VitalOne's Fallacious Rants Against Atheism


Atheism is entirely based off logical fallacies or false assumptions, no atheist has ever yet addressed these fallacies. It is also just the same as any other faith-based belief system.

argument from ignorance:
"There's no evidence God exists, so God doesn't exist"
"You can't prove God exists, so God cannot exist"
"Lack of evidence that God exists indicates that the existence of God is unlikely"
"Only what the current evidence at the present time indicates is the truth"

argument from personal incredulity:
"Do you really believe there's an invisible man, sky-daddy, etc...?"
"It sounds like religion is a fantasy, fictional, a myth, made up"

"Well I don't believe in Zeus, an Invisible Pink Unicorn, Santa Claus, God must not exist"
"I see no reason to believe in Thor, Zeus, Santa Claus, I see no reason to believe in God"
"I don't believe in Zeus, Thor, Santa Claus, I don't believe in God"
"There's no evidence Zeus, Santa Claus, the tooth-fairy, etc.., exists and there's also no evidence that God exists, so God must not exist"
"If God really existed, then there would be no more suffering in the world, only good things would happen"

unfalsifiability: Atheism is unfalsifiable, just the same as any other faith-based belief system, in EVERY and ANY condition atheists can invoke the "god of the gaps" or "god-did-it" excuse and deny any and every imaginable amount of evidence. Anything that is unfalsifiable is just the same as any other faith-based belief.

How do atheists account for these fallacies?
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um atheism is not like that at all i'm assuming based on this thread that you are some sort of christian which is probably the most ilogical religion in the world god is along the same lines as a unicorn or a dragon he can't and never will exist some one would have had to create that deity to it doesn't fit
Well I won't say that I haven't seen those arguments before Vital One. They're cliches at best. But while I find atheist irrational in their arguments against God I don't fault them for not believing in God.

There are many people across the world you come to the conclusion that there is no God for reasons that you can only sypathize with. Popular religion says that God takes his angels from the Earth, that our time is decided by destiny, that calamities occur against those who deserve it. So many people are raised with religions hypocritical superstitions that defy logic.

Most of atheist are just fighting back at this ugly situation religion has made for it'self and would prefer religion be wrapped up and take out. After all the tragedies in the name of God can we really take offensive? I would prefer not to.

You are entirely correct with these conclusions concerning religions -

Atheism is entirely based off logical fallacies or false assumptions, no atheist has ever yet addressed these fallacies. It is also just the same as any other faith-based belief system.
Just as you say It is also just the same as any other faith-based belief system – so you finally agree that religions (faith based belief systems) are entirely based off logical fallacies or false assumptions.

Anything that is unfalsifiable is just the same as any other faith-based belief.
The conclusion you are making then is that atheist claims are useless just like your claims for religion.

Did you really mean to point out so clearly that you bellieve religion is irrational?
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You are entirely correct with these conclusions concerning religions -

Just as you say It is also just the same as any other faith-based belief system – so you finally agree that religions (faith based belief systems) are entirely based off logical fallacies or false assumptions.

The conclusion you are making then is that atheist claims are useless just like your claims for religion.

Did you really mean to point out so clearly that you bellieve religion is irrational?

you had to go and poke the troll didn't you

You are entirely correct with these conclusions concerning religions -

Just as you say It is also just the same as any other faith-based belief system – so you finally agree that religions (faith based belief systems) are entirely based off logical fallacies or false assumptions.

The conclusion you are making then is that atheist claims are useless just like your claims for religion.

Did you really mean to point out so clearly that you bellieve religion is irrational?

Dude, try the 'ignore' button with this guy. Makes the reading go faster through the thread and you aren't missing anything logical or rational.;)
um atheism is not like that at all i'm assuming based on this thread that you are some sort of christian which is probably the most ilogical religion in the world god is along the same lines as a unicorn or a dragon he can't and never will exist some one would have had to create that deity to it doesn't fit
Yes it is, you didn't address any of the arguments at all, and you also make another assumption (anyone who criticizes atheism must be a Christian fundamentalist)

Next time try to actually explain instead of saying "oh you're just wrong"

Well I won't say that I haven't seen those arguments before Vital One. They're cliches at best. But while I find atheist irrational in their arguments against God I don't fault them for not believing in God.

There are many people across the world you come to the conclusion that there is no God for reasons that you can only sypathize with. Popular religion says that God takes his angels from the Earth, that our time is decided by destiny, that calamities occur against those who deserve it. So many people are raised with religions hypocritical superstitions that defy logic.

Most of atheist are just fighting back at this ugly situation religion has made for it'self and would prefer religion be wrapped up and take out. After all the tragedies in the name of God can we really take offensive? I would prefer not to.
I don't fault atheists for anything except for believing they're more rational and superior than everyone else


You are entirely correct with these conclusions concerning religions -

Just as you say It is also just the same as any other faith-based belief system – so you finally agree that religions (faith based belief systems) are entirely based off logical fallacies or false assumptions.

The conclusion you are making then is that atheist claims are useless just like your claims for religion.

