...I've worn it two days now, first night kept waking up and last night dreamed that I was being chased by a guy I recognize from a local composite sketch shown on the news. He had a gun, caught me, raped me, and cut my right thigh up with the broken end of an antennae, then cut himself on the arm and rubbed his bleeding cut on my bloody leg to mix our blood. ??? I also was lost in a university in my panties for a while (of course everyone else was dressed) and in another part I was chasing a neighborhood kid (who tries to bully my son) through woods, jungle, and over stone walls but never caught him. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep last night either. I am going to start putting my patch on in the morning instead of at night to see if that helps, if not I'll have to take it off. Every time I would doze off again, the dream would continue.

Thanks to the person that explained what his pharmacist said. That totally makes sense. Weird stuff!!