Did you really mean to point out so clearly that you bellieve religion is irrational?
I wish you could address the arguments, atheists constantly say atheism doesn't require faith, also theists never deny that theism is faith based at all, only atheists do

Also I've repeatedly stated that theism and atheism are BOTH irrational, you see I can handle it unlike atheists

Dude, try the 'ignore' button with this guy. Makes the reading go faster through the thread and you aren't missing anything logical or rational.;)
I agree, since you can't address the argument, ignore the whole situation, pretend like it never happened, give up, go home and just ignore everything
Yes it is, you didn't address any of the arguments at all, and you also make another assumption (anyone who criticizes atheism must be a Christian fundamentalist)

Next time try to actually explain instead of saying "oh you're just wrong"

I don't fault atheists for anything except for believing they're more rational and superior than everyone else

I wish you could address the arguments, atheists constantly say atheism doesn't require faith, also theists never deny that theism is faith based at all, only atheists do

Also I've repeatedly stated that theism and atheism are BOTH irrational, you see I can handle it unlike atheists

I agree, since you can't address the argument, ignore the whole situation, pretend like it never happened, give up, go home and just ignore everything

why is it you wish to inflict a standard upon people without following said standard yourself
Vital One, stop beating yourself up!
The self flaggellation is just getting ugly.

p.s let the poor silly atheists believe they are superior and chill out in your superior knowledge, PLEASE!
unfalsifiability: Atheism is unfalsifiable, just the same as any other faith-based belief system, in EVERY and ANY condition atheists can invoke the "god of the gaps" or "god-did-it" excuse and deny any and every imaginable amount of evidence. Anything that is unfalsifiable is just the same as any other faith-based belief.


what evidence?
Vitalone, your opening premise is a straw man. Atheists merely do not believe in your God. You are as much of an atheist as I, unless you beleive equally in Pan, Loki, Ganesh, Shiva, Odin, Ceridwen, Ninhursag, Baal, Huitzilopochtli, Amaterasu, Aten, Dagon, Mithras, or Quetzalcoatl, to name but a few, some of which doubltess you have never heard of, let alone pondered on their existence!

YOU ARE AN ATHEIST TOO, unless you are arrogant and think that there is only one god that could possibly exist, and you happen to be right in your beliefs while others are misguided. So you are either an atheist, or an arrogant prig. Which is it?
I get the distinct feeling that you think you are superior yourself Vital.

I don't think I'm superior and I'm an atheist.. so how do I fit in your theory ?
"Well I don't believe in Zeus, an Invisible Pink Unicorn, Santa Claus, God must not exist"

what god? as phlogistician pointed out, if you want to choose a good, you have to be an atheist regarding all the other thousands... atheists just rule out +1 god... except if you're a politheist, then uh.. I don't really want to be in a discussion with a politheist :)

besides, there is always the possibility that you picked the wrong god... then where does that leave you?

"If God really existed, then there would be no more suffering in the world, only good things would happen"

either that or god does not listen to prayers
argument from personal incredulity:
"Do you really believe there's an invisible man, sky-daddy, etc...?"
"It sounds like religion is a fantasy, fictional, a myth, made up"

how is that a fallacy? you can believe anything you want... there are many much less absurd things to believe, though. If such a believe doesn't offend your intelect, then good for you!
how is that a fallacy? you can believe anything you want... there are many much less absurd things to believe, though. If such a believe doesn't offend your intelect, then good for you!

he is correct it is a logical fallacy one he is ever so fond of falling prey to
argument from ignorance:
"There's no evidence God exists, so God doesn't exist"
"You can't prove God exists, so God cannot exist"
"Lack of evidence that God exists indicates that the existence of God is unlikely"
"Only what the current evidence at the present time indicates is the truth"

This is a misunderstanding on your part - and to be honest you should be well past this point by now as it has been explained to you on numerous occasions.

Lack of evidence for gods existing simply boils down to having no reason to believe they do. See part 3 for more on this.

argument from personal incredulity:
"Do you really believe there's an invisible man, sky-daddy, etc...?"
"It sounds like religion is a fantasy, fictional, a myth, made up"

It is quite bizarre to think that people will accept belief in one thing out of trillions without any evidence whatsoever and merely on the word of paedophiles and old books. These beings - from sky daddy's to invisible men, might exist, the incredulity comes from people believing they do for no good reason whatsoever.

"Well I don't believe in Zeus, an Invisible Pink Unicorn, Santa Claus, God must not exist"
"If God really existed, then there would be no more suffering in the world, only good things would happen"

There is no evidence to suggest gods exist - be that yhwh, zeus, or the fsm. Likewise there is no evidence to suggest that santa claus, leprechauns or the flying dodo of mount hogglethwog exists and thus the comparison. You wont find people saying "there's no evidence that leprechauns exist so god must not exist", that's simply stupidity or another misunderstanding on your part. The comparison is used simply to give you an understanding as to why we do not believe in certain beings, (complete lack of evidence).

Why don't you believe in leprechauns? Complete lack of evidence right? Voila.

unfalsifiability: Atheism is unfalsifiable, just the same as any other faith-based belief system, in EVERY and ANY condition atheists can invoke the "god of the gaps" or "god-did-it" excuse and deny any and every imaginable amount of evidence. Anything that is unfalsifiable is just the same as any other faith-based belief.

Incorrect. Simply show one instance of a god's existence and the lack of belief in that god is falsified. Capiche?

How do atheists account for these fallacies?

The original claimant not being all that intelligent. Back to the drawing board with you.